Watch Dogs: Legion Promises Cross-Play In Future Update

Players hoping for cross-play in Watch Dogs: Legion may be waiting for a while, but they won’t be waiting in vain. In response to a fan request, the game’s official Twitter account confirmed that cross-play is in development and will be added to the game in a future update.

Watch Dogs: Legion was released back in October 2020 as the sun was setting on the reign of eighth-generation consoles; it’s the third installment in its titular series. While critical reaction to the game was mixed, largely due to its repetitiveness and lack of character depth, it was nonetheless commercially successful. As a result, developer Ubisoft Toronto later announced an online co-op feature that was recently released for consoles after several months’ delay; the PC version is still delayed at time of writing. The introduction of online co-op eventually segued into a conversation about implementing cross-play, which would be a natural step in a game that is one of the few currently available across two generations of consoles as it is.

A fan of the game with the Twitter handle Simone Perazzini likely agreed with this sentiment when they posited the simple request on Twitter to enable cross-gen, likely in online multiplayer mode where it is currently unavailable (though available in offline modes), as a reply to Legion‘s official Twitter account. The developer responded in turn with the news that while cross-play and cross-generation-play are not currently available in the game’s online mode, the development team at Ubisoft Toronto is already working on the feature, which will be introduced in a “later update.”

While that’s likely welcome news to Simone Perazzini and other players of the same mind, it’s likely going to be a while before the feature is finished and implemented, even if the development team is already working on it. Legion‘s online mode for PC is still delayed due to crashing on certain GPUs, and fixing that is likely a higher priority to the team than implementing new features, especially considering online mode was supposed to go live back in December. Online mode is also still in the early days of its release, where the most problems tend to arise, so Ubisoft Toronto will likely want to make sure that the mode is working as smoothly as possible before adding on new features that could compound potential problems or create more.

So it’ll be a while before Watch Dogs: Legion fans on different platforms can team up online. How long that may be is still uncertain, with no date or timeline given by Ubisoft, but given its history, it’s likely that fans can expect a date within a few months — followed by a few months’ delay.