Wally West Is the One True Flash, and This Quote Proves It

Wally West Is the One True Flash, and This Quote Proves It

Get ready Flash fans, because one quote definitively proves that Wally West is the best hero to ever hold the Scarlet Speedster’s title. When facing a god-level threat, one boast from West shows why he’s the best hero to ever bear the famous moniker.

Ever since the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick, took on the mantle, there’s been a speedster zipping around the DC Universe to keep the world safe with their tremendous speed. Like many heroes, there’s been multiple versions of the same hero, each with their own unique traits. In addition to Jay and Wally, there’s Avery Ho, the Flash of China, the 30th century’s Bart Allen and, of course, one of the most notable bearers of the title, Barry Allen. There’s plenty of speedsters in the Flash Family and each one is just as important as the last when it comes to saving the day.

And while every Flash has some impressive speed, only one can be the best. And it looks like Wally made a strong case when he was confronted by a devil. In JLA: Classified #15, the Justice League faces off against an otherworldly entity known as Z. Presenting himself as a literal devil, the JLA is forced by Z to confront their greatest fears in the form of their own personal hells. Wally, of course, faces a scenario where he’s been robbed of his speed. Z informs the hero that his connection to the Speed Force has been severed and that any moment, a swarm will envelop the Flash. Wally realizes the Speed Force isn’t gone, Z just temporarily made Wally think that it’s gone. West defies Z’s taunts and tells the entity “You’ve never met anyone like me before. I’m MADE of speed“.

Wally West Is the One True Flash, and This Quote Proves It

And of course, Wally is able to break out thanks to his Speed Force powers. With so many heroes sharing the Flash name, admittedly, it’s hard to decree one as ‘the best’. Especially since every Flash has had at least one good moment using their particular skills. But Wally shows a remarkable connection with the Speed Force that the others just don’t have. Even when facing a literal hell, West’s faith in the Speed Force is unwavering giving him an edge over his fellow Scarlet Speedsters.

When Wally West took over for Barry Allen after Crisis on Infinite Earths, the former Kid Flash knew he had some large shoes to fill. Wally learned everything about the Speed Force he could and pushed himself further than any other speedster. And those studies gave Wally a confidence in the Speed Force that even an alien demon couldn’t destroy. Sure, every speedster might have that same connection to the enigmatic energy, but Wally knows the Speed Force so well, it’s become a part of him.

His uncle Barry might have taken a more scientific approach to this situation, but West went with his gut, knowing that nothing could truly sever him from the Speed Force. With one line, Wally West has cemented himself as the best Flash of all time.