Vision Gets a Horrifying New Look in Marvel’s Dark Ages

Vision Gets a Horrifying New Look in Marvel’s Dark Ages

Warning! Potential spoilers for Marvel’s upcoming Dark Ages event below.

Marvel Comics is soon entering the Dark Ages, where the Vision will be among the heroes and villains who are getting a horrifying new look. In the upcoming series, power is set to go out across the Marvel Universe. The longtime Avenger will undergo a sinister transformation, as he’ll trade in his iconic look for a much more ravaged appearance.

Vision is one of the rare Marvel Comics heroes whose look hasn’t changed drastically over the years. In the comics, the snythezoid has almost always kept his android-like appearance, as his costume has been a mixture of green, gold, and magenta making up his color scheme. In most iterations, he has a striking gold cape to match his appearance. However, different versions of Vision – including the all-white version who appeared in the West Coast Avengers and most recently, on WandaVision – have popped up throughout the comics. But usually, his costume uses his superior popular design.

This week, Marvel Comics revealed that the long-delayed Dark Ages by Tom Taylor and Iban Coello will finally come to comic shops later this year. Originally teased in 2020’s Free Comic Book Day’s X-Men #1Dark Ages was pushed back due to COVID-19. Dark Ages tells the tale of what happens when electricity stops working as the Marvel Universe is plunged into a literal dark age. It’s not just the power that goes out, as all electrical devices, including Tony Stark’s suit, will go out “forever.” In a new teaser for the series, a new version of Vision is shown patrolling the skies. However, it’s a much darker take on the character. Check out the promo image from Ryan Stegman.

Vision Gets a Horrifying New Look in Marvel’s Dark Ages

Vision looks horrifying, as he’s essentially lost his human-like appearance leaving the wires and tech making up the hero to protrude through his costume. Perhaps, the most frightening feature is Vision’s face, which is like a skinless human skull. A fascinating explanation awaits for how Vision is even alive in this age without electricity. It’s possible that an Infinity Stone or something else is keeping him operating. Regardless, Vision doesn’t exactly seem to be on the good guy’s side.

Vision isn’t the only hero who is set to change in Dark Ages, as Iron Man will get an all-new, low-tech suit, and Miles Morales seems to be becoming the new Venom. The wait for Dark Ages seems to be well worth it, as Taylor and Coello are creating a new dark tale of the Marvel Universe. It’s going to be fascinating to see how the characters – including Vision – have adapted to the power shutting off for good. Marvel’s Dark Ages is in stores in September.