Wally West is Even Disrespected As A True Flash By Other DC Heroes

Wally West is Even Disrespected As A True Flash By Other DC Heroes

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #783

Currently in the DC Universe, Wally West is the titular Flash, but that doesn’t mean that other heroes have to think of him as such. While Wally West was DC’s one and only Flash for more than two decades there are some, both in the real world and in the DC Universe, who don’t respect his title.

The DC Universe is on the cusp of another crisis. Although they are merely lost and not deceased, the Justice League is presumed dead by their friends and the public at large. Many of the young heroes such as Robin and the new Superman have to step up and face this looming crisis head-on. But the odds are definitely stacked against them. The remaining older heroes, like Black Adam and Hal Jordan, are either scattered or unsure if the youngsters have what it takes to stop this new Dark Crisis on their own. Barry Allen is missing in action too. But there are tons of heroes, other speedsters like Jay Garrick and Kid Flash, that care about him and want to see him returned.

In The Flash #783 by Jeremy Adams and Amancay Nahuelpan, even Mr. Terrific gets in on the search. But Mr. Terrific makes a comment that, with the Justice League dead, there is a heroic vacuum. He says that they need Barry right in front of Wally West. He even says that Barry is one of the greatest heroes that ever lived while Wally has the Flash suit on.

Wally West is Even Disrespected As A True Flash By Other DC Heroes

Wally looks a little disappointed that he says this, though he hides his disappointment behind the fact that Barry is still considered family to him. But it is definitely a sign of disrespect. Though in-universe Barry’s return as Flash in Final Crisis was celebrated, it hurt Wally West as a character. Even though he has a fun and carefree demeanor and has returned to reclaim his role as the Flash, Wally is still a bit of an outlier in the DC Universe. He was lost in time for a while and even replaced as Kid Flash. So that time definitely affected other heroes’ opinions of him while Barry Allen was out saving the world. And this doesn’t even take into account Wally’s emotional state.

Although it’s been retconned slightly, Wally’s part in Heroes in Crisis definitely affected how other heroes view him. There’s no denying that Wally is a hero. He’s proven himself time and time again. But when it comes down to a serious crisis event, it shows that someone like Mr. Terrific would rather have Barry Allen around in the role of the Flash rather than Wally West, who is currently the main Flash as far as DC is concerned.

The Flash #783 is available now from DC Comics!