Welcome To Plathville: Olivia Admits She’s Unsure About Future With Ethan

Welcome To Plathville: Olivia Admits She’s Unsure About Future With Ethan

Olivia Plath from Welcome To Plathville revealed that she doesn’t “know what will happen” with her marriage to Ethan. The couple has gone through a rough patch since Ethan stopped talking to the majority of his family. For almost two years, Oliva has wanted to move to Tallahassee, an hour away from where Ethan grew up, but he seemed to enjoy living in his peaceful hometown. Olivia, however, expressed that their marriage wouldn’t work unless they moved.

The young photographer said it was difficult living in the same town as her parents-in-law, Barry and Kim, who shopped at the same grocery store. Last season on the show, when the young couple thought they were going to move to Tallahassee, Oliva and Ethan went to his parents’ house to say goodbye to his younger siblings. During the visit, Ethan asked his parents if the younger siblings could meet Olivia in the car (because she didn’t want to go in the house). Barry and Kim refused his request, and Ethan left the house upset. But just before he departed for good, Barry and Ethan exchanged heated words in the driveway, and this was the last moment he shared with that side of the family in over a year and a half.

In a preview of the next episode of Welcome To Plathville, as reported by People, Olivia explained that she doesn’t “know what will happen” regarding the future of her marriage to Ethan. She no longer wants to control him, and she wishes he’ll make his own decisions. She felt she was often pushing Ethan to do certain things for her, and she now feels this isn’t fair. After a difficult fight, Olivia moved in with a friend, but she said it was the most difficult thing she ever had to do. At the end of the day, she and her husband needed time apart, she expressed.

Welcome To Plathville: Olivia Admits She’s Unsure About Future With Ethan

In the episode’s confessional interview, Olivia also admitted she didn’t know how long she and Ethan would be separated. “I was trying so hard to make the marriage work,” she said, and explained that she may have to “face a new reality” in the future. She still wants her marriage to last, but the dynamic would have to change.

In a recent episode, Olivia expressed that Ethan was so upset about not seeing his younger siblings because, in a sense, he raised them like they were his own children. To lose that bond, she said, was devastating for Ethan. During the current season, many of Ethan’s family noticed a sadness in him, which wasn’t normal. His younger sister Lydia said it was bittersweet to see him because it broke her heart to witness his pain.

The couple got married young, and Olivia said they were trained to believe all serious relationships should end in marriage. If the two stay together, fans of Welcome To Plathville will be interested to find out where they live. If the marriage doesn’t work out, Ethan may stay in Plathville while Olivia moves on. Whether their relationship succeeds or not, many viewers would like to see Ethan reunite with his family again after a year and a half of separation.

Welcome To Plathville airs Tuesdays at 10pm on TLC.