Which Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Despite the large cast in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (FMAB), each character has unique motivations and goals. The intentionality to instill conflicting purposes creates a diverse cast that fights together but for different causes. Though the alliance works in tandem for the finale, they still have their ambitions to achieve when the FMAB concludes; this helps make even minor characters feel well-rounded and fleshed out. 

With so many characters comes a variety of personalities. Some are demonstrative, excitable, and easily loved by fans. Others are inscrutable, complicated, and take time to warm up to. Whether fans relate to the former or latter, there is someone in the FMAB cast for every zodiac type. 

Roy Mustang – Aries

Which Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Aries are courageous, confident, and honest, but they are prone to aggression and volatility when crossed.

All the qualities necessary for good leadership, Colonel Roy Mustang possesses. He is assured and direct but compassionate and genuinely desires to advocate for others. Politics is about balancing tact, pushing agendas, and often, working with “opponents.” While Mustang doesn’t disguise his ambitions, those around him know he will unapologetically steamroll whoever tries to intercept his path. Although slow to wrath, Mustang is fiercely intimidating and virtually unyielding when those he cares for are in danger (Hawkeye).

Riza Hawkeye – Taurus

Tauruses are steadfast, devoted, and patient people, but they are stubborn (as a bull) and uncompromising.

If Mustang is the brain, his lieutenant is his hands, the part of the team that does the heavy lifting while the head earns most of the credit. That’s just the way the two prefer it. Riza Hawkeye is as reliable in her deportment as she is with her emotions. While she seems unflappable and stern, she possesses a subtle charm that makes her approachable. Though Hawkeyes is defined by her allegiance, she holds Mustang accountable. 

Van Hohenheim – Gemini

Geminis are best known for their curiosity and adaptability, but they can seem indecisive and despise routine. 

There isn’t a more perfect zodiac to assign to Van Hohenheim – a man who is split to create another (Father). Although he is an imperfect parent, he is a selfless hero who uses his adaptability and wit to overcome his many hardships. When burdened by Father’s horrific deeds, his guilt and curiosity help him build deep bonds with the souls trapped within him. After discovering Father’s machinations, Hohenheim confronts those elaborate plans by devising his own. 

May Chang – Cancer

May Chang and Shao May Fullmetal Alchemist Title Card

Cancers are tenacious and imaginative, but they are also moody and insecure at their worst.

Although May Chang tends to excessively fall head over heels in her overtly romantic ideas with potential suitors (first Ed, then Al), she longs for a genuine partner who adores her. The series’ finale implies Alphonse reciprocates her fond sentiments to a degree. Besides her fanciful imagination, Chang is committed to helping her clan rise from poverty. Like Ling Yao, she pursues all avenues to ensure her family’s survival but gets caught in another country’s power struggle.

Edward Elric – Leo

Leos are best known for their creativity and intensity, but they can be prone to arrogance, stubbornness, and inflexibility.

Although all alchemists study the nature and properties of matter (metal, stone, concrete, etc.), they must also possess the ingenuity to mold the elements. Edward Elric is also passionate, sometimes in excess. However, his best yet most controversial trait is his obstinate inflexibility to waver from his beliefs – invoking the Philosopher’s Stone for personal gain. His staunch convictions force him to think out of the box when presented with an alternate solution that isn’t transparent.

Lan Fan – Virgo

Lan Fan Fullmetal Alchemist Title Card

Virgos are analytical, hardworking, and kind, but they tend to be shy and hold unrealistic standards for themselves and others.

As the Xingese prince’s faithful bodyguard, Lan Fan implicitly trusts her master’s dictates and intercedes any threat that endangers him. She expects herself to perform at the highest level of service without fail, even when it leads to bodily sacrifice. When she can no longer protect Ling Yao, she urges him to leave her to die at their enemy’s hand. Thankfully, her liege’s fidelity is mutual, and he actively rescues her.

Alex Louis Armstrong – Libra

Alex Armstrong Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Title Card

Libras are cooperative, diplomatic, and fair, but they may be indecisive and hold grudges. 

Warm, demonstrative, and eager, Major Alex Armstrong is at his best when working as a team to provide harmony and justice for others. In the Ishaval War, his sense of morality conflicted with his job duties, so he fled the battle in disgrace. Between the years of the war, he comes to terms with his cowardice (not opposing the military), and he actively works to the right the scales by liberating the Ishavalan’s land when Mustang becomes a general.

Olivier Armstrong – Scorpio

Olivier Armstrong Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Title Card

Scorpios are known for their resourcefulness, bravery, and loyalty. However, they can be manipulative and highly distrustful of others.

The indomitable General Olivier Armstrong is dauntless and bears an iron will like the Northern fortress she commands. Despite her permanently brusque and severe disposition, most immediately respect her resolute authority and admire her troops’ allegiance. When the Elric brothers travel to Fort Briggs with a letter of recommendation from Alex, she shreds the envelope: “The ideas and opinions of others don’t affect me. I decide with my own eyes.”

Winry Rockbell – Sagittarius

Winry Rockbell Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Title Card

Sagittariuses are generous and idealistic, but they are not known for their tact and sometimes over-promise and under-fulfill.

As Edward’s trustworthy mechanic and best friend, Winry Rockbell, is generous with her time and endeavors to care for those around her. To the point of idealism, she often believes the best in others, but sometimes that naivety backfires (Kimblee). However, she is willing to forgive others (Scar), especially when necessary to meet a greater goal. When annoyed or angered, she is sure to swiftly let the transgressor know (the Elrics).

Ling Yao – Capricorn

Ling Yao Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Title Card

Capricorns value discipline and courtesy, but they can be unforgiving and condescending.

As a Prince of Xing, Ling Yao mastered swordsmanship and martial arts at a young age. Though he can appear shallow at times, the young lord is also severe, cunning, and deceptive when it suits him. He aspires to be the future emperor; he is fiercely dedicated and feels he abides the sole weight of his clan’s welfare. Yao does not shy away from responsibility, and he proves that he’s willing to face every challenge (philosopher’s stone) to guarantee his subjects’ prosperity.

Scar – Aquarius

Scar in Fullmetal Alchemist

Aquariuses are original and independent thinkers, but they struggle to confront their emotions despite being temperamental.

After his family’s murder, Scar rebels against the values he was raised upon. His resentfulness simplifies the guilty (everyone in Amestris) and blinds him to accepting responsibility for the pain his ruthlessness begets. Revenge requires him to detach his humanity. The way he administers retribution is unequivocally immoral, but his actions expose the government’s corruption. Although his path to redemption isn’t linear, Scar learns to embrace that change is brought by working with others, not isolating himself in animosity.

Alphonse Elric – Pisces

Pisces are compassionate, intuitive, and gentle souls who may be overly trusting and fall victim to martyrism.

Alphonse Elric exemplifies compassion and grace, or at least civility, even to those who have wronged him while identifying the value of a truce (Scar). In his parents’ absence, he intuitively takes a semi-paternal role with his older brother, Edward. However, sometimes he is quick to judge someone’s character; fortunately, Elric’s instincts rarely lead him astray. When reunited with his neglectful father, he’s eager to build a relationship, whereas Edward treats Van Hohenheim with skepticism.

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