Wally West’s Flash Admits The One Speedster Better Than Him

Wally West’s Flash Admits The One Speedster Better Than Him

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #6!Even Wally West is willing to admit there’s one speedster who makes a much better Flash than he does. Amid a series of strange phenomena, the Fastest Man Alive is feeling the pressures stack up quickly, making Flash feel like there’s one person who could handle his job a lot better.

In The Flash #6 by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato, Jr., Wally West’s date night is interrupted by the hidden layers of reality bleeding into the main dimension. Fortunately, Barry Allen is already on the scene, defeating the invading creatures. Wally and Barry team up and begin traveling the world looking for other odd phenomena.

Wally West’s Flash Admits The One Speedster Better Than Him

While running, the two Flashes have a discussion about how their relationship has deteriorated. Wally admits that he’s been cracking under the pressure and he’s been afraid to talk to Barry about it and that Wally worries he’s not living up to the Flash’s legacy.

Wally West Fears He’s Not As Good a Flash As Barry

Wally West Barry Allen Split DC Comics

The Flash is used to cosmic strangeness, but things have been far more bizarre ever since Wally’s new ‘sidestepping’ ability has allowed him to peer into the unseen layers of reality. Around the same time, Gorilla Grodd began attacking Central City using a cloned brain of the Ultra-Humanite to create aberrations in reality that could destabilize everything in existence. Wally’s pressures began mounting as his family began to suffer between Linda’s growing depression and Jai’s desire to not be a superhero anymore. Wally also felt a growing rift with Barry Allen, who began experiencing headaches alongside the cosmic aberrations.

As far as the Flash Family goes, few fans would deny that Wally is the faster Scarlet Speedster. He’s trained harder, applied himself more, and pushed the limits of what a speedster can do. However, Wally cut his teeth as the sidekick of a hero who founded the Justice League, stopped cosmic annihilation, and set the bar on what being Flash means. Wally may be faster, but he’s always had an impressive legacy to live up to. Wally doesn’t feel like he’s failing because he’s not fast enough, but because Flash can’t manage the pressure like he felt Barry could.

The Flash Legacy is Impairing Wally West’s Belief in Himself

Flash Family DC Comics

While Wally West is the fastest Flash there’s ever been, he has more on his mind than speed. Cosmic oddities he can’t stop and a family that’s hurting from the secrets it’s hiding. Wally thinks that Barry could have handled this situation much better than Wally has so far. But what Flash doesn’t understand is that he’s putting his mentor on a pedestal and that Barry faced just as many trying events when he was the Scarlet Speedster. Barry Allen was a fine Flash, but the only person who truly believes Wally isn’t living up to Barry’s example is Wally himself.

The Flash #6 is available now from DC Comics.

The Flash # (2024)

Image of the Flash fighting off a horde of aliens.
  • Writer: Si Spurrier
  • Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.
  • Colorist: Trish Mulvihill
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.