What Are Airbnb Virtual Experiences & Best Ones To Book

What Are Airbnb Virtual Experiences & Best Ones To Book

With the coronavirus pandemic forcing everyone to stay inside, Airbnb has adapted to the situation by offering virtual experiences. The world is standing still, but businesses and people are finding creative solutions to communicate and have fun, making it possible to enjoy life while following necessary social-distancing practices.

Airbnb is a business that provides people with short-term lodgings. The service often provides users with rooms that are cheaper than hotels, and as these are people’s homes, the homeowners can make some additional money by using their property to host guests. Rentals from Airbnb come in all shapes and sizes, including rooms, small apartments, and even fan-favorite locations, such as the residence in Downton Abbey. Airbnb also offers additional services that look to provide guests with a taste of the local culture and other non-tourist moments, including Airbnb Experiences which can range from workshops to wine tastings.

With traveling stalled and tourism at a standstill, many guests have been forced to cancel their plans leaving Airbnb hosts to face the financial burden. However, Airbnb has since come up with a creative solution by adapting its Airbnb Experience to create Airbnb Virtual Experiences. This online service lets people participate in interactive sessions while safe in their homes by using Zoom to join a group and participate in a unique activity.

An Assortment Of Activities Are Available

What Are Airbnb Virtual Experiences & Best Ones To Book

Airbnb Virtual Experiences offers an assortment of unique activities that a person can do while at home. For example, there is a Mother’s Day category full of events, including collage making and cocktails with jazz. Activities are diverse and range well beyond art, drinking and music. Unique activities include meeting Olympians and following a plague doctor through Prague. The website allows the patron to search for topics based on interest, date, time of day and price. For example, the price range shows that activities can be found for as little as one dollar, while others can cost more than $100. According to the website, the average price is $22, but there are plenty of opportunities available if a person has a limited budget to play with. Hosts typically hold group sessions, and the groups can vary in size.

One of the best ways to determine what activity to pick is by checking the host’s page. Olympian gold medalist, Breeja Larson, hosts a goal-setting activity and on the Experience page there’s a short trailer and still images that help potential patrons learn what they can expect during the session. In addition, there is also a guide on how to participate, and what to bring. Larson asks patrons about what they want and will try to tailor the session to support those requests. Once an experience is chosen and finished, users can award a rating and if they want, leave a review about the experience. The Airbnb Virtual Experience highlights that although the coronavirus pandemic has placed significant pressure on businesses, creative solutions are being found, and hosts can continue to provide the public with positive and memorable experiences.