Which Batman Villain Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Which Batman Villain Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Every generation has their own version of Batman. In the 60s, there was the campy Adam West TV show. The late 80s and early 90s had the iconic films with their gothic aesthetic, as well as the classic animated series. In the mid-oos, Christopher Nolan’s films explored the psychology of the character in more depth while grounding him in a sense of realism. Now, the chaos of the modern world has produced the DCEU’s brooding gun-crazed murder-Batman who obsesses over mother figures named Martha.

Just as every generation has their own take on Batman, so too does every Zodiac sign have their own Batman villain. Here is the villain that matches each part of the Zodiac:

Aries: Deadshot

Which Batman Villain Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Aries are known for being courageous, confident, honest, and passionate–all traits which describe Deadshot. As the second deadliest assassin in the world, Deadshot is the more honest and honorable of the top two. He does not have powers, nor does he need them. He knows his value and lives up to the high standards he sets as a professional.

Taurus: Bane

Bane was born in a prison on Santa Prisca and survived the worst the world could throw at him. He is insanely strong, all the more so because of the Venom he pumps into his veins, but it is his force of will that gives him his true strength. Like Bane, Tauruses are unyielding in their resolve. They make stubbornness into a virtue and when they set their mind to something, nothing can stop them.

Gemini: Two-Face

Gemini are incredibly smart and adaptable, but are indecisive, always having two opinions on every single topic. This is something that Two-Face can relate to. As Gotham’s District Attorney, Dent proved himself a brilliant legal mind who could adapt to the changing circumstances of cases.

As the villain Two-Face, he is no less shrewd, though has a very different outlook on life. He makes decisions with the flip of a coin.

Cancer: Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn spent years loyally serving the Joker as his favorite hench(wo)man, and as his lover. She has since found her independence, but she stuck it out with him through thick and thin, riding the emotional roller coaster that was life with her Puddin’. Cancers are loyal, emotional, sympathetic, and tenacious–all traits Harley exhibited in her life with the Joker.

Leo: Catwoman

While it might seem a bit on-the-nose to say that Leos are best represented by Catwoman, there is more to this than just a feline archetype. Anyone who knows a Leo is aware that they are proud, even vain, but also passionate, kind-hearted, and incredibly creative. Catwoman’s creativity is put into her work as a master cat burglar, and she is passionate about challenging herself with new heists in the pursuit of shiny jewelry. Despite this, she is a caring person who stands by her friends and helps those who can’t help themselves.

Virgo: Riddler

The Riddler can come across as a pretentious know-it-all with obsessive compulsive tendencies. And he is. But he is also so much more. He is the smartest person in the room, no matter what room he happens to be in.

He is also dedicated to building the kinds of over-the-top puzzle traps that can take years to put together, something which has resulted in him being a bit of a reclusive loner at times. As Virgos are intelligent, shy, hardworking, and analytical, they understand the drive to throw themselves into their work and think up new ideas.

Libra: Talia al Ghul

Talia al Ghul, her father Ra's al Ghul and Batman

Libras are good with people, being both diplomatic and able to cooperate. They have a tendency to believe in fairness, but they will also carry a grudge for years. Talia al Ghul was raised by her father, the immortal R’as al Ghul, and is his diplomatic representative. She has found common ground with Batman, Lex Luthor, and Bane. She has her own moral code, but forgiveness is not among her virtues.

Scorpio: Lady Shiva

Lady Shiva is the greatest martial artist in the DC Universe. Wonder Woman might be able to beat Shiva in a fight due to the Amazon’s powers, but Shiva’s technique is second to none. She can turn anything into a weapon and will face down any opponent, no matter how strong they are. She is also a perpetual loner, slow to trust even her own family. Scorpios worse tendencies tend to be their distrust of others and a tendency toward violence–traits Lady Shiva has made into strengths. However, the bravery, loyalty, passion, and resourcefulness that Scorpios personify are also qualities Lady Shiva embodies.

Sagittarius: R’as al Ghul

The immortal R’as al Gul is an idealist who dreams of making a better world, no matter what it takes to achieve this. As the average Sagittarius also tends to be a romantic idealist, this is something relatable to them.

Sagittariuses also tend to be philosophical and a bit impatient, two more qualities they share with R’as.

Capricorn: Mr. Freeze

Capricorns are disciplined, well-mannered, and have a strong sense of personal responsibility, though they can at times come across as distant or condescending. This is also how one could describe Mr. Freeze, whose sense of obligation to his wife led him to change the very physiology of his body through scientific breakthroughs, cutting himself off from the world to save the person he loved.

Aquarius: Poison Ivy

It would be easy to use a water-themed villain here as an easy gag that relates to Aquarius, but when it comes down to it, there are few DC characters quite as like an Aquarius as Poison Ivy. Deeply independent and with a strong sense of caring for the well-being of others, Ivy is brilliant, temperamental, and uncompromisingly dedicated to serving the cause she believes in. In other words, Ivy is an Aquarius, and vice versa.

Pisces: Joker

The Joker holding up a playing card

Artistic, intuitive, and wise, the average Pisces is a free-spirited font of creativity. They also get along with others, because they understand how others think and operate. The Joker understands people, and all he wants is to put a smile on their faces in the most creative way possible. Whether they survive the experience is not really the point, just as long as they die laughing.