‘Wayward Pines’: The First Generation

‘Wayward Pines’: The First Generation

‘Wayward Pines’: The First Generation

[This is a review of Wayward Pines episode 5. There will be SPOILERS.]

Wayward Pines will never be a series known for its subtlety, but that is exactly what makes it so charming. This week’s episode, simply called ‘The Truth,’ delivers exactly what its title suggests – answers.

Well, perhaps not all of the answers we were hoping for, but definitely enough to keep our appetites up in face of the upcoming two-week hiatus. Just like Whitney Houston’s popular ballad, Pines believes that “the children are our future, so teach them well, and let them lead the way.”

In the case of this strange community we now know that these kids, if they so chose, will be the first generation of a new world existing in the year 4028. How they arrived 2,000+ years into the future is a mystery that needs more of an explanation, but the pieces are all slowly coming together. As said in previous reviews, Pines is a 10-episode miniseries, so Fox doesn’t have the luxury of making us wait five seasons down the road before we get any real answers. Unless renewed for another outing, this story will come to an end in just five more episodes, so the agonizing wait for a conclusion is right around the corner.

Megan Fisher (Hope Davis) continues to be an intriguing character, as she leads Ben and his classmates in their first orientation. According to her, the world that they once knew is now gone, yet she chooses not to tell them why, only that a scientist who we thought was Dr. Jenkins, foresaw the coming changes that would devolve humanity into horrific “aberrations.” Perhaps the good doctor did foresee the human devolution, but how does he put humans in hibernation tubes for two millennia? Again, with more answers come even greater amounts of questions, but Ben and his dad are closer than anyone else to discovering the truth.


Speaking of Ethan, his journey into the mountains led him to Boise, Idaho, where he discovered the post-apocalyptic wasteland for himself. The most curious thing about his trip was the missile/spacecraft he found in the woods. Let’s forget the possibility of aliens and presume that the downed unidentified object with Boise written on it was a weapon of some kind. Are we in a Planet of the Apes scenario where mankind simply “blew it all to hell,” or is there another layer to this story that we’re simply not aware of? So far, Pines has done a marvelous job of keeping its secrets well hidden, so for now, we’ll just have to believe that our questions will be answered soon.

Even Theresa learned some new information today, as she started her job for the Wayward Pines realty group, working alongside the creepy and perverted Big Bill (Michael McShane). The town’s new arrival, Wayne Johnson, seems to have remembered what happened directly after the crash (and veteran actor Scott Michael Campbell (Longmire) is another great addition to the cast). It will be interesting to see if Wayne can help Theresa, Ben, and Ethan find the missing pieces in order to solve this odd puzzle.

Now halfway home, is this series still holding your attention? Concerning the overarching mystery, do you like the quick reveals, or would you prefer a slower paced delivery? Keep watching to see what happens next.

Wayward Pines continues with ‘Choices’ on June, 25 @9/8c on Fox. Check out a preview below: