What If Ahsoka Had Joined Darth Maul? Plotting An Alternative Star Wars Timeline With Two New Sith

What If Ahsoka Had Joined Darth Maul? Plotting An Alternative Star Wars Timeline With Two New Sith

Ahsoka had a chance to team up with Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and while she rejected his offer, the Star Wars saga would have turned out differently had she agreed. In The Clone Wars season 7, episode 10 “Phantom Apprentice,” Maul asked Ahsoka to work with him to destroy Darth Sidious, which she almost accepted. However, when Maul revealed that he planned to kill Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka engaged him in a lightsaber duel, and the two went their separate ways for years.

Despite Ahsoka’s misgivings, there was a way for Maul to convince her to join him against Sidious. Had she teamed up with him, their fates immediately after the Clone Wars would have changed, creating a ripple effect that would alter the Star Wars timeline. From the rise of Crimson Dawn to the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn, a partnership between Ahsoka and Maul would have resulted in a significantly different story for them both.

Maul Could Have Convinced Ahsoka To Join Him By Revealing More Secrets

What If Ahsoka Had Joined Darth Maul? Plotting An Alternative Star Wars Timeline With Two New Sith

Ahsoka didn’t join Maul because he didn’t provide more valuable information about Sidious. She thought it was absurd that Sidious could have been grooming Anakin as his next apprentice, but if Maul had revealed that Palpatine was the Sith Lord, then the idea would have had merit. Ahsoka would have opposed Maul’s plan to kill Anakin, but now she would have a reason to believe that his concerns were warranted. It would also keep Ahsoka from going to the Jedi Council or the Republic Senate, as both were compromised from the start of the Clone Wars. Ahsoka would join Maul to take advantage of his knowledge and resources.

Ahsoka Would Agree To Work With Maul – Until Sidious Was Defeated

Darth Sidious Star Wars Sith Emperor

Ahsoka would assure herself that her alliance with Maul would only last until they found a way to defeat Sidious. She wouldn’t like the idea of becoming a Sith at first, but she said in Star Wars Rebels that to defeat an enemy, one must understand them. The Ahsoka series also showed her using techniques the Jedi never would, so she would learn all she could from Maul to prepare for the coming battle. Like all Sith, however, Maul’s goals would be more sinister, and he would gradually push Ahsoka closer to the dark side in hopes that she would go along with his plans when the time came.

Maul And Ahsoka’s Different Goals And Methods Would Lead To A Falling Out

Ahsoka Tano vs. Maul in The Clone Wars

Ahsoka would inevitably realize that Maul’s cruelty couldn’t be contained and that Crimson Dawn was only spreading that cruelty across the galaxy. If he defeated Sidious, he would have even more resources and bring untold misery to the galaxy. Rather than go with Maul to confront Sidious, she would stand against him, and the two would have the lightsaber duel they once avoided on Mandalore. The fight would end with Ahsoka escaping on a shuttle, perhaps taking Crimson Dawn defectors with her, while Maul wouldn’t be strong enough to face Sidious and Vader alone.

Ahsoka’s Time As A Criminal Would Stop The Rebellion From Trusting Her

Mon Mothma Ahsoka Tano Bail Organa

Just as Leia Organa didn’t trust Qi’ra when she became the leader of Crimson Dawn, Bail Organa and the other rebel leaders would no longer trust Ahsoka after working with Maul. Someone else would serve as the rebel spy Fulcrum, meaning Ahsoka would never meet Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, or Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels season 1. She would instead continue fighting the Empire in her own way, traveling the galaxy and helping where she could, like in Ahsoka.

Maul And Ahsoka Would Both Meet Ezra For The First Time On Malachor

Darth Maul helps Ahsoka Ezra and Kanan fight Inquisitors on Malachor in Star Wars Rebels

However, Ahsoka would keep tabs on Maul and cross paths with him again at the ancient Sith Temple on Malachor. This would be her first time meeting Ezra and his master, Kanan Jarrus, so she would compete with Maul to earn their trust. With Maul manipulating Ezra, who would be desperate to get the Sith Holocron, Ahsoka would be forced to fight him and lose his trust forever. Ezra would think she wanted the Holocron for herself and was only pretending to serve the light, and Kanan would be too preoccupied with Maul to make Ezra understand the truth.

Ahsoka Would Still Face Darth Vader – But This Time Ezra Wouldn’t Save Her

Ahsoka Tano vs Darth Vader on Malachor in Star Wars Rebels.

Vader would arrive at Malachor to claim the Sith Temple for the Emperor, engaging in a lightsaber duel with his old apprentice. The fight would play out the same as in canon, with Ahsoka and Vader trapped inside the temple as they fought to the death. Because Ezra never forged a connection with Ahsoka, he wouldn’t be led to her in the World Between Worlds or have a reason to save her if he did. Vader would strike Ahsoka down just before he fell through the floor, limping back to his ship and knowing that the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker was dead.

Without Ahsoka Hunting Thrawn, His Return Would Be Swift (And Not Include Ezra)

Ahsoka Thrawn and Ezra Star Wars Image

Without Ahsoka promising Ezra that she would find him, she would not embark on her quest to find Thrawn. She wouldn’t disrupt Morgan Elsbeth’s plans to bring back Thrawn or warn the New Republic that his return was possible, giving the Imperial Remnant the element of surprise. Sabine would not go to the other galaxy to track down Ezra, so he would remain trapped on Peridea when Thrawn returned to wage war on the New Republic. Thrawn would have an army of Nightsisters, legions of loyal stormtroopers, and an Imperial Shadow Council ready to support him, and the galaxy would be none the wiser.

Thrawn’s Empire Would Have Taken Over The Galaxy Long Before The First Order

First order stormtroopers Have 1 Big Empire Difference

Although Ahsoka season 2 and The Mandalorian movie have not been released, Thrawn will most likely be defeated before he can take over the galaxy. However, in a timeline where Ahsoka never warned the New Republic, Thrawn’s initial attack would be much more devastating, and his Empire would take over the galaxy long before the First Order. He would be defeated eventually, but the galaxy would take the Imperial threat more seriously, so the First Order may have never existed. Either way, Ahsoka had a crucial role in the timeline, making it fascinating to consider how the Star Wars saga would have been different had she teamed up with Maul.