When Harry Met Sally Was Voted 6th Best Rom-Com Of All Time, Beat Out By 92-Year-Old Classic

When Harry Met Sally Was Voted 6th Best Rom-Com Of All Time, Beat Out By 92-Year-Old Classic

While it’s often cited as a quintessential example in the genre, When Harry Met Sally came in sixth place on the American Film Institute’s (AFI) 2008 list of the greatest rom-coms of all time, with a 92-year-old silent film actually taking the top spot. Even before characters could be heard talking to one another on-screen, the romantic comedy genre and its heartwarming love stories have accounted for some of the most beloved, influential, and memorable films in cinema history. Unlike some genres, such as sci-fi and Western movies’ popularity fluctuating depending on technological advancements and cultural shifts, rom-coms have always been a Hollywood staple, with several being among the best movies of all time.

In 2008, AFI conducted a poll within the filmmaking industry about the 10 best romantic comedies of all time, asking 1,500 leaders in the creative community to select their picks from 50 nominated movies in the genre. AFI defined romantic comedy as “a genre in which the development of a romance leads to comic situations,” with the criteria for the list being based on cultural influence, major award wins, critical acclaim, and historical significance. With so many important entries in the genre, assessing the best rom-com in history wasn’t an easy task, leading some classics like When Harry Met Sally to land lower on the ranking than expected.

AFI’s 2008 Poll Named Charlie Chaplin’s City Lights The Best Rom-Com Of All Time

When Harry Met Sally Was Voted 6th Best Rom-Com Of All Time, Beat Out By 92-Year-Old Classic

The results of AFI’s 2008 poll reveal that Charlie Chaplin’s 1931 silent film City Lights is the greatest romantic comedy in history. Regardless of its status as a great rom-com, City Lights is remembered as one of the best and most influential pieces of cinema to ever be created. Produced, directed, written by, and starring Charlie Chaplin, City Lights was notable for its impactful rejection of sound, which was on the rise at the time of production. In addition to being widely considered Chaplin’s greatest achievement, City Lights established an unmatched legacy and influence in the genre for its timeless love story, compelling acting performances, and brilliant fusion of romance and earnest hilarity.

Despite the fact that it was overlooked entirely at the Oscars, City Lights’ popularity and masterful storytelling doubtlessly influenced the other nine movies on AFI’s best rom-coms list, all of which premiered between 1934 and 1993. In order of ranking, AFI’s list sees City Lights in the top spot followed by Annie Hall (1977), It Happened One Night (1934), Roman Holiday (1953), The Philadelphia Story (1940), When Harry Met Sally (1989), Adam’s Rib (1949), Moonstruck (1987), Harold and Maude (1971), and Sleepless in Seattle (1993). Just as the top spot proves a romantic comedy can succeed without a word uttered between its two leads, the tenth-best romantic comedy provides an epic love story without even a kiss.

Why When Harry Met Sally Was Voted 6th Best Rom-Com (Should It Have Been Higher?)

Harry and Sally at a restaurant in When Harry Met Sally

When Harry Met Sally is considered a paragon of modern romantic comedies, largely for its sharp writing and wit, chemistry between Billy Crystal and rom-com legend Meg Ryan, and balanced focus between male and female perspectives. Asking the central question of whether men and women can really just be friends, When Harry Met Sally went beyond the confines of a simple rom-com to create one of the most engaging and culturally popular films of all time. However, despite its modern legacy, When Harry Met Sally falls behind four rom-coms from before the 1960s and one from 1977 on AFI’s list.

Each rom-com between When Harry Met Sally and City Lights was nominated for or won Best Picture at the Oscars, giving them advantages in the awards impact criteria considered for AFI’s list. When Harry Met Sally was also only 19 years old at the time of AFI’s poll, so its enduring cultural legacy and influence on subsequent romantic comedies hadn’t been as clear in 2008 as it is an addition 15 years later. If AFI were to conduct another best rom-com poll today, When Harry Met Sally would deserve to at least be in the top five movies on the list.