Which Donkey Kong Character Would You Be, Based On Your Zodiac?

Which Donkey Kong Character Would You Be, Based On Your Zodiac?

Believe it or not, Donkey Kong celebrated its 40th-anniversary last year. Introduced as an arcade console in 1981, the long-running video game franchise has provided four decades of entertainment, primarily due to its collection of cute characters and their compelling storylines. From Kongs, Kremlings, and Klumps, to Krushas, Kritters, Klaptraps, and others, there is no shortage of unique personalities and character quirks in the Donkey Kong universe.

RELATED: Every Donkey Kong Console Game, Ranked According To Metacritic

With rumors of a third Donkey Kong game swirling around the upcoming Seth Rogen movie adaptation, now is the perfect time to figure out what Donkey Kong character corresponds to what Zodiac sign.

Aries – Donkey Kong

Which Donkey Kong Character Would You Be, Based On Your Zodiac?

As the fearless alpha hero who constantly rescues his kin from peril, Donkey Kong earns his towering spot atop the zodiac chart as a fiery Aries. Bold, confident, action-oriented, and a supreme risk-taker, DK embodies all of the hallmarks that make Aries a natural-born leader.

DK not only combines the aforementioned traits with overwhelming compassion to save Pauline from peril time and again, but he also does the same for his nephew Diddy Kong as well. Above all else, Kong’s courage and optimism in the face of danger ensure that his Kingdom remains safeguarded.

Taurus – Swanky Kong

Swanky performs on TV in Donkey Kong 3

Taurus is often marked by their unwavering loyalty, supreme intelligence, and diligent work ethic. Swanky Kong checks all three boxes as the entrepreneurial game show host willing to do anything for his family, especially as Candy’s assistant.

Swanky uses pragmatic logic and shrewd organizational skills typically associated with successful Taurean business owners, operating with such dependable reliability that he always stays ahead of his competition. Taurus is also known as a natural-born showman, which Swanky certainly demonstrates as the host of “Swanky’s Bonus Bonanza” in the excellent Nintendo Switch platformer.

Gemini – Candy Kong

Candy sits on a bench and winks in Donkey Kong Country

Personable, extroverted, and even flirtatious at times, Candy Kong has all the makings of a Gemini, the social butterfly of the zodiac. Candy uses her extreme beauty to deliberately flirt with enemies as a defensive ruse, the deceptive dual nature of which certainly aligns with the twins of Gemini.

Gemini is also hailed for their immense flexibility, which Candy demonstrates through her intense workout routines to stay in shape. Spry and limber as can be, Candy is extremely playful and driven by curiosity in the most productive ways possible.

Cancer – Pauline

Donkey Kong attacks Pauline

First described as a damsel in distress, Pauline is Mario’s very first girlfriend. Yet, far less helpless than she appears, Pauline serves as a parental figure to Donkey Kong, able to calm his hot temper and assuage violent tantrums. Since Cancer is ruled by the 4th House of Home Life, Pauline certainly fits the bill.

Represented by the crab, Cancer is also notorious for self-protection, a hallmark of Pauline’s efforts thwarting Kong’s romantic crush and violent rejection therein. All told, Pauline is a character that has deserved an appearance in the upcoming Mario movie.

Leo – Cranky Kong

Cranky holds a staff in Donkey Kong Country

As his name suggests, the oft-forgotten Nintendo character Cranky Kong can be quite the irascible fella. However, his curmudgeonly demeanor is a front for his profound leadership as a wise, regal elder with vast knowledge and pearls of wisdom that he imparts on his grandson, Donkey Kong.

More to the point, pride is one of the biggest hallmarks of Leo, and Cranky Kong couldn’t be more boastful. He knows he is the best and brightest and will snap at his charges with attitude and voice disdain for video games in general. But when push comes to shove, the Leonine warmth in Cranky’s heart belies far more bite than bark.

Virgo – Kiddy Kong

Kiddy raises arms in Donkey Kong Country 3

Often defined most by their wide-eyed curiosity and sense of wonderment, toddler Kiddy Kong imbues Virgoan traits more than most characters. Kind, loyal, and sympathetic to his siblings Chunky, Dixie, and Tiny, Kiddy’s innocence and purity also reinforce his Virgoan nature.

The cool thing about Kiddy is that he is too young to develop Virgo’s negative traits of self-criticism and perfectionism, allowing him to focus on the things that pique his interest. Whether he’ll drastically change as a Nintendo character moving forward is anyone’s guess.

Libra – Stanley

Stanley waves in Donkey Kong Country 3

Stanley the Bugman is an exterminator who sprays harmful worms from destroying his plants in Donkey Kong, calling to mind the scales of justice, peace, and harmony represented by Libra. He’s also extremely jovial, affable, and outgoing, which Librans often showcase in spades.

Aside from his plucky and industrious nature, Stanley is also one of the friendliest and most diplomatic characters who can get along with all sides and broker peace treaties, such as the time he got Cranky to relinquish his villainy after sending him to an alien planet.

Scorpio – King K. Rool

Kong fights King Rool in Donkey Kong Country 3

Represented by the deadly sting of the scorpion, Scorpio often gets the worst reputation among all zodiac signs. And while the ruthless villain King K. Rool exhibits such negative traits attached to Scorpio, he also boasts positive qualities like loyalty, intelligence, passion, and determination.

Of course, as the evil, violent, and hot-tempered villainous despot, Rool also possesses the mysterious and secretive nature often associated with Scorpio, ready to pounce and inject toxic venom in their enemies without an ounce of compunction. The positive and negative work in tandem, with Rool’s brazen fearlessness fueling his dangerous persona.

Sagittarius – Diddy Kong

Diddy points upward in Donkey Kong Country 3

Often praised as the most adventurous, thrill-seeking zodiac sign who is unafraid of taking risks, Diddy Kong has all the makings of a Sagittarius. Moreover, Donkey Kong’s gallant spider-monkey nephew has a keen emotional intelligence that enables him to sacrifice for others in their greatest time of need. He’s exuberant, compassionate, and assertive as can be.

It’s the heightened emotional intelligence that Diddy uses to counter DK’s aggression while on missions together and make deep lasting connections with others that solidifies his Sagittarian status.

Capricorn – Funky Kong

Funky wears shades and a bandanna in Donkey Kong Country

Hailed for their supreme resourcefulness, Capricorn is also one of the most organized, ambitious, and goal-oriented hustlers of the zodiac. Cue Funky Kong, a gorilla who specializes in providing vital equipment and special services for DK and his cohorts such as transportation and weapons.

The definitive worker bee of the zodiac, Funky Kong’s Capricorn ways also include a relentless drive to get things done on time. While he does not enjoy adventures as much as the others, Funky’s passionate lust for life perfectly reflects the 10th sign of the zodiac.

Aquarius – Donkey Kong Jr.

DK Jr. pumps a fist in Donkey Kong Country

The free-spirited Aquarius is often hailed for being the most clever, advanced, and self-dependent zodiac sign. When Donkey Kong Jr. first appeared, he self-actualized his mission to rescue his father Donkey Kong Sr. from Mario.

Aquarius is also among the five most peaceful and pacifistic zodiac signs, a quality Jr. certainly shows as a reluctant warrior only to engage in battle as a means of protection. With supreme intelligence to boot, Donkey King Jr. is an exceptional zodiac sign who lives up to his father’s proud legacy.

Pisces – Dixie Kong

Dixie steps carefully in Donkey Kong Country 3

As the most empathetic, creative, and musically-inclined Donkey Kong character, Dixie Kong is no doubt a Pisces. The Empath is more in tune with her emotions and artistic side than anyone else, with Dixie serving as the heart and soul of the entire series.

Lively, gracious, and easily adaptable, Dixie’s expressions through her electric guitar prove to be wildly therapeutic. When she isn’t creating music, Dixie goes out of her way to help friends and ensure their safety. She’s also a huge animal lover who has several pets.