Which 9-1-1 Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which 9-1-1 Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The characters of 9-1-1 use their knowledge and skills as a team to go out into the field, fighting fires and saving the lives of people in need. Although each member comes from a different background, their shared goal of helping people allows them to create a familial bond that strengthens the team.

While the exact birthdates of the characters are unknown, their zodiac signs can be inferred by comparing their past behavior and personalities with the common traits of each star sign.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Athena Grant

Which 9-1-1 Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Aries are headstrong and usually find themselves in leadership positions where they can make the judgment calls. Although Aries may be argumentative when disagreements arise, they are one of the most passionate signs and will fight for the ones they love.

Athena is one character in 9-1-1 who exhibits bravery in all of her actions, using her commitment to the police force to help protect her community and bring criminals to justice. While Athena sometimes struggles to abide by the rules, her methods always bring about desired results.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

Karen Wilson

Karen Wilson talks to Hen

The most grounded of the zodiac signs, Tauruses seek out stability and comfort in their lives. Tauruses are strategic thinkers and use their analytical skills to navigate personal and professional relationships.

Karen Wilson is an excellent example of a Taurus, working to keep her family resilient despite the chaotic nature of her wife’s job. As Hen begins exploring new career opportunities by going to medical school, Karen supports her endeavors and helps pick up the slack at home while Hen focus’ on school.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Taylor Kelly

Taylor Kelly smiling

Geminis excel in high-pressure situations and are known for their ability to adapt to unfamiliar circumstances. They are fueled by curiosity and have an adventurous side. Their bubbly demeanor allows them to shine in social arenas.

Taylor Kelly’s determination to uncover the truth and her way of getting close to the people that can help is what makes her a great reporter as well as a Gemini. Taylor’s likable personality allows her to thrive on camera and her people skills put her subjects at ease, making them comfortable enough to open up.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

May Grant

May Grant at 9-1-1 call center computers

People born under the zodiac of Cancer are known for their sensitivity and emotional intelligence. Cancers have strong protective dispositions and work well in positions where they can help other people.

May Grant stepped out of her mother’s shadow to find her own passion in aiding her community. May’s intelligence makes her an ideal 9-1-1 operator and has proven to her superiors that she is capable of handling even the most difficult calls.

Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)

Evan “Buck” Buckley


Leos traditionally love being in the spotlight, soaking up attention and praise from their peers. Though Leos can sometimes come across as self-centered, they generally want the best for their friends and family and will go to any length to make sure their loved ones are taken care of.

Buck’s kind-hearted nature makes him one of the most likable characters in 9-1-1 and an easy character to root for. Similar to Athena, Buck finds it hard to follow the rules when he feels he knows best and lets his emotions cloud his judgment.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

Henrietta “Hen” Wilson


Virgos fall under the healer archetype and work best in organized settings where they can have full control. As analytical thinkers, Virgos are constantly seeking out ways to become more efficient and improve their skills.

Hen is an essential part of the 9-1-1 team and often the smartest person in the room. In an effort to become even better at saving lives, Hen goes to medical school and uses her new talents to assist her team in the field.

Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

Howard “Chimney” Han


Libras are peacemakers and look for harmony in all of their relationships whether at work or at home. Symbolized by the scales, Libras strive for balance and can tend to be indecisive and idealistic.

Chimney embodies many aspects of the Libra and prefers to avoid conflict that arises in the firehouse but also feels love much deeper than many others. Despite his initial difficulties with commitment, Chimney’s love for Maddie fuels his decision to travel across the country to find her and rebuild their family

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz


While Scorpios can come across as serious and intense, beneath the surface they are passionate souls who care deeply. Scorpios embody the phrase, “still waters run deep”, underneath the secrecy and their tendency to close off their emotions.

Eddie’s complex history with his time in the military and his relationship with Christopher’s mother, instantly made him one of the best characters in 9-1-1. In his efforts to protect Christopher and keep a positive attitude, Eddie buried his trauma without ever truly dealing with his PTSD, a decision that comes back to haunt him in season five.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Christopher Diaz

Christopher Diaz holds muffin at breakfast table

Sagittariuses are optimistic explorers of the world with a thirst for knowledge and learning. Their sunny disposition and quick wit endear them to others, allowing them to thrive in various social groups.

Christopher is a bright young character who loves meeting people and discovering new things. Though people often underestimate Christopher’s abilities, he’s extremely observant and able to see right through Eddie when he tries to hide his emotions.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Captain Bobby Nash

Captain Bobby Nash talking into radio surrounded by smoke

Capricorns are wise leaders, frequently looking toward the future and planning the best course of action. Although Capricorns can be stubborn, they are also loyal friends, easily one of the most dependable of the zodiac signs.

Bobby’s position as Captain of the 118 displays his Capricorn qualities. Navigating the stressors of each call, Bobby never puts his team in a position that he wouldn’t take on himself. Bobby’s dedication and support of Athena allow them to achieve their individual goals while also growing together as one of the best couples in 9-1-1.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Albert Han

Albert Han smiling

The most free-spirited of the zodiac signs, Aquariuses are restless and always looking for their next big adventure. Aquariuses are hard to pin down and pride themselves on their unique personality traits that others may find weird.

Albert Han, though fairly new to 9-1-1, is a great example of an Aquarius with a zest for life and endless energy. Albert compliments Chimney’s personality well despite their stark differences, adding a passionate vibrancy to the often sarcastic dialogue.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Maddie Buckley

Maddie Buckley

Pisces are the dreamers of the zodiac, having big ambitions and even bigger hearts. Pisces feel their emotions entirely which can often become overwhelming, causing them to shut down. As natural empaths, Pisces are in touch with the feelings of others and are frequently called to professions in service of other people.

Maddie Buckley is without a doubt a Pisces, beginning her journey as a nurse and eventually transitioning into the role of 9-1-1 operator. Maddie repeatedly places the happiness of others above her own and finds it difficult to ask for help when her post-partum depression becomes too much to handle.