What Happens To The Continental’s Characters Before John Wick Movies

What Happens To The Continental’s Characters Before John Wick Movies

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Continental episode 3.

The Continental‘s ending still takes place almost four decades before the John Wick movies, raising the question of what happens to each major character between the two installments of the franchise. When The Continental was announced as a prequel to John Wick, it was expected that the show would tie heavily into the latter franchise given its popularity. In some ways, the Peacock series does exactly this.

From exploring how Winston Scott took control of the titular establishment to the coming together of him and Charon after their close bond was set up in the John Wick films, The Continental‘s ending adequately explains various elements of the film series it precedes. This is done through various John Wick Easter eggs in The Continental, yet surprisingly the series ends with a large section of the timeline between it and John Wick left unexplored. As such, many have been wondering what happens to the show’s various characters in the period between The Continental and 2014’s John Wick, especially those who do not feature in the latter films.

Winston Scott

What Happens To The Continental’s Characters Before John Wick Movies

Concerning the main character of The Continental, Winston Scott’s journey between the show and John Wick is fairly easy to plot for those familiar with the Keanu Reeves films. In the 35–40 years between The Continental and John Wick, Winston simply spends his time solidifying his position as the manager of the New York Continental. The Continental‘s ending showcased Winston killing the High Table’s Adjudicator in a shocking scene. This scene was in place to show Winston’s defiance of the High Table, yet also to establish his alliance with the organization.

Killing the Adjudicator sent a message; Winston is now here to stay in The Continental and the High Table can either ally with him as they did with Cormac – the former manager Winston took control of the hotel from – or face the consequences of opposing him just as Cormac and the Adjudicator did. As evident by the John Wick films, the High Table opts for the former with Winston holding his position as the proprietor of the eponymous hotel right up until John Wick begins.


Charon standing by the elevator in The Continental

Another main player in The Continental‘s cast of characters was Charon, the hotel’s concierge played by the late Lance Reddick in the John Wick movies. In The Continental, Charon was shown as the assistant to Cormac before he allied with Winston and aided the latter in his siege of the hotel. Much like with Winston, the events of Charon’s life between The Continental and John Wick are left unexplored aside from the fact that he eventually becomes the hotel’s concierge. That said, some context clues from Charon’s story in The Continental can provide some more specific hints about Charon’s life between the two projects.

A big aspect of Charon’s character in The Continental was his wish to bring his father to New York from Nigeria. Cormac used this desire to control Charon which was a turning point for his character once Winston pointed out that Cormac never intended to aid Charon or his family. As of the end of The Continental, Winston is in charge of The Continental with Charon as his ally. As such, it can be inferred that Charon’s father is eventually relocated to the United States by Winston to reunite the father and son between the series and John Wick before Charon becomes the concierge of the New York Continental.

Lou & Miles

Lou and Miles look concerned The Continental

Lou and Miles are two new characters for The Continental in that they did not appear or were not mentioned in the John Wick films. Given the almost 40-year gap between the two projects, their journey specifically between the two is shrouded in mystery. Winston and Charon at least have end-points that are highlighted in John Wick, yet Lou and Miles are completely devoid of any story elements in the John Wick films meaning much of their story is left to interpretation.

Like Charon though, there are some elements of The Continental that can provide potential insight into their journey. For one, Lou’s rivalry with the boss of the Chinese mafia is left mostly unresolved. After destroying her dojo, the mafia boss is not featured again in The Continental meaning Lou likely takes revenge against him between the series and John Wick. Concerning the duo together, The Continental episode 2 featured a scene that could hint at a hidden role they have in the John Wick films.

The hidden role hinted at in The Continental is the Sommelier from John Wick 2. In the latter film, Wick is sent to the Sommelier in the hotel who provides the iconic hitman with a variety of weapons and ammo. In The Continental episode 2, Winston promises that should they aid him in taking The Continental from Cormac, Lou and Miles will be responsible for providing the hotel with guns and ammunition. This hints that Lou and Miles were responsible for creating the Sommelier position of the establishment and could explain their combined journey between The Continental and John Wick: setting up the hotel’s gun-running organization.


nhung kate as yen in the continental

Another character whose ending is left frustratingly unclear in The Continental is Yen, Frankie’s wife. The Continental episode 3 provides a satisfying enough culmination of Yen’s story with the character being provided with the best fight scenes in the show while also getting revenge for Frankie’s murder by killing the assassin who conducted it. That said, the ending montage of The Continental provides shockingly little regarding what happens to Yen between The Continental and John Wick.

Given that Yen is never mentioned in John Wick, the most likely outcome of Yen’s journey is that she returns home to Vietnam. The Continental episode 2 established that she was pushed into being a suicide bomber in the Vietnam War before Frankie found her and the two fled to the United States. While this could provide Yen with some hesitation to return home, she could have stayed in New York for a while before returning to her home country now that Frankie is dead. Aside from this potential outcome, the rest of Yen’s story between The Continental and John Wick is left entirely to interpretation.


Gene holding a sniper in The Continental episode 3

Gene Jenkins is another original character introduced in The Continental, a sniper who is friends with Miles and aids Winston in his attempt to capture the titular hotel. As is the case with Lou, Miles, and Yen, Gene is not mentioned in any of the John Wick movies meaning his timeline between The Continental and its sequel films is also unclear. However, more so than Yen, Gene’s story provides some hints as to what follows his journey in The Continental.

For one, Gene is an older man. This means that he likely passed away in the 40 or so years between The Continental and the John Wick films. Regarding what happened between The Continental and his death, Gene likely settled down with the woman whose apartment he sniped from in The Continental episode 3. The episode established a romantic connection between the two and set up a date at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens for Gene and the unnamed woman, hinting at their life together between the show and John Wick.


Mishel Prada as KD leaning on a car in The Continental.

The final character originally created for The Continental and part of its main cast is KD. The Continental ended with KD killing Cormac out of revenge for her family who were killed by Winston on the orders of Mel Gibson’s villainous hotel manager. As seems to be common for most Continental characters, her time between the show and John Wick is left unspoken given her absence from the latter franchise. Given her murderous ways and skirting of NYPD rules, KD is likely fired from the force after The Continental and could move away from New York, explaining her absence in John Wick.