War Machine Proves Captain Marvel Learned Nothing From Civil War II

War Machine Proves Captain Marvel Learned Nothing From Civil War II

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Captain Marvel #30

In the latest issue of Marvel Comics’ Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers gets a stark reminder from War Machine about meddling with the future, proving that she didn’t really learn anything from 2016’s Civil War II. Recent issues have seen Carol doing everything she can to defeat the evil future son of Namor and the Enchantress – who’s come to the present – and War Machine now needs to intercede in this latest issue to provide a much-needed change in her perspective.

In prior issues of Captain Marvel, Carol broke up with War Machine due to the fact that her time in the future saw her meeting Carol Rhodes, the future daughter of Rhodey… but not Carol’s daughter. Not wanting to get in the way of War Machine’s daughter being born, she chose to leave Rhodey once she got back to the present. However, the future villain Ove came to the present as well, leaving Carol with no choice but to try and learn magic in order to combat his vast power, even if that meant preventing that same future from ever happening. However, no one in the magical community was willing to teach her except for Amora the Enchantress herself.

Now, Captain Marvel #30 from writer Kelly Thompson and artist Jacopo Camagni sees Amora reading Carol’s mind and learning the truth about why she wants to learn magic (to make a move against her future son). After knocking Carol out and calling Ove, the mother and son work together to try and defeat Captain Marvel. However, War Machine arrives, convincing Carol that trying to prevent or maintain the future she saw is pointless, and he encourages her to not make the same mistakes made back in Civil War II when it came to affecting the future, which is a valid point. The last time that happened, Captain Marvel and Iron Man ended up tearing the superhero community apart. It not only led to the death of Bruce Banner, but also War Machine. One would think that Captain Marvel would have learned by now that trying to predict and influence the future rarely works out.

War Machine Proves Captain Marvel Learned Nothing From Civil War II

It seems as though the resurrected War Machine’s arrival and encouragement were exactly what Carol needed. After a power boost from Rhodey’s repulsors, Captain Marvel reentered the fight and was able to take away Ove’s ability to use magic with a potion Amora had made for her before learning the truth. While there are still some questions about whether or not the future that Carol saw will still come to pass, it seems as though Captain Marvel is done being paralyzed by what her actions could cause for the future. Thanks to War Machine, she’s been reminded that all she can do is what she thinks is right in the moment.

It now seems as though War Machine and Captain Marvel are back together again in the current Marvel Universe, however, the removal of Ove’s magic will undoubtedly come with some major consequences. Not only will Ove and Amora be seeking revenge against Carol for what she did, but Captain Marvel has become alienated by the entirety of Marvel’s magical community for what they also see as a terrible crime. So Carol is going to have her work cut out for her in future issues.