What Is Violet’s Second Signet Power In Fourth Wing? All Theories & Clues

What Is Violet’s Second Signet Power In Fourth Wing? All Theories & Clues

Warning! Spoilers for The Empyrean Series.

Rebecca Yarros’s The Empyrean Series left behind many questions and theories in the wake of the second novel Iron Flame, especially regarding Violet’s second signet. The series follows Violet Sorrengail in the fictional world of Navarre who is trying to survive the Riders Quadrant, the most cutthroat quadrant of Basigath War College. As she learns more about her world and the people around her, the line between friends and foes becomes blurred as a long-buried threat emerges.

The first novel of the series Fourth Wing was published in 2023 with Iron Flame following abruptly in 2024. The series was immediately greenlit for a television show with Yarros acting as an executive producer. However, some of the biggest mysteries of the series remain, such as Violet’s second signet. These mysteries have allowed fans to speculate about what it could be and what it might mean for future installments.

What Is Violet’s Second Signet Power In Fourth Wing? All Theories & Clues


What Does Onyx Storm Mean? 3rd Empyrean Book Title Explained

The title of Rebecca Yarros’ third Empyrean series novel will be Onyx Storm, and there are a few possible meanings behind the book’s name.

Violet Sorrengail’s Second Signet Was Hinted At In Iron Flame

Yarros discussed this during an interview with Variety

Iron Flame book cover by Rebecca Yarros

Yarros, when asked about Violet’s second signet, stated to Variety that “…every single hint you would need to know what her second signet is is in Iron Flame. It’s manifested.” Yarros, for most of the interview, led with answers like this or simply stated that the larger questions, such as Xaden reversing his status as a venin, would be revealed in some way in the third book titled Onyx Storm. However, the answer to Violet’s second signet is still somewhat unclear.

The idea of second signets was brought up in the novel by Quinn, who revealed that those who bond with a dragon that someone from their lineage bonded before could develop another signet. However, this is often discouraged, as more often the rider will go mad. Xaden’s second signet reveal in the book largely impacted the story, but Violet’s second signet was not explicitly revealed, leading to many fan theories.

Is Violet’s Second Signet The Ability To Communicate With The Dead?


Fanart of Violet from Fourth Wing

Art by @hachandraws

One of the more popular theories of Violet’s second signet is the ability to communicate with the dead, as Violet saw Liam during her time being tortured by Major Varrish. Violet, throughout Iron Flame, laments Liam’s death, one of Fourth Wing’s most tragic moments. During her time with Varrish, Violet sees Liam and hears him encouraging her to hold on, that help is coming. Violet writes it off as a hallucination due to her terrible circumstances but still talks to him until Dain and Xaden rescue her. Liam fades away once Violet is rescued, with no one but her to hear his departure.

While this could have just been a hallucination as Violet posited, the possibility of this being her second signet would have fascinating story implications. If Violet can summon the dead, she could summon one of the original riders and ask them how to strengthen the wards and if the venin have any unknown weaknesses. She could also summon the General to learn more about the venin’s plans and the dreams he sent to her and Xaden. This could also lead to some strong character moments with Violet if she summons her mother, leading to a resolution between the two.

Is Violet A Distance Wielder In The Empyrean Series?

Distance wielding was briefly mentioned in Iron Flame

fourth wing map of navarre as seen in book-1

Another theory is that Violet is a distance wielder, which is a powerful signet that has not been seen for hundreds of years. Violet does have moments of incredible speed and luck in Iron Flame, such as when she leaps across the gap on the mountain hike and when she goes to catch Visinia and Luella as they fall. Violet also begins to go on runs with Imogen in the first half of the book, wanting to increase her speed as she feels she is constantly too slow to save her friends.

Violet being a distance wielder would fit with the established lore of signets as being need-based, as Violet feels she needs to improve her abilities in order to defend those she loves. It would also fit with Andarna’s initial ability to pause time as well as the fact that Andarna specifically waited for Violet before hatching, hinting that Andarna suspected that Violet would be a distance wielder. It would also be a great advantage to have over the venin, as Violet would be able to close or further the distance between herself and a venin in a fight.

Can Violet Amplify Other People’s Signets?


Fan art of Rhiannon and Violet from Fourth Wing

Art by @meiflowersketches

The last of the three major fan theories is that Violet is some sort of amplifier. There are a few instances of other signets being stronger around her, including when Rhiannon summons Violet’s bag to her through her dorm room walls. This was a shock to the group as this was a feat that she had not been capable of before. This can also be seen when Mira summons a shield to defend Violet and Brennan against the venin in Viscount Tecarus’s arena, a feat that was previously established as impossible for her.

A final example can be seen when Ridoc summons a wall of ice to defend Violet and the group against Baide’s dragon fire in the wards chamber. This theory does have interesting story potential for the third book, as Violet’s amplification could help strengthen the wards in Aretia as well as her lightning signet in battle if the two can work in tandem. It can also be a hindrance as, with Violet amplifying his abilities, Xaden may be sucked further into the power of the venin as he consumes more energy to balance the boost.

What Else Could Violet’s Second Signet Be?


Violet and Xaden training in Fourth Wing

Art by @Rosiethorns88

While these are the predominant theories, these are not the only possibilities, as other powerful signets may exist in The Empyrean Series outside of the established lore. One example is that Violet could be a gravity wielder as signets are need-based, and she needs stability. Violet’s reality is challenged in both books, leaving her adrift, which she comments on during her chat with Xaden in the throne room. She also calls Xaden her gravity, emphasizing her need for stability. This could manifest in her ability to manipulate gravity, which could incapacitate the venin as it could stop them from feeding.

The manifestation of her signet could also be more subtle. Violet, due to her need for knowledge and her new drive to cure Xaden, could be an inntinnsic of lost knowledge. Violet, during the final battle, senses Xaden’s struggle as she lies on the ground. Though it could be their bond, it could also be her other signet feeling his shift through the ground magic. This would coincide with riders who can manipulate other magics, such as Mira and Garrick. Violet could communicate with the magic the venin feed on, letting her manipulate it without turning and potentially curing Xaden.

Violet’s Second Signet Will Be Confirmed In The 3rd Empyrean Series Book

Yarros confirmed that Violet’s second signet will play a large role in the third novel. With Iron Flame’s many twists, it would make sense to solve that mystery quickly in the upcoming third novel due to Andarna’s reveal, making the question of Violet’s second signet a more pressing one. It would also allow the stakes to continue to rise as the question shifts to how Violet can use that new signet to defeat the venin and save her loved ones.

The Empyrean Series, with its memorable characters and strong moments, continues to captivate readers. The steady flow of worldbuilding and remaining mysteries give fans both a rich world to explore as well as plenty of possibilities for theories on the story, characters, and lore. Even as the series comes to a close and the Amazon TV show arrives, many theories will continue to flood the internet, keeping fans properly engaged.