Walking Dead Hints Morgan WILL Return To The Main Show

Walking Dead Hints Morgan WILL Return To The Main Show

Could Morgan Jones return to The Walking DeadFear The Walking Dead season 7 just made that possibility way more likely. Played by Lennie James, Morgan Jones is still standing as a veritable veteran of the zombie apocalypse. Making his debut in The Walking Dead‘s very first episode, Morgan had the honor of informing Rick Grimes an undead outbreak had begun. After making a guest appearance in The Walking Dead season 3, Morgan became a more regular presence around season 5, joining Rick’s Alexandria community and helping battle Negan’s evil Saviors. Unsure over whether to pursue a path of peace or violence, Morgan forcibly separated from Rick’s group and took a very long walk… all the way to Fear The Walking Dead.

From Fear The Walking Dead season 4 to the spinoff’s current position in season 7, Morgan has remained a leading protagonist, overcoming his moral dilemma and transforming into a true leader capable of both mercy and ass-kicking. Initially, Morgan considered taking his new friends back to Alexandria, but then settled on forging a brand new community. Thus, Valley Town was forged with Morgan as its founder and leader. Alas, Valley Town has long since been abandoned, and in Fear The Walking Dead season 7’s “The Raft,” Morgan teases a possible main series homecoming.

Speaking alone with Alicia, Morgan plays a secret tape message from Grace. The recording implores him to forget assaulting The Tower and run for safety with Mo (the baby), but Morgan hits back: “I left some folks I cared about once before and it has NEVER sat right with me.” The line is plainly a reference to Rick’s crew in Alexandria, and confirms how – now that Morgan has balanced his all-or-nothing attitude to violence – he deeply regrets walking away after All Out War. The emphasis Morgan places on how departing The Walking Dead “never sat right” may point towards a potential main show comeback. Even after so long, Morgan still feels immense guilt over abandoning his old friends, and that nagging remorse has evidently been eating away at him. Given the chance, Rick Grimes’ oldest apocalypse friend might return to Alexandria and make amends.

Walking Dead Hints Morgan WILL Return To The Main Show

Looking at how Fear The Walking Dead‘s “The Raft” ends, a return to The Walking Dead definitely isn’t off the cards for Morgan Jones. He chooses to break off alone with Mo (the baby), departing into the unknown on a flimsy raft. Morgan also decides to make the best decisions for his child from here on out, rather than following his instinct to fight Victor Strand and build something new for everybody. At some point, the winds of fate – and a deep-seated sense of regret – may blow Morgan back toward Alexandria. There are worse places to raise a child, after all, and Virginia has the distinct benefit of not being a nuclear wasteland.

Fear The Walking Dead‘s timeline remains some years behind The Walking Dead, and since Morgan Jones doesn’t show up in seasons 10 & 11 of the main series, he shan’t be reaching Alexandria quickly. Nevertheless, Morgan’s Rick regrets and his recent breakaway from Alicia’s group could be building toward a Lennie James appearance in the final episodes of The Walking Dead season 11. Maybe Morgan and Mo (no longer a baby) arrive in Alexandria after escaping the Texas fallout zone and spending a few years in the wild. They’re just in time to discover Lance Hornsby is now in charge, so Morgan lends Maggie, Daryl and the other survivors a hand taking their home back. As a franchise mainstay, featuring Morgan in The Walking Dead‘s finale would be a fitting tribute to a long-serving character.