WandaVision Episode 8’s Quote About Grief Is Still Profound More Than Two Years Later

WandaVision Episode 8’s Quote About Grief Is Still Profound More Than Two Years Later

Though it’s been nearly three years since it first aired on Disney+, WandaVision stands out as one of the MCU’s best TV shows, both for its innovative storytelling format and its complex themes on grief. WandaVision cleverly pushed the boundaries of Wanda’s reality-warping powers by showcasing how she was able to transform an entire town into the idealized sitcom world of her dreams. In doing so, the series took advantage of its format as a TV show and paid homage to decades of television that came before it. However, there was also a powerful metaphor for how denial and escapism can become unhealthy coping mechanisms for grief.

The show’s revelation that the unique sitcom format and all of its anomalies were actually Wanda’s way of coping with her loss of Vision remains exceptionally powerful. Episode 8 of WandaVision, “Previously On,” does an excellent job of conveying that Wanda’s spell was the culmination of years of loss and suffering building within her and coming to a breaking point through its vivid flashbacks. In one flashback to when Vision is still alive and Wanda is grieving her brother Pietro, Vision tries to console her and, in doing so, says one of the MCU’s best lines.

“What Is Grief If Not Love Persevering” Is One Of The MCU’s Most Poignant Lines

WandaVision Episode 8’s Quote About Grief Is Still Profound More Than Two Years Later

While consoling Wanda about Pietro, Vision tries to give her a new perspective to understand the pain she’s experiencing by asking the famous line, “What is grief, if not love persevering?” This line not only helped Wanda reframe her feelings about Pietro’s death, it also became a hopeful mantra for people coping with loss. The line suggests that the immense pain someone feels when their loved one dies is a sign of how much they loved them, which is a really beautiful sentiment. WandaVision was released in early 2021, during the height of the pandemic when millions of people around the world had suffered tremendous losses, so it’s clear to see why a line trying to understand grief would resonate with so many people.

In saying the line, Vision encourages Wanda to not only think of her brother’s death but also of his life. He encourages her to think of who Pietro was as a person and how strong their relationship was and reminds her that just because Pietro is gone, it does not mean the love for him disappears. Wanda can still keep Pietro in her heart and remember good times with him while also accepting that he is no longer with her. It is this message that Wanda needs to learn in WandaVision, which enables her to destroy her spell and try to move on from Vision’s death.

WandaVision’s Quote About Grief Proves There Were Some Highlights Of MCU Phase 4

Elizabeth Olsen As Wanda and Paul Bettany as Vision in WandaVision

While Phase 4 of the MCU has received much criticism, WandaVision’s grief line proves that it still had highlights. WandaVision itself received praise for its homages to decades of American sitcoms, Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany’s compelling acting, and its exploration of grief. Other shows and movies were celebrated as well. Loki season 1 was praised for its creative depiction of the multiverse and the TVA, Loki’s character development, and Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson’s strong chemistry. Spider-Man: No Way Home quickly became one of the highest-grossing MCU movies because of its star-studded cast, compelling story, and unique take on grief.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was another triumph for Phase 4, receiving accolades for its acting and costume design and its powerful tribute to Chadwick Boseman. Wakanda Forever continues Phase 4 overarching exploration of grief in a way that is distinct from WandaVision and No Way Home. If WandaVision encourages grieving people to remember the love they have for their lost loved ones, No Way Home teaches them not to let the pain of loss destroy them as a person, and Wakanda Forever tells them to not give up hope despite how much pain they’re in.

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