Which Fighters Mortal Kombat 12 Needs The Most

Which Fighters Mortal Kombat 12 Needs The Most

Mortal Kombat 12 is likely to start a new chapter in the series, and there are a few characters that it would need to include. The series has a long and twisted storyline, and an unpredictable roster to go along with it thanks to characters fading in and out of relevance. Following the latest development, though, there are a few characters that can make the new chapter interesting.

At the end of Mortal Kombat 11, after the defeat of Kronika and Shang Tsung, Liu Kang becomes Fire God Liu Kang, elevating himself to an all-powerful state. Following the time-based storyline of the game, Liu Kang declares his intention to create a new timeline, one that would hopefully be free of the chaos and strife that they had all endured. While this could lead to a few good developments, such as potentially bringing back Mortal Kombat‘s Konquest mode, there are also a few characters that cannot afford to be left out of a potential new timeline.

Skarlet Has Been Underused, And Needs To Return In MK 12

Which Fighters Mortal Kombat 12 Needs The Most

Originally debuting as a DLC character in 2011’s Mortal Kombat, Skarlet was not a character who many expected to return for that reason alone. As a result, her return in Mortal Kombat 11 was a surprise to many. Despite the unusual origins of her debut in the series, Skarlet has proven herself to be an incredibly fascinating character with one of the games’ more unique fighting styles. There are several reasons why a Skarlet return could be good for Mortal Kombat 12.

Skarlet has the ability to use blood magic, which lets her manipulate blood in any form, be it hers, her opponents, or otherwise. The vast majority of her moveset incorporates her blood magic, turning blood into weapons and projectiles for her use. This makes her a perfect choice for Mortal Kombat 11‘s AI Fighter mechanic, as the sheer amount of long-range maneuvers that she can pull off with her blood magic makes her one of the best pure zoners in all of Mortal Kombat. She also has the basis for an interesting story, with her being loyal to Shao Khan, although unaware that he taught her a corrupted form of blood magic that basically requires her to absorb blood to survive.

Skarlet’s visually impressive and technically unique moveset should be enough to get her into Mortal Kombat 12 on its own. Her connection to Shao Khan could also bring a good dynamic to the storyline. For example, she could have her faith in him shaken after discovering that he sabotaged her blood magic, essentially condemning her to life as an assassin. Mortal Kombat 12‘s roster could be disappointing if Skarlet doesn’t make the cut, despite her brief run thus far.

Sheeva Should Return To Mortal Kombat 12 As The Resident Heroic Shokan

Sheeve holding her fist in her other palm in Mortal Kombat 11.

Sheeva has held a few roles over the course of Mortal Kombat, from being Sindel’s personal bodyguard to the queen of the Shokan. Although in her original appearance she could be seen as simply a female version of recurring boss Goro, she has successfully evolved into her own distinct character. Mortal Kombat 11 helped to solidify Sheeva’s character, and it would be a shame if Mortal Kombat 12 let that go to waste by leaving her out.

As one would likely expect from her height and muscular frame, Sheeva is one of Mortal Kombat‘s powerhouse characters. In addition to her infamous Dragon Stomp, her moveset features several grabs that let her effortlessly throw her opponents around. The addition of a shield in 11 added a selection of shield bashes to her fighting style as well. Playing as Sheeva in Mortal Kombat 11 made her feel as powerful as one would expect from her position. In terms of character, Sheeva also manages to find herself in a unique role. Unlike previous Shokan kombatant Goro, she has her own sense of duty and morality that, while still often harsh, makes her a more heroic character than her predecessor. Having her as a counterpart to Goro creates a distinction that makes their respective characters stronger, and Mortal Kombat 12 should keep that distinction alive.

It would be a disappointment if Sheeva didn’t get to appear in Mortal Kombat 12. In addition to being a fantastic brawler-type character, she’s the most interesting of the Shokan characters introduced, largely due to being the most rational and thoughtful in addition to wielding great strength. Whevever Mortal Kombat 12 is in the timeline, Sheeva would make for an excellent inclusion both gameplay- and story-wise.

Erron Black Is The Wild Card That Mortal Kombat 12 Needs

Erron Black, dressed like a cowboy, standing in a warehouse in Mortal Kombat 11.

Debuting in Mortal Kombat X, Erron Black is a type of character that few would expect to see in the Mortal Kombat universe. In a world of magical martial artists, high-tech warriors, and savage, bestial combatants, Black is a cowboy who heads into battle with guns and dynamite. It seems like a silly concept, but Black has enough swagger to pull it off. The end result is a fun, charismatic character who could easily be added to the next game.

A cowboy-turned-mercenary, Erron Black does not throw in his loyalty with anyone in particular. His alignment simply rests with whoever’s willing to pay him for a job. This trait could make him a dynamic character in the new timeline, acting as a wild card who could operate on either side of a conflict for profit. In additon, after Liu Kang became a god in MK 11, Erron Black is possibly the closest thing to a normal human in the games. While most of the cast uses intricate martial arts or supernatural powers in combat, Black is a simple fist fighter who uses quick draws and trick shots to defeat his enemies, and he does so stylishly.

Erron Black is one of Mortal Kombat‘s more unique characters. Between his laid-back cowboy attitude and gunslinging style, he stands out in the chaotic world of Mortal Kombat. It’s that same distinctive style that would make him an amazing choice to bring back in Mortal Kombat 12. He’s one of the series’ better recent characters, and the developers should keep him around as long as possible. If Mortal Kombat 12 ignores 11‘s roster, it would be a dreadful mistake, because excellent characters like Erron Black would be excluded.

Mortal Kombat‘s core cast such as Scorpion and Johnny Cage likely aren’t going anywhere, but the rest of the roster is up in the air. Some of Mortal Kombat‘s best characters could be in danger of being left out of the series’ new timeline, potentially wasting a lot of good fighters and storylines. Mortal Kombat 12 could have the series’ best roster to date, and the aforementioned characters could help to make it so.