Wes Anderson: 10 Best Moonrise Kingdom Quotes, Ranked

Wes Anderson: 10 Best Moonrise Kingdom Quotes, Ranked

Director Wes Anderson has somewhat of a cult following and if you are amongst his adoring fans you will know that one of his most notorious films is Moonrise Kingdom. Misfit youngsters Sam and Suzy have a chance meeting and form an instant bond with each other. They run away together and a dramatic chase party ensues.

Starring such names as Francis McDormand, Bill Murray, Edward Norton and Bruce Willis, the film is a pleasure to return to again and again. The whimsical, off-beat nature of Anderson’s films shines through his off-beat dialogue. Here are 10 quotes to pull you back into the world of Moonrise Kingdom.

“Here Comes Jed With The Mail”

Wes Anderson: 10 Best Moonrise Kingdom Quotes, Ranked

The odd yet charming narrator of the film — or, rather, a sort of weather specialist who introduces us to the small town featured throughout — sets the tone through his awkward and wholesome manner. Most of Anderson’s films could probably be described as such — awkward and wholesome.

In this instance, the narrator is explaining the specifications of the town that Suzy and Sam reside in when suddenly, an airplane flies overhead — it’s Jed, with the mail.

“Jiminy Cricket, He Flew The Coop”

Scout Master Ward discovers that Kahki Scout Sam Shakusky has left the camp and makes this declaration after thoroughly investigating his tiny tent.

This is made all the more humorous by the fact that his ultimate proof of escape is evidenced by the hole found to be cut in the side of his tent, hidden behind a map, as if he were being held in a secure prison and not a camping tent.

“I Lost My Temper At Myself”

Suzy is made to be unique through references to her numerous violent episodes. Her parents mention that she has “so many issues”, though we don’t really know why, exactly.

Suzy is quiet and foreboding and taken to dramatic statements. Sam first meets her when she has a cast around her hand and when he asks her why, she explains — vaguely and seriously — that it’s from a fight she had with a mirror.

“That’s My Fee! I’m Keeping The Nickels”

Sam and Suzy have escaped for a second time after originally being found out by the adults. The Khaki scouts have joined forces with them and agreed to help them flee the area forever, or so they think. They make use of one of the scouts’ cousins, named Ben, at a neighboring scout camp.

In return for his assistance, the scouts give cousin Ben a tennis ball can full of coins that add up to 75 dollars, “mostly nickels”. Jason Schwartzman, a regular in Anderson movies, plays cousin Ben, who hilariously protests when the scouts suggest he donate the nickels for the purpose of Suzy and Sam’s future together.

“She Stabbed Redford In The Back With Lefty Scissors”

We love this quote for how absurd it is, on many counts. First of all, it refers to the fact that a bunch of children had a Lord Of The Flies-Esque battle against each other when all they were supposed to do was help locate Sam and Suzy.

The child stabbed in the back being referred to by his last name, “Redford”, makes it feel even more like some pseudo-war. To top it all off, it was done with “lefty scissors.”

“I’m Gonna Change My Answer — This Is My Real Job, Scout Master Troop 55. I’m A Math Teacher On The Side”

Amidst discussion of how to find Sam after he has run away from Scout Troop 55, Scout Master Ward asks if the scouts have any questions. The scouts break the veneer of seriousness and remind us that they are children by immediately asking the Scout Master completely inappropriate and personal questions, like what his “real job” is.

He sheepishly answers that he’s a math teacher and then later, when the subject has passed for a while but is clearly still bothering him, he goes back and changes his answer.

“I Hope The Roof Flies Off And I Get Sucked Up Into Space”

Bill Murray plays the depressive father of Suzy. His wife, played by McDormand, is cheating on him and he knows it and his daughter is missing. He spends most of the movie lumbering around with sluggish defeatism or lashing out with childish tantrums.

His character is both pathetic and sympathetic and highly amusing and comical all the while. He makes this statement while lying in bed wrapped in a patchwork quilt and staring at the ceiling. We can see where Suzy gets her flair for drama from.

“In Fact, We’ve Been A Bunch Of Mean Jerks”

The scouts have been against Sam from the start, but they finally see the error of their ways. A member of their group proclaims this in a meeting in their treehouse, standing at the window and staring out into the sky.

He turns to the group emphatically, like a general making a speech. The redundancy of “mean” and “jerks” heightens the adorable absurdity of the children playing at being adults.

“Even Smart Kids Stick Their Fingers In Electrical Sockets Sometimes”

Bruce Willis is the town’s good-hearted if simple-minded police officer. He tells Sam that he’s sure Sam is probably smarter than him, but all the same, even smart people do stupid things.

This speaks to the struggles of most of the characters in the film, all people who are slightly sad in some way and acting it out in an immature or un-wise manner that doesn’t do justice to how intelligent they really are. It’s a testament to the fact that everyone makes mistakes and no one really knows exactly what they’re doing.

“I Love You But You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About”

One of the most poignant moments of the film, Suzy shares her fantasy of being an orphan with Sam, stating that she thinks they lead more interesting lives. It’s one of the few moments in the film which is serious and when Sam responds to her it’s without irony or any level of cuteness.

His words are cutting in how real they are, as well as touching in their generosity. This statement could be said by any person of any age who loves somebody because there is a point in every relationship where this is true.