Which Amazon’s Reacher Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Amazon’s Reacher Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Just a couple of days ago, Amazon released its new series, Reacher, based on the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child. Lauded as one of the Amazon Prime series to look forward to in 2022, fans have so far been impressed by how accurate the show is to the story in the novels. Even for people who have never read the books, the show introduces its many characters in a consumable way for new audiences.

All this being said, with so many characters and different personalities, there are bound to be many zodiac signs represented in the show. And, if viewers are looking for a character to relate to in order to get into the series more, look no further than these characters who closely align with each zodiac sign.

Libra – Josephine

Which Amazon’s Reacher Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

As a Libra, Josephine, Jack Reacher’s mother, is beautiful, caring, and loyal. Not only does she care deeply about her family and their new start when Joe and Jack were kids, but she also doesn’t get upset easily.

Though Reacher later reveals that she passed away along with his father, it’s clear that she and him had a deep bond as she was the first person to ever call him Reacher. As a Libra, she is a great and understanding caretaker and tries to stay optimistic even when stressed.

Leo – Jasper

Jasper shows the evidence in Reacher

Though Jasper doesn’t constantly seek out attention, his personality is one of the loudest in the show making him a true Leo. From his southern drawl to his cheery disposition, he becomes the star of any scene in which he participates.

Not only is Jasper wildly funny, but his naivety to his profession as a coroner makes him relatable and fun to watch. He has a very extroverted presence and doesn’t have a hard time making friends.

Virgo – Finlay

Finlay and Reacher walk and talk in Reacher

Finlay is a classic Virgo who likes rigid scheduling, being organized, and things going as smoothly as possible. Though this can make him a little bit controlling at times, Reacher makes sure that he knows when he’s crossing that line.

Comparing Reacher characters to Lee Child’s book, Finlay is more fleshed out. As a Virgo, he is extremely disciplined and, even though he does get a craving and give into cigarettes every once in a while, it’s not without reason. After all, he’s only human.

Gemini – KJ

KJ the son of the mayor taunts Reacher in Reacher

KJ, the son of Mayor Kliner, is up to some seriously bad business. He even tries to intimidate Reacher in the very first episode of the season. He is certainly cocky and doesn’t let Reacher’s size scare him into submission.

KJ’s different lives show how two-faced he can be. He’s the closest fit for a Gemini in the show because although he keeps up the image of the golden boy in town as the son of a highly valued political figure, he has a darker side that he would rather keep hidden.

Sagittarius – Sharon

Sharons photo on Finlays phone in Reacher

Sharon is Finlay’s ex whom he obviously still loves even after their separation. Their estrangement shows that, as a Sagittarius, Sharon didn’t want to be held down by Finlay’s obsession with his work or be the stay-at-home mom cheering him on.

Of course, she is caring and loved him in return, but her Saggitarian nature means she’s out to explore the world and doesn’t want to feel tied down to anything, especially some of Finlay’s more troubling cases.

Pisces – Stevenson

Stevenson and Roscoe stand in sheriffs department in Reacher

Stevenson is more of a subdued wallflower of a character. As a Pisces, he’s emotionally aware and values his relationships with his colleagues in this series, greatly, but he knows when to step back, observe and let others take the lead.

He’s more of a go-with-the-flow type of person that is gracious for all that he has and doesn’t ask for more. While he can be a little clueless at times, like when Reacher asks him questions he’s not supposed to answer, he’s a thoughtful and good guy, representing the Pisces sign.

Cancer – Charlie

Charlie opens her door in Reacher

Charlie is Hubble’s wife and exhibits traits of Cancer. She is overly emotional when it comes to those she values deeply and she will do anything to help her friends and family stay safe.

Her emotions guide her more than her rational thinking and it’s clear that she cares deeply for her husband and worries about his safety, which she certainly has the right to do.

Scorpio – Mosley

Mosley gives Reacher a shave in Reacher

Mosley is the town barber and represents Scorpio. He is cunning and well aware of the bad deeds that are going on in this quaint town. He is obviously extremely intelligent and knows instantly who Reacher is and what he can do for him.

As a Scorpio, Mosley is all about opportunity and his agenda is to get close to Reacher, who can be a strong ally in a seriously messed up town. Mosely is a good friend, but he’s definitely more savvy and dangerous than he first lets on.

Taurus – Joe

Young Jack and Joe walk in Reacher

Joe is Jack Reacher’s brother and, at the beginning of the series, his only living relative. Joe is a Taurus because he is intensely loyal, almost like a sidekick, to his brother and he can be stubborn when it comes to doing things he doesn’t want to do.

As a Taurus, Joe shows his loyalty by fighting to defend his brother and being the cool collected one in almost any situation. He is not only a great influence on Reacher, but he is also the only reason Reacher is in town.

Capricorn – Roscoe

Roscoe holds coffee in Reacher

Roscoe is a career woman and although she does fall for Reacher, she values her profession and the sacredness of a well done investigation. As the only woman in the police department, she has a lot to prove, which makes her a classic Capricorn woman.

As a Capricorn, she is headstrong and likes to put logic above emotion in most cases, proving herself to be a tough female cop. She loves work that requires critical thinking and she’s always aiming to do something that will make others realize just how much of an asset she really is.

Aquarius – Hubble

Hubble talks to Finlay in Reacher

Hubble is an Aquarius because, although he can be nervous and skittish, he is naturally an eccentric fellow. He is clever and always looks ahead to the future, even though, in Reacher, this didn’t help him much and just made him more scared.

As an Aquarius, Hubble can come off as a little bit aloof, but he does make quick friends with Reacher. Hubble hides what he knows from the police, but this just adds to his Aquarian aspects and makes audiences more curious about this whodunit mystery series.

Aries – Jack Reacher

Jack Reacher talking at a diner booth in Reacher

The Jack Reacher movie recently had its 10th Anniversary and this Reacher stays true to the Tom Cruise portrayal as an Aries. He can be fiery when he needs to be and he is as stubborn as they come. He is passionate about what he does, which is why he is so successful in his career, but he never rushes into any fight and makes sure that others know his strengths.

As an Aries, he is a motivated leader, ready to take on any challenge and excited to be at the forefront of an investigation that personally affects him and his family. He’s not so much a thinker as he is a doer, but that’s what makes him such a great fighter.