What Is The Trippie App And Is It Worth Using?

What Is The Trippie App And Is It Worth Using?

Trippie is a mobile app that’s designed to make it easier for travelers to navigate airports around the world. There are apps like Waze and Google Maps that provide important traffic intel for drivers. Others like Citymapper and MyTransit NYC make it easy to take the bus, subway, or train. And of course, there is a myriad of apps that cater to individuals who regularly travel by air.

Flying in an airplane is by far one of the most stressful methods of travel. Prior to flying, users may use an app to find cheap flights and affordable accommodation at their destination. There’s also the need to check into a flight early to get access to an earlier boarding group, generate a mobile boarding pass to reduce airline travel desk interaction, and later on, constantly check for schedules to make sure a flight has left and landed on time. But what about an app that helps users when they get to the airport?

Trippie is an iOS app that aims to eliminate the confusion some users may face when they navigate a busy airport. Upon launching the app, it automatically detects the closest airport to the user’s location and brings up a search page that allows people to find food by airport terminal, find their location on an interactive airport map, and chat with fellow travelers who are also on the Trippie app and within the same vicinity. Users can also manually choose an airport from Trippie’s list by tapping the city on top of the main screen and hitting the chosen location or searching for a city or airport code.

Is It Worth Trying Out The Trippie App?

What Is The Trippie App And Is It Worth Using?

As a concept, Trippie has incredible promise. It could be useful to anyone who finds themselves always in airports, looking for a non-Hudson News establishment to buy a quick meal. It may save a traveler some time trying to locate the nearest airport map through countless hallways to try and find their way. Trippie has a nice enough interface that may entice new users or people unfamiliar with a particular airport to give the app’s ‘Find food‘ function⁠ — which seems to be the app’s current focal point⁠ — a whirl. Seasoned travelers, however, may find what the app serves a little bit redundant. Besides, shouldn’t a frequent flier already know the lay of the land?

Upon further inspection, it seems like Trippie is in need of a major update. Although highly rated in Apple’s App Store at 4.2 out of 5, the last update by the developer was issued in mid-2021, and nothing else since then. There are also only about 140 airports included in the app ⁠— international and domestic combined ⁠— so those who are passing through not-so-common airports may find themselves out of luck finding much use for Trippie. The app itself is also intermittently buggy, with the ‘Find food‘ page taking a while to fully load for some destinations.

Trippie may be a great addition to a user’s growing collection of travel-related apps, provided that the developers can schedule more recent bug fixes, grow its list of covered airport locations, and maybe offer a version of the platform for Android devices. For now, unless the user’s destination is one of the select few airports featured on the app, people may want to skip downloading Trippie and opt for other airport apps that are more specific to the location they are visiting for a more accurate map and updated roster of food and drink establishments.