What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals


What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

Warning: contains possible SPOILERS for Avengers: Infinity War.

Disney’s D23 and San Diego Comic-Con brought good news for Marvel fans: early footage from Avengers: Infinity War. Although the exciting teaser still eludes the masses, enthusiasts have a better idea what to expect from Marvel’s heroes and villains in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe game changer. The studio team also broke down the key elements of the mega-movie, revealing Thanos’ hench-persons, the Children of Thanos (the Black Order).

Aside from the footage and the first juicy details, Marvel also exhibited the first Infinity War poster, which was broken into three segments. The assembled parts form a sweeping whole nearly as vast as the film itself. It also tells an interesting story to those willing to read between the lines.

Where Is Ant-Man?

What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

Set photos and the Russo Brothers acknowledge Scott Lang’s presence in Infinity War. In fact, his sequel, Ant-Man and the Wasp, is next in line after the third Avengers, so we know he isn’t killed or excluded from the film. Nonetheless, he’s conspicuously absent (for a microverse dweller) from the poster, suggesting he’s either tucked away behind a molecule or, more so, Marvel doesn’t want to overload the already busy poster with another, less-prominent player in the film. Perhaps his role is so secretive that showing him would ruin the whole film. Probably not, but Scott’s time in the MCU is only just beginning, so it’s surprising he isn’t a part of the action.

Baby Groot No More

What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

Alas, Baby Groot, your time in the MCU was far too short. Still, fans can’t entirely blame Marvel for aging everyone’s favorite tree-man. Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn made it abundantly clear that the most adorable Groot was a one-time thing. He also explained Groot’s miracle growth is the result of his species different maturation rate, at least compared to humans. His “adolescent” self also makes more sense in the grand scheme of things. A wee Groot is adorable and troublesome, but a teen Groot, angst and all, is a much better fit for the relatively solemn adventures in Infinity War. After all, Marvel’s champions need a warrior tree, not a roving excuse for a babysitter.

The Black Order/Children of Thanos

What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

As the doors swung open on D23, Marvel maniacs were treated to several mysteriously veiled displays. Before long, a glorious statue of main baddie Thanos stood before fans, in addition to his gaudy Infinity Gauntlet. But several figures remained under wraps. Aside from some wild speculation that the Fantastic Four dwelled beneath (a theory killed by Fox’s announcement of Noah Hawley’s Doctor Doom movie), most theorized the House of Ideas was unveiling the Mad Titan’s brutal henchmen, the Black Order.

Those who guessed Black Order (now renamed the Children of Thanos) were right. While the reveal confirmed rumors and mo-cap teasers from the film’s shoot, the poster gave a better idea of their true role in Infinity War. On the placard, they’re situated beneath his raised, glove hand. Incongruous to their size on the poster, their role in the movie should be significant, especially if writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely take inspiration from Marvel’s Infinity event book, The comic story, in which Thanos assaults Earth to kill his son Thane but discovers the hidden gems, setting the Order to round up Infinity Stones. Since at least one of the potent artifacts (Vision’s Soul Stone) is still on Earth, so they’re probably on their way already.

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Secret Avengers (Black Widow Goes Blonde)

Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), who debuted in Iron Man 2, is famous for her auburn locks. In the SDCC-revealed poster, though, her blonde hairdo implies she’s still on the lam when Infinity War begins. In addition, her poster placement, next to a darker, less-patriotic-dressed Captain America (Chris Evans) and Falcon (Anthony Mackie) also suggests the Secret Avengers could be in full effect.

The plot of Captain America: Civil War did diverge from the original storyline (both out of necessity and simplicity). At the same time, certain aspects echoed the classic tale, including Steve Rogers’ fight against S.H.I.E.L.D.’s abuse of authority. In the comics, he forms an underground team consisting mostly of Avengers in the aftermath of the Sokovia Accords (called the Superhero Registration Act in the comics). The original pseudo-team only lasted until the seventh issue of Civil War comic but proved popular enough to continue in the post-Siege world – when a reborn Cap created a black ops subset of the Avengers.

In the pre-Infinity War days, Team Cap may adapt the unofficial moniker, at least until the “HELP!” directive absolves the heroes of their treasonous ways under threat of Thanos.

Vision Scarlet Witch Romantic Tease

What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

When Vision and Scarlet Witch were introduced to the MCU in Avengers: Age of Ultron, super-fans knew it was only a matter of time before comic’s oddest couple hooked up. The Vision’s initial foray into human emotion in Civil War was interrupted by the team’s devolution into conflict. Apparently, Infinity War has just enough subplot space to allow shades of their legendary four-color romance to blossom.

Civil War also revealed that the Mind Stone – implanted in Vision’s head – is the source of both heroes’ power. Unfortunately, what brings them closer may also tear them apart. In the third Avengers, Thanos is seeking bling for his gauntlet, which means theoretically ripping the Mind Stone right from Vision’s noggin – something which would put a serious crimp in his love life. Hopefully, he and Scarlet Witch survive the encounter and love another day.

The Guardians Arrive on the Scene

What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

Speaking of inevitable meetups: the Guardians of the Galaxy have been on a collision course with their cohorts in the MCU since their surprising cinematic success. Barring a catastrophe at Disney, super-fans had already marked their calendars for the first official tete-a-tete between the Guardians and Marvel’s local yokels in the third Avengers. It was only a matter of how and why the noble space pirates head to Earth.

Co-director Joe Russo revealed during Comic-Con that a sizable piece of Infinity War’s action happens on Earth. Footage from the convention circuit disclosed how the Avengers and Guardians finally meet: Thor (Chris Hemsworth) slams right into the Milano. In addition, previously released conceptual artwork showcased a Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper) team up with Thor during the fray, while Dave Bautista teased “good chemistry” between Drax and Iron Man. As such, Avengers 3 should offer some amazing Marvel collaborations, and facilitate the first meeting between Marvel’s Cosmic and Earth contingents, something emblematic of the MCU’s future.

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What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

Spidey Is Definitely in the Mix

Spider-Man’s arrival in Captain America: Civil War was undoubtedly one of the most anticipated moments in comic book movie history. Even if Spider-Man: Homecoming hadn’t hit paydirt (which it did), his future was assured, as Disney signed Tom Holland up for five subsequent MCU appearances. The recent footage from D23 and SDCC confirmed that Spidey is a lock for the epic comic showdown, and the poster indicates he’ll have a moderate, web-slinging presence as an (at least honorary) Avenger. And, since his Iron Spider suit was confirmed for the fracas with Thanos, clearly Peter takes Tony Stark up on his high-tech suit offer.

Thor and Loki Working Together?

What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

Since Thor first blasted into the MCU, he’s had a serious sibling rivalry issue. His adopted brother, Loki, has been making life Hel for him, his Avengers teammates, and Midgard in general, tracking down the Tesseract (Space Stone) for Thanos, helping the Chitauri invade, and tricking Asgard into believing he was Odin. As the second Thor: Ragnarok trailer indicates, Loki’s mismanagement of Asgard helps Hela (Cate Blanchett) kick off her reign of fire. Now dethroned and with the Realm in disarray, the trickster god sides with his big brother to take down the Goddess of the Dead and restore some semblance of order to the Nine Realms.

For Infinity War, it’s harder to determine where his true allegiance falls, though. The poster places him next to his brother again, but Loki isn’t known for long-term loyalty. Recent teaser footage shows him handing over the Space Stone to the Mad Titan. However, since Thanos is hell-bent on rearranging the cosmos in his nihilistic image, Thor’s brother may side with everyone interested in living in a non-decimated universe. After all, it’s hard to scheme in a void.

Is It Really Nomad Cap?

In Captain America: Civil War, the Sokovia Accords set Iron Man and his crew against Captain America and teammates, who disagree with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s desire to tag and bag Earth’s hero. As a result, Cap goes on the run and sort of founds his own clandestine band prior to the next big film (the aforementioned Secret Avengers). He’s also adopted some hipster grooming habits and is looking far-less patriotic than usual in the poster.

His muted garb is reminiscent (without the silly ‘70s style) of his Nomad look, originally worn in Captain America #180 in 1974. The comic takes place after Cap thwarts the Secret Empire (not that Secret Empire). While dismantling the shadow government, he uncovers power abuse at the highest levels – writer Steve Englehart’s allusion to the Watergate scandal. Disillusioned, Steve sheds his patriotic schtick but can’t leave behind the heroics, hence his alternative codename.

The MCU’s Steve Rogers may not take the Nomad route, but co-director Joe Russo did suggest he’s no longer America’s shield-bearer in Infinity War. If so, fans could find an alternative Captain America clad in the red, white, and blue, possibly Bucky or even Sam Wilson (after his recent comic stint). Of course, Steve could shock everyone and pick up the mantle again to rally the troops.

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What the Avengers: Infinity War Poster Reveals

Bucky and Rhodey Return to Action

Captain America: Civil War didn’t end well for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The super-powered philosophical spat over the Sokovia Accords spread a lot of ill will (and punches), as well as leaving two heroes with serious injuries. Colonel James “Rhodey” Rhodes, aka Warmachine (Don Cheadle), accidentally had his iron wings clipped by Vision during the throwdown, while the Winter Soldier or Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) was dis-armed by Iron Man. Civil War also wrapped on an uncertain note, with Rhodey recuperating thanks from Stark Industries and Bucky frozen in a Wakandan cryogenic tank.

The Infinity War poster highlights Bucky and his brand new cybernetic arm. Now without the Soviet star, his new arm may not be connected to the Red Room, but it doesn’t necessarily mean Black Panther fixed his mental conditioning. Rhodey also seems to be fully functional again. While the poster doesn’t show his legs, fans can assume he’s either walking under his own power or rocking Tony’s mecha-legs. Their return to duty is fortuitous as well since Earth’s heroes need all the help they can get.

Identifying the Key Players

While not all Marvel posters are masterpieces, artist Ryan Meinerding’s Infinity War poster is a loving homage to Marvel’s comic book splashes. Loaded with hints and secrets, it also lays out the key players in the conflict, something Joe Russo hinted at during a recent interview. Aside from Thanos, who’s the big cheese of the poster and the picture, the colorful triple-placard also centers on characters likely to receive a lot of screen time.

Clearly, Iron Man will feature heavily in the story, and his evolving relationship with “Nomad”-nee-Captain America will probably define the earthbound side of things. In addition, the Guardians, who’ll bring Thor to Earth, ought to enjoy some solid face-time in the fracas. More importantly, Thanos’ daughters should play a major role, especially given Gamora’s sizable presence on the artwork between Tony Stark and her “father.” Her sister Nebula, who swore to slaughter Thanos in Guardians Vol. 2, also appears to play a significant role in the picture.

Hulk, who hasn’t participated in any team-building activities since Age of Ultron, also gets a big head atop the poster. His terrestrial return for Infinity War likely means he’ll enjoy some serious smash-time, which is a good thing. The Emerald Avenger’s off-the-charts strength and Bruce Banner’s top-notch smarts should prove vital to Marvel’s heroes as they try to thwart the Mad Titan’s ultimate power trip.

Did we miss any major subtext hidden in the Avengers: Infinity War poster? Let us know in the comments.

Next: Captain Marvel Isn’t In Avengers: Infinity War – Or Is She?

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