What Ibrahim The Wolf Really Looks Like On Netflix’s Sexy Beasts

What Ibrahim The Wolf Really Looks Like On Netflix’s Sexy Beasts

Netflix’s Sexy Beasts is the platform’s newest and most controversial dating competition, and fans are eager to know what Ibrahim the Wolf really looks like. Although some audiences consider Sexy Beasts “nightmare fuel,” others have embraced the unconventional nature of the Netflix series, which is all about masking cast members. Here’s everything to know about Ibrahim’s background, as well as what he really looks like without fur covering his face.

Ibrahim donned his wolf costume on Sexy Beasts episode 4. On the show, Ibrahim admitted that he has been off of his dating game during past years. Ibrahim revealed that his last “official” relationship ended in 2014. Ibrahim was looking to find love while on Sexy Beasts and shared that he was open-minded because he believes that “everybody’s beautiful in their own way.” Ibrahim was looking for a passionate woman that he could connect to in a spiritual sense. Ibrahim had one of the most intricate masks. On the reality dating series, Ibrahim’s appearance was transformed. He wore a wolf mask and went on a drinking and drawing date with three “beasts.”

On the wacky episode of Sexy Beasts, which was episode 4, Ibrahim was set up with a dinosaur, an owl, and a troll. Ibrahim’s first contender was Bella the Dinosaur, a model and motivational speaker from London, UK. Bella was enthusiastic about participating in Sexy Beasts because she wants to find someone that will like her for her personality, not her appearance. Next was Gabi Mascaro the Owl, a vet student from West Virginia who loves animals more than people. Ibrahim’s final candidate was Karissa the Troll, a life coach from Texas. After some gin-making and nude painting dates, Ibrahim was able to make his decision. Ultimately, Ibrahim had the most chemistry with Gabi the Owl. Ibrahim was definitely pleased with his choice as he exclaimed “Golly!” when seeing what Gabi the Owl really looked like without owl feathers covering her face for the first time.

What Ibrahim The Wolf Really Looks Like On Netflix’s Sexy Beasts

With his fur removed, Ibrahim is revealed to be a suave, good-looking bachelor. When Bella, Gabi, and Karissa saw what Ibrahim looked like under his wolf mask, they were equally surprised. Gabi admitted, “I am very impressed, I will say,” when she got to see Ibrahim’s actual face. Karissa had a similar response upon seeing Ibrahim’s human form. Karissa shared, “I’m surprised. Oh, yeah, he’s hot. For sure.” Unfortunately, Gabi and Ibrahim have not embarked on a romantic relationship after Sexy Beasts because Gabi thinks they work better as friends than significant others. Although Gabi can be found on Instagram, Ibrahim is hard to track down without any social media. Although Ibrahim appreciates his privacy, Sexy Beasts did reveal that when he’s not a wolf on the Love Is Blind meets Masked Singer series, Ibrahim is a dancer and graffiti artist that lives in New York and London.

Although he does fit the role of the lone wolf, Ibrahim’s appearance shocked viewers and the women competing for his affection. Ibrahim didn’t end up ending his streak of being single, but he did experience the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get to know someone for their personality. Despite Gabi, Bella, and Karissa’s animalistic appearances, Ibrahim succeeded in building real connections on Sexy Beasts.