Veronica Mars: 5 Times Logan Proved He Wasn’t Perfect for Veronica (& 5 Times He Was)

Veronica Mars: 5 Times Logan Proved He Wasn’t Perfect for Veronica (& 5 Times He Was)

Logan Echolls and Veronica Mars’ portmanteau is literally LoVe, so they’re basically the ultimate pairing. However, that’s both in spite of and because of the fact that Logan and Veronica aren’t always perfect, and they’re not always perfect for each other.

They have so much baggage, and not all of it is easy to carry, and sometimes their baggage bumps into each other and creates some pretty serious problems.

Wasn’t Perfect: Taunting Veronica About Her Drunk, Missing Mother

Veronica Mars: 5 Times Logan Proved He Wasn’t Perfect for Veronica (& 5 Times He Was)

In the very first episode of the short series, Logan Echolls is introduced as Neptune High’s “obligatory psychotic jackass,” and he lives up to the title. He taunts and teases Veronica, about what he knows will hurt most: her mom. At the time, all viewers know about Leanne Mars is that she left, and that she drank heavily. As such, it’s a dang low blow to throw it back in Veronica’s face.

Was Perfect: Kissing Her (The First Time)

Veronica Mars Logan

One of Logan’s strongest suits for Veronica is knowing what to say – and when not to say anything. After he beat up the undercover ATF agent he thought was kidnapping Veronica, Logan stood guard while the two spoke. When Veronica emerged, she leaned up and kissed him, a tiny peck, and tried to run away – but he caught her and kissed her for real. No words were spoken, before or after either kiss, with everything communicated on their faces, and if Logan had said anything, it would have ruined it. Knowing she needed him close but not too close was the perfect balance of respecting her boundaries and refusing to leave her in a potentially harmful scenario.

Wasn’t Perfect: Getting Violent When Upset

Veronica Mars Logan

Whatever pressure Logan was under – between his father being arrested for his girlfriend’s murder and then getting arrested himself for a murder he didn’t commit – there’s no excuse for violence.

When Veronica breaks up with him, he loses it and knocks over a nearby lamp. Keith appears from nowhere and throws him out of the apartment, and he was right to do so: violent guys should always be an immediate red flag. It also proves that Veronica was absolutely right to dump him.

Was Perfect: Choosing Her Over His Friends

Logan and Veronica standing together on Veronica Mars

When Aaron Echolls throws Logan a surprise birthday party, with all of his friends, and Logan comes home holding hands with Veronica, Logan had a choice. He could have sided with the ‘09ers and found a way to sweet talk himself out of the truth, but instead, he stood by Veronica and made his loyalties clear – her, not them. When Logan really loves someone, he (usually) knows how to put them first. He loves just as fiercely as Veronica does, which (almost) always serves their relationship well.

Wasn’t Perfect: Beating Up Piz

Veronica Mars Logan

Jealousy continues to be a problem for Logan, and this time it’s directed at a person, not an inanimate object. When an intimate tape of Veronica and Piz, Wallace’s Hearst roommate, gets leaked, it didn’t matter that Logan and Veronica were broken up. Logan got his own justice by beating the daylights out of Piz. Piz, as it turned out, was innocent, but Logan wasn’t exactly interested in hearing his side of the story. Violent tendencies are a huge factor against Logan as Veronica’s partner, even when he’s doing the violence “for” her.

Was Perfect: Pulling Her Back From The Edge

Veronica Mars Logan

When Veronica finds out who assaulted her, she’s face to face with him and she has a gun. She’s bawling her eyes out, he’s defenseless, and it would’ve been easy to pull the trigger. But Logan stops her. For all his violent tendencies, he knows Veronica, and he knows her heart – he knows she’s not a murderer, and it’s him who takes the gun away from her.

He doesn’t shoot it either; the bad guy’s fate isn’t the point, it’s that Veronica doesn’t have the stain of taking another life on her hands, because he knows she’d never, ever be able to forgive herself, no matter how much the person may have “deserved” it.

Wasn’t Perfect: Hooked Up With Madison Sinclair

Veronica Mars Logan

While Logan and Veronica were briefly broken up in college, Logan had a fling with Madison Sinclair, Veronica’s high school nemesis. But that’s not the worst of it. The worst thing for Veronica, is that she asked Logan if he was with anyone while they were broken up. He admitted there was one girl, and essentially begged Veronica to just stop asking for more detail about it. Naturally, she found out anyway since she’s Veronica Mars, the best teen detective around, and the fact that Logan lied about it (or at least, wasn’t completely honest) was a deal-breaker for Veronica – something she was “never getting past”.

Was Perfect: Knowing They’re “Epic” Together

Veronica Mars Logan

Turns out Logan was absolutely right in his famous quote – they are epic, and they do span years and continents. Lives are ruined and blood is shed. There’s such an intensity to them that their relationship can really only be defined by the word epic, in every sense of it. They’re both damaged people, but they make each other better and happier together than they would apart, and they grow together in ways they wouldn’t otherwise. Logan knows that, especially in the later seasons – he knows they saved each other.

Wasn’t Perfect: Hiring Someone To Follow Her

Veronica Mars Logan

Sure, Logan was “protecting” Veronica from the person going around Hearst assaulting women, but because he didn’t talk to her about it and made that call by himself, she was even more terrified than she otherwise would’ve been, especially since she’s investigating the assaults.

His heart may have been in the right place, but his actions definitely were not. Logan’s tendency to leave Veronica out of decisions involving her is definitely a flaw in their relationship.

Was Perfect: Being Someone Veronica Can Truly Trust

Veronica Mars Logan

In spite of their baggage, in spite of the drama, and in spite of all the everything that comes with falling in love and living in Neptune, Logan and Veronica consistently show up for each other when it matters. Logan, always, puts Veronica’s safety as his number one priority, so it’s no surprise that even when Veronica does her very best to push him as far away as she can, when she’s hurt, he’s the one who finds her. He’s the one who brings her home, and he stays there even after she wakes up. At the end of the day, Veronica is what really matters to him, and he accepts her and all of her flaws and baggage and loves her all the more for it. None of her other interests can truly completely accept her, and no one else can get her to change for the better, either.