Warrior Nun Season 2 Ending Explained In Full

Warrior Nun Season 2 Ending Explained In Full

Warning: SPOILERS for Warrior Nun Season 2’s Finale – “Jeremiah 29:13”Ava Silva (Alba Baptista) saved the world from Adriel (William Miller) in Warrior Nun season 2’s finale, but the Halo Bearer had to make the ultimate sacrifice to stop the evil angel’s plan. Ava donned the Crown of Thorns and traveled to Adriel’s realm where she met Reya (Andrea Tivadar), the entity who is “God” in that plane of existence and who Adriel fears most. When Ava returned, she was convinced by Reya to help Michael (Jack Mullarkey) by using the Halo’s power to detonate the Diviunium bomb in his chest to destroy Adriel, even though it also means Michael and the Warrior Nun’s deaths.

Warrior Nun season 2’s explosive and poignant ending deftly focused all of the storylines toward Ava and the Order of the Cruciform sword’s last-gasp plan to stop Adriel. Ava, who told no one that she was now part of Michael’s suicide mission, admitted her feelings for Sister Beatrice (Kristina Tonteri-Young). Their long-awaited kiss paid off the attraction they felt since Warrior Nun season 1. But Ava abandoned Beatrice to kill Adriel with Michael. With help from Father Vincent (Tristán Ulloa), who turned on Adriel and returned to the OCS, Sister Camila (Olivia Delcán) was able to destroy Adriel’s cross, which could shut down Ava’s Halo. But Adriel’s true plan was to use his Wraith Demons to drag Reya through the Arc to Earth so that he could imprison her and control the planet with his own religion. Adriel and Lilith (Lorena Andrea) also shattered the Warrior Nun’s plan by immediately killing Michael, with Lilith ripping the Divinium bomb right out of his chest.

Ava Had To Sacrifice Herself To Beat Adriel (& What She Learned)

Warrior Nun Season 2 Ending Explained In Full

Despite having to fight Lilith and Adriel by herself, Ava was able to spectacularly wound both with the Cruciform Sword. Beatice arrived on the scene, but she couldn’t stop the Warrior Nun from detonating the Divinium bomb, which also left Ava mortally wounded from Divinum shrapnel, echoing how Sister Shannon (Melina Matthews) died so that Ava could receive the Halo at the start of Warrior Nun season 1. But the Divinium bomb didn’t work and Adriel was able to rapidly heal, as did Lilith. But while she was in Reya’s realm, Ava learned the true nature of the Tarasks as gatekeepers, and she used the Halo to summon the monsters. The Tarasks swarmed and destroyed Adriel, and Reya sent them home before they could attack Ava and Beatrice.

Sister Camila also played a key role in defeating Adriel. She used her psychic bond with the angel to attack his mind, which gave Ava the chance to go on the offensive. Yet even though Adriel was literally torn apart, for Ava (and Michael), the end result was the same: they had to sacrifice themselves to save the world. This completed Ava’s arc from selfishly wanting to live her second chance at life in Warrior Nun season 1 to giving everything she had for the greater good as the Warrior Nun. However, Ava could be healed in the other realm, so she bid goodbye to Bea and vanished through the Arc to an unknown fate. Ava’s deliverance had a powerful echo of King Arthur’s death and ascension to Avalon; Ava wanted to be the last Warrior Nun, but she became the Once and Future Warrior Nun.

What Happened To Lilith At The End Of Warrior Nun Season 2

Lilith Wings Warrior Nun Season 2

Sister Lilith allowed herself to be lured to Adriel’s side as she questioned what she was transforming into in Warrior Nun season 2. The answers to what Lilith is now weren’t revealed, but she had a crucial change of heart at the last moment in Warrior Nun‘s season 2 finale. Even though Lilith fought for Adriel and indulged in her rivalry with Ava, she always harbored her own doubts about the other-dimensional angel.

The combination of Ava slicing her with the Divinium sword and taking a break from the fight to heal allowed Lilith to see the truth about Adriel behind his facade. In the end, Lilith remains a Sister Warrior at heart, and she admired Ava for finding a way to defeat Adriel and proving she was a worthy Warrior Nun, after all. However, Lilith still has to find her answers about what she is becoming and who she now stands with, and she presumably teleported away to seek them out. But Lilith gave Beatrice the ominous warning, echoing Adriel, that a Great War between Heaven and Hell is still to come.

Michael Died But He’s Still Alive In Adriel’s Realm

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Michael’s demise was anticlimactic as Lilith quickly killed him unceremoniously. But Michael always knew he was just a pawn in a game between celestial powers, and he never expected to survive the final battle with Adriel. Michael was a living, breathing symbol of self-sacrifice, and he knew his sole purpose and destiny was a suicide mission to deliver the Divinium bomb and die in the process. However, Michael may be dead on Earth, but he told his mother, Julian, that a part of him would still be alive in Reya’s realm. Michael could potentially return in Warrior Nun season 3, but it remains to be seen if he can ever return to Earth and see his mother again.

Why Beatrice Leaves The OCS At The End Of Warrior Nun Season 2

Warrior Nun Season 2 Beatrice

One of the most pleasant surprises of Warrior Nun season 2 is that it was also a love story between Ava and Beatrice that ran through all 8 episodes. Bea and the Halo Bearer who infuriated but infatuated her grew closer when they exiled themselves to the Swiss Alps to keep the Halo away from Adriel, and so that Beatrice could train Ava to become a better Warrior Nun. But the feelings between Bea and Ava were mutual. Their kiss in Warrior Nun season 2’s finale as well as Beatrice letting Ava go through the Arc to Reya’s realm after exchanging “I love you” was the culmination – and tragic end (for now) – of their simmering romance.

Beatrice quit the OCS at the end of Warrior Nun season 2, a 180 from how Cardinal Duretti (Joaquim de Almeida) once tried to banish her in season 1. Sister Beatrice has to face the fact that her faith was broken in Warrior Nun season 2. She began to doubt that God even exists after Adriel was able to steal prayers and turn them into his own power source. Beatrice was already thinking about leaving the OCS (and Ava) before the Halo Bearer used Jesus’ Crown of Thorns. But watching Ava nearly die and having to give her up to Reya’s realm was all Beatrice could take. In addition, Sister Beatrice’s secret that she is gay is out because Sister Yasmine (Meena Reyan) watched her and Ava kiss. Beatrice leaving the OCS makes sense because she has literal soul-searching to do before she can be a Sister Warrior again.

How The Cruciform Sword Sets Up Ava’s Return In Warrior Nun Season 3

Warrior Nun 2 Divinium Sword Glow

Even without Beatrice to train the Sister Warriors and Ava to lead them as the Warrior Nun, the season 2 mid-credits scene shows the OCS recovering from the ordeal of fighting Adriel and beginning to thrive once again with restored numbers. It’s not clear how much time has passed, but it was long enough for Father Vincent to have seemingly earned the forgiveness of former Halo Bearer Mother Superion (Sylvia De Fanti) and the rest of the Sister Warriors. It’s also unknown what public knowledge of the OCS in the wake of Adriel’s public defeat will mean for the Order going forward.

The final shot of Warrior Nun season 2 is the Divinium blade of the Cruciform Sword glowing blue once again. This is a hopeful signal that Ava is alive (and well) in Reya’s realm, and the Halo Bearer may be calling out to her fellow Sister Warriors. It could also herald the start of the Great War between Heaven and Hell Lilith and Adriel foretold. Whether or not Ava and the OCS would fight for Reya’s side, and whether Reya is actually a force for good, is up in the air. As is what could be next for the OCS and the Halo Bearer. Hopefully, Warrior Nun will return for season 3 to tell the next chapter in Ava and her Sister Warriors’ epic story.

Warrior Nun Season 2 is streaming on Netflix.