What Age of Empires 4 NEEDS To Be Better Than AoE 3

What Age of Empires 4 NEEDS To Be Better Than AoE 3

It’s been fifteen years since the 2005 release of Age of Empires 3, and despite the large window between games, fans are more anxious than ever for the release of the fourth installment in the franchise. Relic Entertainment confirmed the real-time strategy game was in the works in 2017 with a concept trailer for Age of Empires 4. Later, in 2019, a gameplay teaser revealed much of what fans can expect from the new installment.

Based on the trailers, it appears the new game will take place in the medieval times with conflict primarily between English and Mongolian forces. Given the big-time gap between games, players can automatically expect enhanced AI, giving more realistic movements and behaviors to characters. Similarly, players can also expect enhanced, clearer graphics for a more aesthetic experience, especially if the game releases on the next-gen Xbox Series X console.

There’s still a lot unknown about Age of Empires 4, including its release date. Though some reports have suggested it could still potentially release in 2020, other estimates suggest fans of the franchise may have to wait until 2022. What is clear is that fans are just going to have to sit tight, an action which likely only increases expectations regarding the ways Age of Empires 4 will improve upon its predecessors.

Bridges, Destruction, & More: What Age of Empires 4 Needs

What Age of Empires 4 NEEDS To Be Better Than AoE 3

The gameplay trailer for Age of Empires 4 already confirmed there will be more customizable and buildable elements in the game, such as more variety in building style. But the game shouldn’t limit itself to only aesthetic changes. It should include new elements, like bridges, something fans have long been asking for. There could be different tiers of bridges, such as wood, rope, or stone types, with certain ones are only becoming available later in the game when the player’s civilization has developed.

Furthermore, worlds in Age of Empires 4 should be fully destructible. Players should be able to destroy anything they can set their sights on (including bridges), which would add to the overall realism of the game. It would be impressive if the game could include wreckage from past conflicts, like shipwrecks or destroyed battlegrounds, wreckage that players would be responsible for dealing with if they want to use the territory for practical purposes. Many Age of Empires players would also like to see a smoother, more user-friendly user interface, making it easier to navigate opportunities and options in the game.

Much of what has blessed the Age of Empires franchise with such a strong cult following is that players thoroughly enjoy the gameplay experience. So, while there are various ways in which AoE4 can and should improve upon its predecessors, the developers would be wise to stray too far from its original source of inspiration. They should capitalize and improve upon features that were already successes in previous games, such as Age of Empire 3’s deck feature, which could easily be enhanced by offering players more options and nixing those that are unproductive. Similarly, while AoE3 may be newer, the gameplay was better received in AoE2, so pinpointing exactly what fans loved about the second game and improving upon that would be a good direction for Age of Empires 4 to go in.