Watchmen: Every Episode From Season 1, Ranked (According To IMDb)

Watchmen: Every Episode From Season 1, Ranked (According To IMDb)

HBO created another homerun of a television series with Watchmen this year, bringing the popular comic book to life in such an incredible way. With a gripping storyline and some amazing episodes, the show was very consistent from episode to episode. While it is currently unknown if the show will be brought back for a second season, the show will have a tremendous legacy regardless due to how high the quality season one was.

Every episode of the show had a distinct meaning and felt incredibly important, creating must-see television. But which was the best episode of the show? Well, in this list we will rank every episode from worst to best, according to their IMDb ratings.

It’s Summer And We’re Running Out Of Ice (7.9)

Watchmen: Every Episode From Season 1, Ranked (According To IMDb)

The lowest-rated episode of the first season of Watchmen was actually the very first episode of the show, proving that it only got stronger from this point. ‘It’s Summer And We’re Running Out Of Ice’ gained a 7.9 rating from IMDb and did feature a very shocking ending that people didn’t see coming.

Of course, with this being the first episode of what is quite a complex show, it isn’t always easy to come out of the gates strongly. This episode does a great job of explaining many of the characters and setting up the story in what is still a very strong episode of television.

Martial Feats Of Comanche Horsemanship (8)

The second episode of the season ‘Martial Feats Of Comanche Horsemanship’ saw a rating of 8 from IMDb. In this episode, Angela relives horrid memories of when her family was attacked as she detains a mystery man who claims to have been responsible for the recent murder.

What she doesn’t know, is that man is her Grandfather, and she quickly begins to start unraveling a series of things she never knew about before. This episode also sees the Lord watch a play that shows the transformation of Doctor Manhattan as it is revealed he is able to clone Phillips and Crookshanks.

If You Don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own (8.2)

Next up is the episode, ‘ If You Don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own,’ which was rated at 8.2 from IMDb as Lady Trieu joins the show and begins to be highlighted heavily. She makes a mysterious offer as her character is developed, clearly having a certain mystery surrounding it.

Veidt also continues to clone Crookshanks and Phillips in this episode as he ends up collecting fetuses from a lake after killing the rest off. It still remains unclear what he is truly attempting with his experiments in this episode, but it is clear he is testing the limits of the prison for something.

She Was Killed By Space Junk (8.6)

Agent, Laurie Blake is sent to Tulsa in this episode to begin investigating the death of Judd and she immediately starts going to work on capturing members of the Kavalry to question them. When a member of the group turns up to the funeral with a suicide vest, it is Angela who comes to the rescue, as it becomes clear the Kavalry are up to something.

Laurie’s history with Doctor Manhattan is also made evident in this episode as she uses a phone booth to contact him. Meanwhile, Viedts begins to test a protective suit, hoping that it will be good enough to help him leave the prison, as he responds to a message from the Game Warden.

See How They Fly (9)

Next up is ‘See How They Fly,’ which is actually the season finale of Watchmen. Having to tie up the entire season and all of the different stories, this episode did a fantastic job of doing exactly that, with IMDb rating the episode 9, which is a very impressive score.

It isn’t always easy to end a show on a high note, but Watchmen did just that. With all of the main characters ending up together, there are reveals, secrets, and a major tease at the end which will hopefully set up a second season at some point in the future.

An Almost Religious Awe (9.2)

Another of Watchmen’s strongest episodes is ‘An Almost Religious Awe,’ which scored a high rating of 9.2 on IMDb as Angela undergoes some unconventional treatment after taking the nostalgia pills. Trieu reveals that Manhattan is actually on Earth, disguised as a human.

It is in this episode that we learn exactly who Manhattan has been all this time as Angela smashes open the head of her husband, Jon, to reveal a blue glow underneath. As well as that, Laurie ends up being captured by the Kavalry and learns that they plan to restore white supremacy via Manhattan and his powers.

Little Fear Of Lightning (9.2)

‘Little Fear Of Lightning’ also has an IMDb rating of 9.2 and was another amazing episode of Watchmen which put a major focus onto the character, Looking Glass. His past is explored in detail as the show highlights how Wade has become the person that he is today.

He ends up being caught by the Kavalry, meanwhile, Veidt is shown to actually be trapped on Europa as he begins to arrange frozen bodies in a bid to try and escape from the prison that he is being trapped in. The episode is an incredibly detailed and exciting one that really does a lot to further the story of the entire show.

This Extraordinary Being (9.3)

‘This Extraordinary Being’ was a slightly different style of episode, but it was arguably the greatest of the entire season. With a solid 9.3 rating from IMDb, the risk was clearly appreciated. Unlike the rest of the show, the vast majority of this episode was done in black and white.

With Amanda swallowing a whole tub of her Grandfather’s nostalgia pills, she went back in time and lived his life, understanding exactly who he was. With an incredible choice of music throughout the episode provides a great reveal and tackles the issue of racism in a fascinating and honest manner.

A God Walks Into Abar (9.6)

When it comes to the best episode of Watchmen, according to IMDb, it is ‘A God Walks Into Abar’ that takes the top spot. With a huge rating of 9.6, this episode did an amazing job of revealing how many of the characters were actually linked.

With Doctor Manhattan getting a major focus in this episode, his relationship with Angela was fully explored, alongside her past in Vietnam. It’s an amazing episode of television that really took a detailed look at the most well-known character from the comic, and explaining how he can be present in different time periods at the same time created a fascinating episode.