What Happened To The Doctor At The End Of Flux Ep 4 (Not A Weeping Angel)

What Happened To The Doctor At The End Of Flux Ep 4 (Not A Weeping Angel)

This article contains spoilers for Doctor Who: Flux episode 4.

Doctor Who: Flux episode 4’s cliffhanger ending apparently saw the Doctor transformed into a Weeping Angel – but in reality, she seems to have been transported to meet the Division. Doctor Who season 13 has a narrative approach unlike anything seen in the show since it was relaunched in 2005. It’s a single six-episode story, with each episode ending in a dramatic cliffhanger. And the cliffhanger for Doctor Who: Flux episode 4 is easily the most effective to date.

Packed with classic horror tropes, episode 4 sees the return of the Weeping Angels. The Doctor learns at least one group of Weeping Angels work for Doctor Who‘s Division, the group she also worked for in her forgotten past. A rogue Weeping Angel has brought the Doctor to Earth in order to strike a deal – it knows the only thing the Division wants more than itself is the Doctor, and it’s agreed to hand her over. Unwittingly standing atop a Weeping Angel ship, the Doctor appears to transform into a Weeping Angel herself. Current Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall is a fan of the classic series, where cliffhangers were the norm, and here he’s managed to pull off what may be considered one of the best in the show’s history.

The best cliffhangers, however, depend upon misdirection. According to the rogue Weeping Angel, the Doctor has been “recalled to Division,” meaning she’s not being transformed into a Weeping Angel at all – rather, she’s being transported back to Division headquarters. Doctor Who: Flux episode 4 had already revealed the Weeping Angels’ technology is composed of the same living stone as the creatures themselves – the Doctor is apparently standing on the hull of their stone ship. Given that’s the case, it’s reasonable to assume the Doctor has been coated with stone so she can be transported back to Division HQ; there’s an energy flare at the moment the credits begin to roll, suggesting either a transmat – Doctor Who‘s version of a Star Trek transporter – has been activated, or some temporal jump system has instead.

What Happened To The Doctor At The End Of Flux Ep 4 (Not A Weeping Angel)

The Weeping Angels had come to Earth expecting to capture one of their own kind, meaning whatever technology they use to travel through time and space would be calibrated for their stone forms. Logically, then, they’d need to coat the Doctor in this living stone, giving her the attributes of a Weeping Angel, in order for it to work. This neatly explains the cliffhanger, bringing together the dialogue and the dramatic closing scenes, as well as setting up the continuation of the Doctor’s arc in episode 5.

Pleasingly, the BBC’s marketing has learned from previous Doctor Who mistakes. Cliffhangers for the first two episodes were effectively ruined because the trailers that aired immediately afterwards showed all the heroes would survive, and even dropped major clues as to how. In the case of Doctor Who: Flux episode 4, though, the trailer doesn’t give anything away about the Doctor’s fate; there’s a brief glimpse of the TARDIS, but no sign of its owner. There is, however, one shot of a mysterious flicker of light approaching a space station apparently of Gallifreyan design – and given the Division began with the Time Lords, this is probably their base of operations. Hopefully, Doctor Who: Flux episode 5 will see the Doctor confront the Division and learn some of her forgotten past.

Doctor Who: Flux releases new episodes Sundays on BBC and BBC America.