Which Community Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Community Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

In a show as character-driven as Community, it’s no wonder they all have their own distinct personalities- you’d never confuse Jeff for Abed or the Dean for Frankie. Even if we don’t yet have a movie to remember them by, we’ve spent quite a lot of time with the people of Greendale and feel a certain to closeness to them, thanks to creator Dan Harmon.

Even if Annie and Jeff would scoff at someone saying they have a Zodiac sign, Britta would want to know hers, and Abed would want to know just so he could see what people thought of him but didn’t want to say to his face.

Aries: Pierce Hawthorne

Which Community Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Pierce demonstrates a lot of Aries personality traits, from his cowardly ways to his uncanny ability to start some sort of drama with a member of the group.

Even though he has more than a few of the negative Aries traits, like his arrogance, and impulsiveness, but he also has more positive Aries charms- when he throws himself into something, he goes at it the whole hog and he’s always almost always up to take a risk and try something new.

Taurus: Shirley Bennett

Shirley is always up for helping someone in need- a key Taurean trait. She’s one of the most grounded of the group, and she’s one of the more patients, too.

You can always depend on a Taurus or Shirley to be there if you need them. She has the Bull’s stubbornness in ample supply, though. If Shirley has her mind made up or her sights set on something, there’s no budging her about it- even when it affects other people adversely.

Gemini: Britta Perry


With her tendency to always jump from one thing to the next and her enthusiasm for whatever her passion project of the day is, Britta is a typical Gemini. She’s almost always up for anything new, and even if her communications skills aren’t that great, she thinks they are.

She’s lacking when it comes to paying attention to the finer details of whatever is going on, and maybe it’s this trait combined with her inability to stay focused on one thing for long periods that makes her bad at making decisions.

Cancer: Elroy Patashnik

Elroy poses for a picture on Community

Even if he doesn’t seem like it at first when you crack his tough Crab shell Elroy is a warm and caring person. Once he’s warmed up to everyone, he cares deeply about their well-being and he does his best to help make sure everything keeps going.

He’s easily one of the most creative and brilliant people at Greendale. He does have the prickly Cancer tendency to worry that people are perhaps not as fond of him as they pretend to be- which is typical suspicion and moodiness for the sign.

Leo: Jeff Winger


Of course Jeff is the Lion. Early on he had some unsteadiness, and represented mostly the negative Leo traits- his ego and his arrogance only added to his feelings that he should be the top of the pack.

Once his feelings for everyone started to break through his dominating personality, his loyalty began to come to the front and he started using his Lion energy for good- even when he sometimes resents it, he’s always at the forefront of helping everything go smoothly.

Virgo: Frankie Dart

If Greendale had had a Frankie earlier, maybe they wouldn’t have ended up almost closing. Down-to-earth Frankie adds some much-needed stability to the mix. With her attention to the smaller things, her ability to look at the goings-on and analyze them to find a way out, and her need for perfection, she almost single-handedly balance everyone else’s zaniness out.

Her perfectionism can go a little far- and she isn’t very good at softening the blows of her criticisms. Luckily, she has everyone else to help her past her fussiness.

Libra: Troy Barnes

Donald Glover as Troy on Community

Troy is easily one of the most charming of the bunch. Even when he doesn’t quite grasp what the finer points of something are, he’s more than willing to listen to everyone’s opinions on it before making his own decision.

He may just be the best of all of them at getting something done without ruffling everyone else’s feathers one the way to the goal- provided he doesn’t change his mind about part of it part of the way through. Like a Libra, sometimes he’ll play along with something he doesn’t quite agree with just so he doesn’t upset anyone, which likely doesn’t help his tendency to be a little indecisive.

Scorpio: Ian Duncan

This professor knows what he wants, and as the Scorpion it’s almost impossible to keep him from getting it. He wants to claw his way back up the ladder, and he’s not above manipulating those around him to help him get there.

It’s hard to get him to nail down a promise, but when you do he’ll keep it even if he resents doing it. Just be careful of his ability to manipulate everyone into helping him achieve his goals.

Sagittarius: Ben Chang

Ben Chang with his eyebrows raised

Sagittarians have an incredibly strong sense of what’s right and what isn’t and so does Chang- he just doesn’t let it affect his decision making. He might come across as a doofus a lot of the time, but don’t let that make you think he doesn’t have the intelligence of the sign- it takes someone with brains to pull of the long term scams he’s pulled.

He has the Sag lack of tact in full measure- when he’s not pretending to have lost his memory he has no problem telling people exactly what he thinks with no attempts to make it a little less harsh.

Capricorn: Abed Nadir


Abed doesn’t deal too well or too much in the emotional side of things, giving him plenty of time to deal with everything with a Goat’s typical practicality. When he decides something has to happen, whether it’s for him alone or someone else, he has the focus to see whatever it is through to the end.

He tends not to jump into something without feeling it out first and applies a healthy sense of caution to the decision. He has the typical Capricorn tendency to be reserved- while he isn’t anti-social, he definitely feels more comfortable around his close friends.

Aquairus: Annie Edison

Community Annie Edison

Annie might seem like she should have been a shoo-in for the Virgo spot, but she’s not quite steady enough- her tendency to be emotionally inconsistent and a little unpredictable makes her a true Aquarian.

She’s not without positives- when she can unbend herself and stop being so stiff, she’s a friendly and caring person. She’s usually very honest- if she says she’ll be there, she’ll be there.

Pisces: Dean Craig Pelton

Community Dean Craig Pelton

Pisces love being kind and helpful, and so does the Dean- he just doesn’t care or notice if you want his help or not. He’s incredibly sensitive, which doesn’t always mesh well with the Pisces’ tendency to be incredibly sensitive about everything.

He also has a problem with avoiding problems with ever more elaborate attempts at escapism.