Where Did Luke Go? What Happens To Him After Going Into The Portal In Percy Jackson’s Season 1 Finale

Where Did Luke Go? What Happens To Him After Going Into The Portal In Percy Jackson’s Season 1 Finale

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 and the original Percy Jackson book series.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians‘ season 1 finale ends with Luke fleeing Camp Half-Blood through a portal, begging the question of what happens to him after this point. After battling with Ares and returning both the Helm of Darkness and Zeus’ Master Bolt to their respective gods, Percy returns to Camp Half-Blood as a hero. However, Percy Jackson‘s season 1 ending has one more twist in store for the son of Poseidon when it is revealed that Luke was the Lightning Thief, stealing the helmet and Bolt in the name of Kronos and pinning it on Ares.

Interestingly, the scene that reveals Luke’s deceit makes some notable book changes in the Percy Jackson TV show including the son of Hermes’ attempts to recruit Percy to Kronos’ cause. Regardless of the subtle changes made, Percy implores that the gods are trying their best and attempts to stop Luke from escaping. Unfortunately, Percy cannot stop Luke before the servant of Kronos escapes through a portal, begging the question of where the character will resurface in Percy Jackson season 2.

Where Did Luke Go? What Happens To Him After Going Into The Portal In Percy Jackson’s Season 1 Finale


Percy Jackson Season 1 Finale’s Post-Credits Scene Explained

Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1, episode 8 includes a brief post-credits stinger, which follows up on an important fate after Percy’s quest.

Luke Takes Control Of A Monster Ship Where He Bases His Villainous Plans After Percy Jackson Season 1

Percy Jackson and Luke looking shocked at one another in Percy Jackson episode 8

Following Luke’s escape from Camp Half-Blood in Percy Jackson‘s season 1 finale, the character will begin building Kronos’ army in preparation for the Titan Lord’s resurrection. Should the potential story of Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 2 follow the second book – Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters – Luke’s base of operations becomes a giant cruise ship. In order to avoid the demigods, gods, and any of their allies in modern America, Luke begins resurrecting Kronos and building the latter’s army aboard the Princess Andromeda, a ship that travels magically by sea to also avoid Poseidon.

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters follows the quest for the Golden Fleece, a magical healing item from Greek mythology that is housed somewhere in the titular ocean. Percy and Annabeth wish to find the Fleece to heal Thalia’s poisoned pine tree and find Grover who went missing searching for Pan, while Luke searches for the mythical item to speed up Kronos’ resurrection. This is the basis of Luke’s villainous plans after Percy Jackson‘s season 1 ending, explaining where he disappeared too in the finale.

Hermes Recruits Percy To Help Stop Luke In Percy Jackson’s Second Book

Lin-Manuel Miranda as Hermes sitting in Percy Jackson episode 6

The second Percy Jackson book is interesting in that it is not Percy, but Clarisse who receives a quest for the Golden Fleece. Percy only decides to leave Camp Half-Blood and search for the Fleece upon learning Grover is missing, a decision that is bolstered by a conversation with Hermes. Hermes, Luke’s father, appears to Percy and hints that the son of Poseidon should break camp rules and set out for the Sea of Monsters despite Clarisse being given the quest.

Percy realizes that Hermes is asking him to do so in the hopes that the demigod can convince Luke to abandon his service of Kronos. Percy does not believe that Luke can be turned back to the side of the Olympians, yet goes on the quest anyway. This establishes the basis of the story for Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters which will hopefully be translated into Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 2 sooner rather than later.