Veronica Mars: The 5 Best Relationships (& 5 Worst)

Veronica Mars: The 5 Best Relationships (& 5 Worst)

Veronica Mars boasts one of the smartest and wittiest heroines of television. In addition, we have the great father/daughter duo, and mysteries that instantly grab our attention. The show quickly became a fan favorite, and it was due to that popularity that both a movie was created and a fourth season.

After finishing Season 4, our minds are still thinking of Veronica Mars, particularly of the relationships. While the show has many different relationships out of its four seasons and one movie, here are those that we see as the best and the worst.

Worst: Claudia And Alonzo

Veronica Mars: The 5 Best Relationships (& 5 Worst)

In Season 4, Weevil’s sister, Claudia works at the hotel where Alonzo, a member of a Mexican cartel, resides. Alonzo is in Neptune on orders to avenge El Despiadado’s ex-wife’s nephew’s murder. The situation proves more complicated than Alonzo and his partner, Dodie, think it will be, resulting in a longer stay.

The longer stay allows Alonzo to pursue his feelings about Claudia. In turn, Claudia quickly welcomes him into the family. However, Claudia knows little about Alonzo’s past and his dangerous nature. When Claudia tells him about Veronica, she doesn’t necessarily know that telling Alonzo will result in Alonzo trying to kill Veronica. While it’s true that she has little love for Veronica, it’s unlikely that she would want to bring about anyone’s death. Thankfully, Weevil is smarter about Alonzo, and rushes to save Veronica. All said, this relationship between Claudia and Alonzo is one fraught with problems from the start.

Best: Logan/Weevil And Lilly

Veronica discovers that Lilly had relationships with both Logan (publicly) and Weevil (under the radar). While the situation may not have been the healthiest, it’s clear that there was genuine love between all parties. At Lilly’s memorial, it was clear to see how much Logan loved her as he watched the video–sad, and then smiling at the memories. Logan and Lilly were able to be playful with each other and escape the intensity of family roles and expectations.

Weevil was Lilly’s hidden love, but his love for her led to him getting her name inked on his skin. In addition, he befriended and helped Veronica initially due to Lilly; he wanted to also get justice for her death. In a way, Lilly helped Weevil and Veronica become friends, a friendship that makes us happy that it exists.

Worst: Logan And Kendall

After Logan’s epic love speech, Veronica decides to rush to his place and confide her feelings as well. However, when she arrives, she finds out that he was with Kendall, Dick’s stepmom. So, in part, this relationship is the worst because it kept Logan and Veronica apart. Additionally, the circumstances were odd. Kendall was Logan’s best friend’s stepmom. She was much older than him. While the relationship fulfilled a need, it never was one that smacked of intimacy.

Best: Jackie And Wallace

It was cute to see popular girl Jackie fall for Wallace. They made a good couple, balancing each other out. In addition, Wallace brought Jackie into the Veronica team, and we loved Jackie’s interactions with Veronica.

We somewhat wished to see Jackie again; however, she was absent in Season 4. Hopefully, we will see her in the future. While we wouldn’t want to see her challenge Wallace’s married bliss, it would be nice to see an echo of the spark they once had, if only in a friendship.

Worst: Duncan And Veronica

Initially, Veronica’s heart is broken about Duncan. He was her first love, and the relationship appeared to end abruptly. When Veronica first starts to date Logan (Duncan’s best friend), she doesn’t want Duncan to know. Matter of fact, when Duncan finds out (although he’s dating someone else), he is upset about it, proving that he also harbored a lot of love for Veronica.

This all should translate to a wonderful love when they get back together, right? Wrong. Apart from seeming like a dull love, Duncan proved to be not that great of a boyfriend. He wasn’t entirely honest with Veronica. We know that Veronica has problems trusting people, so his dishonesty is big. However, in the end, Veronica still helped Duncan out–finding a way for him to take his daughter and move away to raise her.

Best: Leo And Veronica

While the relationship was relatively short-lived between these two, they worked with each other a lot with Veronica pizza-bribing Leo for information. Their work connection continued in Season 4, and it seemed like their chemistry continued to be strong.

Apart from Logan, Leo is the beau that Veronica has had the most chemistry with, and we could see these two together in the far future. They both seem to understand and to respect each other. On top of everything, Veronica trusts Leo, a feat not easy to achieve.

Worst: Cassidy And Mac

Until we knew the truth about Cassidy “Beaver,” this seemed an innocent first love. Cassidy was cast as the quieter, gentler brother. He seemed a good match to Mac, also quiet and sensitive. Things aren’t what they seem. We find out that Cassidy was the one who raped Veronica, and that he tried to kill her father.

Luckily, he didn’t hurt Mac in the same way, like trying to kill her family. However, this doesn’t mean that she wasn’t hurt. When Veronica found Mac curled up on the floor by the bed at the hotel, Mac cried, “He took my clothes. He took everything. Why?” Cassidy was a tragic villain, and this first love was a tragedy by all accounts.

Best: Logan And Dick/Veronica And Lilly

Veronica And Lilly Kane In A Veronica Mars Flashback

While these weren’t romantic relationships, there was a friend romance between these two pairs. Logan and Dick had a great bromance. Although it seemed superficial at the start, it was clear that there was love and friendship between the two. They supported each other through the years. Dick became Logan’s rock, in a sense, when Logan lost his mom, and his dad was convicted. Logan and Dick had to support each other when the truth came out about Cassidy, Dick’s brother. Neither had known what Cassidy had done or was capable of doing.

Veronica’s friendship with Lilly was tight. Lilly helped Veronica come out of her shell, and Veronica could be herself with Lilly. Their connection was so tight that even in Season 4 Veronica thinks of Lilly and is uncomfortable talking about Lilly’s murder. While Veronica’s other friends like Mac, Weevil, and Wallace are worthy of this list, Lilly was really the first close friend that Veronica had. Ultimately, her death changed Veronica’s life.

Worst: Aaron And Lilly

Can we all agree that Aaron was the worst? Not only was he terrible to his wife, Lynn, who ended up dying by suicide, and was abusive to his son, Logan, who is still dealing with anger issues in Season 4, but he was the worst to Lilly. He was a much older man having a sexual relationship with a teenager. That teenager happened to be his son’s girlfriend. Add to this that he taped their sexual encounters without Lilly’s knowledge. When Lilly found the tapes and wouldn’t give them back, he killed her. After killing her, he showed little remorse. She was an object for him, an obstacle at living his “perfect” life. While Mac and Cassidy’s relationship was extremely bad, this one tops it.

Best: Logan And Veronica

Logan and Veronica shared an epic love. Although their love wasn’t always perfect, they both understood each other in ways that others couldn’t. Moreover, whatever person that they were partnered with when they weren’t together just seemed like a pale comparison. This is why we couldn’t really get on board with Piz and Veronica. True, Piz and Veronica seemed happy, but Veronica seemed almost bored by the relationship.

Logan and Veronica were both smart and witty. They could challenge each other in their banter. Logan could call Veronica out, and she would listen. Like the best teammates, they both accepted and also pushed each other to be better.