Which Food Wars Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

Which Food Wars Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

Created in 2015, Food Wars is a delightful anime centered around Soma Yukihira, a young aspiring chef who enrolls in a famed culinary school in Japan with hopes of surpassing his father’s legendary status as a top cook in the land. Along with his friends and fellow classmates, Soma fights tooth and nail to become the best student in his class and forge a bright future for himself.

As fans await word of a Season 6 release date, now is a perfect time to break down the astrological signs of the main characters and see how readers stack up with their Food Wars counterparts.

Aquarius – Zenji

Which Food Wars Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

If Aquarius is known as the smartest zodiac sign in the astrological chart, then Zenji Marui is clearly an Aquarian on Food Wars. The hyper-intelligent and supremely gifted culinary student sets the standards for academic excellence on the show despite his limited physical capabilities.

Often bullied for his weak physical frame, Zenji more than atones for his limitations by hitting the books, getting far better grades than his classmates, and ultimately getting to participate in the special Autumn Elections cooking event.

Pisces – Megumi

Megumi faces camera in Food Wars

Megumi Tadokoro has a personality that is often described as shy and clumsy, which most closely aligns with an astrological Pisces. The kind, thoughtful, and reserved young Food Wars chef also loves to cook fish, which couldn’t be more perfect. Alas, her crippling stage fright often makes her accident-prone.

Moreover, the name Megumi loosely translates to “grace” and “kindness,” which are both qualities inhabited by the water sign Pisces, as they tend to radiate elegance and sophistication. As seen in her “Hopping Hare” mode, Megumi is also mutable from one surrounding to another, making her quite adaptable.

Aries – Soma

Soma wears a white headband on Food Wars

Defined by brimming confidence and courage more than anything else, series protagonist Soma Yukihira would almost certainly be an Aries. As the very first sign in the western world, Aries also signifies taking the lead, being the first to take chances and try new things, which is a mantra Soma reiterates throughout the show.

In addition to being a bold risk-taker and impetuous decision-maker, Soma vocationally reinforces his fire sign by using heat to cook gourmet meals that could probably top even the best movie chefs of all time. Soma’s impulsive nature also aligns with that of Aries, as his reckless youthful behavior often gets him into tight jams that require his creative side to get out of.

Taurus – Takumi

Takumi wears white on Food Wars

Defined by a hot temper and grudge-holding personality, Soma’s chief rival Takumi Aldini is clearly a bullish Taurus on Food Wars. Jealous, hard-headed, and stubborn to a fault, Takumi’s biggest Taurean moment came when vindictively mounted revenge on Etsuya for fixing a quarterfinals match.

As for the positive side of Takumi’s Taurean traits, his fierce loyalty to his younger brother Isami shows how faithful he is to the ones he loves most and how willing he is to protect them at all costs.

Gemini – Shun

Shun holds a cup in his mouth on Food Wars

If ever there was a Gemini on Food Wars, it has to be Shun Ibusaki. Before getting into his two-sided nature, it’s first worth noting Shun’s calm, flat, and super sedate personality that closely aligns with Gemini. Shun never overreacts to shocking drama and is often way too calm to take anything seriously.

As such, Shun hides his true intention to be a so-so student by feigning disappointment when he loses a cooking battle. He really has no desire to be the best chef but pretends to be anyway, which underscores his duplicitous two-faced nature.

Cancer – Alice

Alice looks happy on Food Wars

With an artistic, creative, and highly imaginative sensibility, Alice Nikiri has all the makings of a Cancer on the stellar food-related anime. She takes the artisanal side of cooking more important than anything else and comes up with the most creative dishes as a result.

On the negative side, Alice can also be a bit smug and temperamental, something that also befits most Cancer signs. Cancers also tend to be the most hated sign on the chart, which Alice certainly knows a thing or two about being the top chef in her class.

Leo – Erina

Erina looks sad on Food Wars

Predominately defined by her egotistical elitism and self-centered perfectionism, Erina Nakiri has all the biggest personality traits of a Leo. Often seeing themselves as royalty, Erina’s pampered and privileged background makes her think she is better than everyone else.

Granted, much of her personality is a result of her abusive father treating her poorly, but Erina retains a snotty and stuck-up mean girl attitude that, very much like a pride of lions, struggles to make friends. Her incredibly proud high standards for herself reinforce her leonine demeanor.

Virgo – Ryoko

Ryoko stares at the screen in Food Wars

While she is also kind and gentle, the defining characteristic of Ryoko Sakaki on the show is level-headed maturity, a hallmark of Virgo signs. While her adolescent classmates and fellow chefs like to goof around, Ryoko is far more of an adult who uses cold logic to make key decisions.

With her mature outlook and ability to accept things as they come without overreacting, Ryoko uses her Virgo traits to help assuage Yuki when she becomes upset. As such, Ryoko is often referred to as a “Big Sis” on the show, a familial trait also ascribed to Virgos as a great caretaking sibling. It’s complex characters like these that make the show one of the best anime to currently watch on Netflix.

Libra – Shoji

Shoji folds arms in the background on Food Wars

Shoji Sato is another talented chef who often spends much of his time pestering Daigo and Zenji with a relentlessly argumentative personality. Between his combative nature, hard-partying ways that find him throwing several dorm room bashes, and his unwavering loyalty to the Polar Star residents, Shoji has all the major hallmarks of a Libra.

Libras are not only loyal yet argumentative party-animals, but they are also quite ambivalent, something Shoji also demonstrates throughout the series, signified most by his lack of a discernible cooking style and easily-adaptable menu depending on the situation.

Scorpio – Ikumi

Ikumi talks on the phone in a limo on Food Wars

Ikumi Mito’s personality is fiery and combative, a hallmark of the deadly and quick-striking Scorpio. She is also extremely proud of her expertise in meat products, further solidifying her status as a sinfully prideful Scorpio.

Despite her confrontational nature, Ikumi harbors a secret crush on Soma, something that aligns with Scorpio’s inherent penchant for keeping secrets and remaining as discreet as possible. Ikumi even has a tuft of hair that sort of resembles a scorpion’s stinger jutting from the top.

Sagittarius – Yuki

Yuki stands in the library on Food Wars

With a cheery, spunky, and gregarious demeanor, Yuki Yoshino is clearly the biggest Sagittarius on the low-key anime geared for those who want a break in the action. Always happy and uplifting those around her, Yuki’s bubbly and infectious personality is a constant source of joy.

With a playful sense of humor that she uses to keep her friends and classmates in a good mood, Yuki also loves to engage in trivial gossip and poke fun at the various romances developing in her class. Her unbridled passion for learning about all subjects makes Yuki a true Sagittarius through and through.

Capricorn – Hisako

Hisako looks shocked on Food Wars

Often dubbed as “The Achiever,” Capricorn signs are defined by ambition, order, and organization. In Food Wars, no character is tidier or more organized than Hisako Arato, Erina’s personal secretary who does everything in her power to ensure her boss’ success.

With great time management skills, Hisako is a cardinal sign that is excellent at taking action and leading the way as a dedicated workaholic, traits shown time and again by Hisako as she selflessly puts Erina’s needs before her own and vows to make sure every task is done efficiently.