Which Fantastic Beasts Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Fantastic Beasts Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The only person who really seems to care about the zodiac in Harry Potter is Professor Trelawney and the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest. For most characters in the series, it’s much more important to know your Hogwarts house than it is to understand the meaning or traits behind your zodiac sign. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter to the muggle readers and viewers of the series, though.

Unfortunately muggles don’t officially get sorted at Hogwarts, but they do come with their own zodiac sign depending on their birthday. And, the traits related to the zodiac sign seem to be a little less one note than the houses of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Here are the characters in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and the zodiac signs that best match their personalities.

Aries – Grindelwald

Which Fantastic Beasts Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Aries are known for being passionate, motivated, and confident. They are often leaders who try to build communities. People may not agree with his beliefs or his tactics, but Gellert Grindelwald certainly encompasses all of the above.

He is passionate about his mission and incredibly confident in his magical abilities to bring his plan to fruition. His followers may be more on the evil side, but he certainly is successfully building his own very special community.

Leo – Dumbledore

Jude Law as Dumbledore

Only a true Gryffindor could represent the zodiac sign of the lion. He, like Aries and Grindelwald, is also a successful and natural leader. There’s a reason Grindelwald and Dumbledore are both attracted to one another as well as mortal enemies. While the Ministry of Magic may have trouble with Albus, he’s still incredibly popular overall.

However, like any good Leo, Dumbledore is also a little dramatic. He also has a bit of an ego problem. He expects everyone to listen to him and follow his lead (sorry, Newt).

Cancer – Queenie

An image of Queenie Goldstein standing in a bakery in Fantastic Beasts

Queenie is a perfect character to match with the Cancer zodiac sign. Like most born under the sign of Cancer, she is nurturing and sensitive. It is her compassion that makes her relationship with Jacob take off. Her sense of humor is light and fun.

However, she is also security seeking. That’s why, despite being a good person, she joins Grindelwald at the end of the second Fantastic Beasts movie.

Taurus – Theseus

Newt and Theseus Scamander

Theseus Scamander, older brother of Newt Scamander, is the responsible Ministry of Magic official. Like any Taurus, he is practical, stoic, and determined. His ambition led him to a high ranking job, as opposed to his brother’s roaming about with a suitcase full of animals.

Theseus is stubborn, a very common trait in a Taurus. He also cares about how he looks to others, whether it’s his job or his relationships.

Pisces – Newt Scamander

Newt Scamander, the Hufflepuff hero of the Fantastic Beasts series, is a Pisces through and through. Like most Pisces, he is incredibly empathetic. It’s this trait that makes him particularly good with animals.

He has a certain romanticism about him, always wanting the best out of people and, obviously, caring for animals. Newt’s imagination allows him to believe in a better lighter world that should exist around him.

Scorpio – Credence

Credence may not seem like an obvious Scorpio, but he’s misunderstood as many Scorpio can be. He is also rather jealous of those with magic, and very secretive (though it makes sense seeing the conditions he was raised under).

Credence is also a bit resentful, again because of how he grew up. But he’s ambitious too, he’s always wanted more than he was ever given.

Sagittarius – Tina

Tine is a lover of fair play. The fair-mindedness of Sagittarius certainly applies to the American witch. Her honesty gets her into a bit of trouble in the first film (she really should have trusted Newt sooner) but her intellectual nature also makes her a good friend and an excellent witch.

She’s the one to depend on in a moment of trouble. Tina is an excellent teammate to have on your side.

Gemini – Leta Lestrange

Leta Lestrange sitting down and looking serious in The Crimes of Grindelwald

Leta, best friend to Newt Scamander, is certainly an excellent fit as a Gemini. She is very adaptable, moving from one Scamander brother to the other. Her intelligence is obvious in the magic she is able to accomplish.

However, like many Gemini, Leta is also a bit impulsive and unreliable. If she was a reliable friend, she and Newt would not have spent so many years apart. Her impulsivity also led her to lose her baby brother on the crossing of the Atlantic.

Virgo – Nagini

Nagini in Human Form in The Crimes of Grindelwald

Nagini, like her friend Credence, had a very complicated upbringing. This is why she is strong, like any good Virgo. She is also loyal to those who are kind to her.

Her curse has also forced her to be very observant, as well as sensitive and intense. While not particularly cheerful on screen, she is able to raise Credence’s mood more than anyone before her.

Libra – Jacob Kowalski

Jacob Kowalski, the muggle (no-maj) star of the Fantastic Beasts movies, makes for a great Libra. He is cooperative, gracious, and diplomatic. It would be hard to be a muggle among wizards if he wasn’t.

Jacob, like most Libras, believes in fair play and likes to be around people. If only wizards knew how to enjoy themselves and have a laugh like Jacob.

Capricorn – Pickett

A Bowtruckle in Fantastic Beasts

Pickett the bowtruckle, Newt’s constant companion, is a Capricorn for sure. Pickett’s ambition and persistence is what keeps him in Newt’s pocket rather than inside the magical case with his other bowtruckle friends.

As seen when he’s told off, Pickett is also very sensitive.

Aquarius – Nicholas Flamel

Nicolas Flamel with Jacob in Fantastic Beasts

The maker of the Sorcerer’s Stone is also an Aquarius, as it is Flamel’s analytical abilities and originality that makes it possible for him to create the Sorcerer’s Stone in the first place.

He also is humorous enough that, despite his talents, he’s pretty easy going on screen.