Vision’s 10 Most Impressive Displays Of Power In The MCU

Vision’s 10 Most Impressive Displays Of Power In The MCU

Vision is often overlooked as one of the most powerful heroes to ever grace the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The combined collective consciousness of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Ultron, Jarvis, and the Mind Stone itself, Vision proved himself to be a competent, significant, and courageous force for good, even if he was an artificial being. Though he only had three appearances across the mainline Marvel movies, Vision had plenty of chances to prove how powerful he was, wielding the awesome power of the mind stone.

Vision had a wide suite of powers, including flight, intangibility, super strength, and powerful directed blasts fired from the Mind Stone embedded in his forehead. Additionally, his very nature as an artifical intelligence with an ultra-dense Vibranium body gave him a plethora of advantages, being insanely durable on top of being able to quickly process vast amounts of information in mere seconds. Vision was also born preloaded with an incredibly broad range of expertise, being familiar with martial arts and thought experiments from the get-go.

10 Vision Lifts Mjolnir

Avengers: Age of Ultron

After a comedic scene in which The Avengers all made an attempt to lift Mjolnir, Vision put them all to shame by confidently handing Thor the magical hammer soon after his first appearance. Considering the extreme virtue one must have to lift Mjolnir, the act immediately put The Avengers’ concerns regarding Vision’s motivation at ease. He could do much more than simply hold the mythical weapon as well, using the hammer to its full effect on an Ultron robot, sending it flying through a solid wooden door.

9 Vision Hacks Into Ultron’s Mind

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Vision’s 10 Most Impressive Displays Of Power In The MCU

Vision’s physical prowess is the easiest thing to point to when it comes to demonstrating his capabilities, but what’s often overlooked is his computational power as an incredibly advanced artificial intelligence. After getting his hands on Ultron, Vision is able to hack into Ultron’s vast network in a matter of seconds, even doing so under fire as the homicidal robot swung him around. Vision was able to cut off Ultron’s connection to the internet, containing his threat to humanity for a time. While the act of doing so drained him, being able to go toe-to-toe with the mighty Ultron on the digital landscape is proof of Vision’s technological abilities.

8 Vision Saves Scarlet Witch From A Collapsing Novi Grad

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Part of Novi Grad, Sokovia hovers in the air in Avengers: Age of Ultron

Vision is one of the few native fliers among The Avengers’ roster — While other airborne members of the team, like Falcon, Iron Man and Thor, require equipment to enable their flight, Vision has no such constraints. Not only is he capable of flying, but he is incredibly agile in the air, able to accelerate at a moment’s notice and turn on a dime. Combined with his powers of instability, this results in unparalleled mobility, shown off when Vision manages to save Wanda from a falling building amid the rubble of the collapsing city of Novi Grad.

7 Vision Damages Ultron’s Vibranium Body

Avenges: Age of Ultron

Iron Man, Vision and Thor attack Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron

Being made of an advanced Vibranium alloy, Vision is able to reap the advantages of having an incredibly durable body, rarely being injured by physical force alone. Not only can he take punishment, but he can dish it out as well, with a sustained beam from the Mind Stone able to directly damage Ultron’s most powerful Vibranium body through raw power alone. Though he had some help from Iron Man and Thor, it’s safe to say the Infinity Stone’s powerful blast did the heavy lifting in actually hurting Ultron’s body.

6 Vision Bodies Hawkeye While Barely Moving

Captain America: Civil War

Though he’s frequently mocked as the least powerful of the original Avengers lineup, it’s easy to forget that Hawkeye is an incredibly deadly combatant, even up close, being a martial arts master on par with Black Widow. Despite this, Vision was able to non-lethally take down Clint in a one-on-one fight almost single-handedly, weaponizing his encyclopedic knowledge of hand-to-hand combat along with his impressive density-shifting to effortlessly shut down Hawkeye’s attempts at an offensive. One of the MCU’s best fighters, Hawkeye is still helpless against Vision’s staggering power.

5 Vision Takes Out A Flight Control Tower With A Laser

Captain America: Civil War

Vision has proven his fierce resolve multiple times across his appearances across the MCU, utilizing his powers to their fullest extent to achieve his goals. In Captain America: Civil War, he manages to prove this by using his powerful laser to take down a flight control tower at the Airport Battle, revealing he’s capable of destruction on at least a city level. Not only that, he’s able to do so while partially phased through a giant-sized Ant-Man, showcasing his versatility by utilizing multiple of his many powers at once.

4 Vision Snipes War Machine’s Arc Reactor

Captain America: Civil War

War Machine uses his jet boosters to fly to Ironman's aid in Captain America: Civil War

After finding Scarlet Witch heavily injured, a nearly-enraged Vision fires at Falcon as he flies high into the air, showing off the incredible range and precision of his Mind Stone blasts. Unfortunately, Falcon proves to be too wily of a target, and directs Vision’s shot into the line of friendly-fire, taking out War Machine’s Arc Reactor and sending him plummeting towards the Earth. This moment is as much of an impressive feat as a display of Vision’s weaknesses, proving that he is capable of being distracted under the right circumstances, particularly when Wanda is involved.

3 Vision Overpowers Corvus Glaive

Avengers: Infinity War

As a member of Thanos’ Black Order, Corvus Glaive was an undeniably terrifying opponent, a thoroughly-trained alien assassin thought highly enough by Thanos to be trusted with doing his bidding. When Corvus goes after Vision’s Infinity Stone, the construct is shockingly able to hold his own against the intergalactic killer, treating him to being pummeled against several buildings at top flight-speed. Later on, Vision manages to beat Corvus at his own game, sneaking up on him and backstabbing him with his trademark glaive despite being critically injured.

2 Vision Revived Scott Lang’s Head

What If…? Season 1, Epsidoe 5

What if zombies made vision more like Tony stark

While not an entry in the main MCU timeline, the variant of Vision that appears in What If… ? is close enough to our Vision that his capabilities should be essentially similar. This makes it all the more impressive that in this timeline, Vision is able to use the Mind Stone to reverse the effects of the deadly Zombie Virus, even when all that remains of the original body is a mere head, as was the case with the hapless Scott Lang. One of the more esoteric, niche uses of the Mind Stone, this episode of What If… ? implies that the main MCU movies only scratch the surface of Vision’s potential.

1 Vision Scans An Entire City To Find White Vision

WandaVision, Episode 9

WandaVision Vision Flying

In the series finale of WandaVision, aptly titled “The Series Finale“, Vision unsheathes yet another portion of his super powered tool kit by using super hearing to track down his White counterpart. Channeling his inner Superman, Vision flies high above the city of Westview in order to use his enhanced robotic senses to listen to the entire city at once, rapidly cycling between conversations before finding White Vision among the chaos in a matter of seconds. This moment definitely proves that the Marvel Cinematic Universe still has yet to reveal the full extent of Vision’s powers.

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