Virgin River Already Revealed Preacher’s Devastating Fate

Virgin River Already Revealed Preacher’s Devastating Fate

Warning! This post contains spoilers for Virgin River season 4.A critical conversation between Connie and Preacher about Wes’ murder could reveal Virgin River‘s ill-fated plans for Preacher in season 5. Known as one of Virgin River’s most honest and reliable men, Preacher has inserted himself into Paige’s drama to protect her and her son Christopher. Unfortunately, not only has this caused issues with Preacher’s relationships and future, but it has also put him in danger with the law.

In Virgin River season 2, Paige’s abusive ex-husband visits her and threatens to take their son, Christopher. Paige accidentally pushes Wes down the stairs in self-defense, where he dies. In a panic, she calls Preacher, who helps her get rid of the body. With Paige on the run, Wes’ equally dangerous twin brother, Vince, comes looking for Paige. Vince kidnaps Christopher to get to Paige and goes on the run. in the Virgin River season 4 ending, Paige exchanges herself for Christopher. When Preacher goes to save her, he tells Vince that he’s the one who “buried” Wes’ body. In a showdown, Preacher knocks Vince to the ground.

As a very loyal man, Preacher was ready to take the fall for Wes’s murder back in the Virgin River season 2 episode, “Breaking Point.” In a conversation with Connie, he tells her that if the body is found he will lie to the sheriff to protect Paige and say he killed Wes. Connie then tells him not to take the fall for it, and that he needs to deny everything. She goes on to say that “only 10% of felonies end in conviction. 90% of those are because the suspect confessed.” Throughout seasons 3 and 4, guilt is something Preacher still deals with. In Virgin River season 5, it could finally be the reason that he takes the fall for Wes’ murder and will mean that he goes to jail.

How Can Preacher Get Away With Wes’ Death In Virgin River Season 5?Virgin River Already Revealed Preacher’s Devastating Fate

Preacher’s biggest obstacle to freedom will be himself. He will have to take Connie’s initial advice from Virgin River season 2 and not give in to his guilt. As long as his team, Connie, Paige, and Christopher, hold firm with their story, the law is likely to believe them. But, knowing Preacher, he will struggle with denying anything that Vince claims.

While it has not been confirmed whether or not Vince is alive or dead after Virgin River season 4, the actor, Steve Bacic, was present for the Virgin River season 5 table read (via Instagram). This likely means it will end up being Preacher’s word against Vince’s. Considering Vince is on the hook for shooting Jack, law officials are unlikely to believe him compared to Preacher, who has no criminal record and has served in the military.

Preacher also has a reliable chunk of the Virgin River cast of characters on his side. Besides Connie, he can trust LAPD officer Mike. As old army friends, they have a close relationship. Preacher called Mike before stopping at Vince’s cabin to ask for help. He clearly stated not to bring backup. As Preacher’s friend, Mike will do everything he can to protect him in the upcoming Virgin River season 5 and Preacher need only not claim responsibility to escape prosecution.