Watchmen Cosplay Brings Back the Costume Too Disturbing for the Movie

Watchmen Cosplay Brings Back the Costume Too Disturbing for the Movie

For better or worse, Zack Snyder’s 2009 cinematic adaptation of Alan Moore’s genre-defining comic book series Watchmen remained as faithful to the source material as possible, including its recreation of the Comedian, played by Jeffery Dean Morgan. That said, one aspect of the character’s costume on the page proved too disturbing for Snyder to include – and now an expert cosplayer has provided a glimpse of what it could’ve looked like.

Omega-level cosplayer @batsturd, as always, delivers a phenomenal build, with his version of the Comedian from Watchmen, featuring the character’s leather mask, which was one small but significant detail omitted by Zack Snyder in his film version, which is regarded as almost too dogmatically committed to recreating Dave Gibbons’ art on the page.

Batsturd’s masked Comedian is, as the top comment notes, “ripped straight from the comics,” in a way that Zack Snyder himself would be sure to marvel at. Serving as a nod to both Moore’s original, and DC’s Before Watchmen series, this cosplay is unparalleled in its craftsmanship.

Watchmen Cosplay Brings Back the Costume Too Disturbing for the Movie


“It Was So Easy to Have an Effect”: Alan Moore Perfectly Explained Why Watchmen Permanently Changed Superhero Fiction

In a BBC interview, Watchmen creator Alan Moore explained why it was “so easy” for the book to cause a seismic shift in superhero storytelling.

This Expert Cosplay Has The One Thing Missing From Zack Snyder’s Comedian

Batsturd’s Comedian cosplay is distinguishable from the character design from 2009’s Watchmen film only by its inclusion of Edward Blake’s signature leather mask, one key aspect of the character’s look that director Zack Snyder chose to omit from his version. Or more specifically, Snyder chose to emphasize other iterations of the character’s outfit, also from the source material. Blake’s mask is one of the most unsettling visual representation of the complicated nature of the character. Batsturd’s version of the mask emphasizes the disturbing quality of its mask, which forms a metallic version of the Comedian’s characteristic mischievous grin.

Beneath the mask, Batsturd is clearly smiling ear-to-ear, a product of having a blast executing this cosplay to perfection, in turn further enhancing his portrayal of the character. While Jeffery Dean Morgan did a solid job rendering the nihilistic, morally corrupt Comedian in the big screen version of Watchmen, like many things in Snyder’s film, the spirit of Moore’s character wasn’t quite captured entirely. Reticence to obscure a film’s star under a superhero mask extends beyond Snyder and Watchmen to comic book films at large, but in retrospect, the Comedian’s mask is more integral to the character than readers realized.

An Elite Level Cosplayer Continues To Elevate His Game

Batsturd is well-known as an elite cosplayer, notable for builds such as his “Wolverine of Wall Street,” as well as many expert-level Batman cosplays. As is the case with all of his work, his Comedian displays a commitment to the highest level of quality, and a keen insight into the core aspects of characters that he can draw on to grab his audience’s attention. Watchmen fans should check out his Comedian cosplay to discover what the 2009 film portrayal of the character lacked, while cosplay enthusiasts as a whole should follow Batsturd for more incredible builds.