When Valheim’s Portals Will Let You Carry Ore Through

When Valheim’s Portals Will Let You Carry Ore Through

In just over a month, Valheim has skyrocketed in popularity. Although it’s still only available via Steam Early Access, Valheim has gotten a lot of attention for the great way it handles crafting and building in-game. Iron Gate Studio, the developers behind Valheim, have worked on hotfixes and other improvements in the game since its release, and a number of major updates are expected throughout 2021. There’s been speculation that one of these changes could be the way portals and ore works. So, will Valheim’s portals ever let players carry ore through?

Portals are an easy (and often vital) way to move across Valheim‘s environments. Once players have crafted a portal, it can be used to teleport them. It certainly makes moving around Valheim’s massive map a lot easier, and portals can be used in players’ home to essentially create a fast-travel system. However, certain items are restricted from being used in portals, including ore.

This can be pretty frustrating, since ore is precious and the inability to move it through portals can be a pain. If players have any ore in their inventories, they won’t be allowed to use the portal. Instead, they have to find other, creative ways to develop supply lines. Players have wanted these portal restrictions changed so badly that an Unrestricted Portals mod exists, which allows players to transport restricted items through portals in Valheim. Although completely unofficial, it does allow fans a way around this more annoying gameplay mechanic.

Will Portal Restrictions In Valheim Ever Change?

When Valheim’s Portals Will Let You Carry Ore Through

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like there will be changes to the way portals and ore work anytime soon – if ever. Richard Svensson, the CEO of Iron Gate Studio, was asked about ore and portals on Twitter recently, to which he responded, “not sure why people thing [sic] we are gonna allow ore in teleports. there’s no plans for that.” This perhaps puts those earlier portal and ore rumors to rest once and for all, even though fans and several online sites seemed to think it was a done deal.

Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean it will never happen. Iron Gate Studio is providing regular updates to Valheim, so portal restriction changes could happen at a later date. For now, though, it looks as if there are no current plans to make these changes, which may be disheartening for fans who were hoping to carry ore through portals in Valheim.