Veronica Mars: 5 Things We Liked About the New Logan (And 5 Things We Didn’t)

Veronica Mars: 5 Things We Liked About the New Logan (And 5 Things We Didn’t)

Veronica Mars is a beloved series with a solid fanbase. Fans love the father/daughter duo, Veronica and Keith, who often team up on cases, and they also love the epic love story between Logan and Veronica.

In the original series, this relationship was fraught with many challenges which caused their own havoc in their relationship. However, in the movie, problems had been worked out, and Veronica and Logan got back together again.

Season 4 shows the two living together, however, Logan appears to be a duller version of himself. While he tries to work through his previous problems with anger, he loses some of the spark he had earlier. It seems like the writers didn’t know how to have Logan be Logan without his previous self-destructive ways. Still, there were things that we liked about the new Logan as well as things we didn’t.

Liked: Supports Veronica

Veronica Mars: 5 Things We Liked About the New Logan (And 5 Things We Didn’t)

Without hesitation, Logan supports Veronica in her case. When she asks if he could use his resources to help her, he does without a question or second thought. Likewise, when he finds information that may be helpful to her when he is providing security for the politician who hired Veronica, he gives it to her.

Logan is now a very giving partner, willing to lay aside his own wants in order to support Veronica.

Disliked: Is Not as Playful

In the past, part of the allure with Logan and Veronica was that he was the only one who was able to keep up with her in witty dialogue. They were playful with each other and the witty banter showed their connection and chemistry.

Apart from a couple of examples in Season 4, Logan’s playfulness is now muted. This makes him seem a duller character, and it makes us understand why Veronica is tempted by a previous beau.

Liked: Is Faithful

Logan And Veronica In The Veronica Mars Movie

Previously, Logan had moments where he wasn’t entirely faithful. While these incidents didn’t happen when they were technically together, they showed that he wasn’t completely faithful to the epic love idea.

In Season 4, Logan encounters an ex-girlfriend when he is on the way to get a marriage license. We see him running after her, rather than getting the marriage license. What happens next is off-screen, but we wonder if Logan doubted his love with Veronica and hooked up with his ex.

Later, we find out that Logan just wanted to know what led to his ex-girlfriend’s divorce; he wasn’t tempted by her. While Veronica does feel tempted at one point but doesn’t act on that temptation, Logan is never tempted.

Disliked: Plays It Safe

The beauty in Veronica and Logan’s relationship was that they challenged each other. In Season 4, apart from a couple of instances, this challenge is gone. Veronica actually calls Logan on this, saying that he agrees with her too easily. He answers that the opposite didn’t work for him before.

Logan plays it safe in order to keep Veronica and to keep her happy. Who wears the pants in this relationship? It is completely Veronica, but it seems that even she would like a more equal pairing like they once had.

Liked: Still Friends with Dick

The one friend we see Logan interact with is Dick. It is great to see that they have stayed friends past high school and college. Dick is a lovable but dim friend. We love him, and we loved that Logan and Dick still hung out.

At one point Logan gets a text from Dick asking for Logan to bring him pants. A quirky text, it showed that Dick counted on Logan, and Logan was able to just laugh at the text even as he honored it.

Disliked: Besides Dick, Has Few Friends Outside of Veronica

We love that Logan has Dick for a friend, but we also want him to have more friends. Surely, he has more friends at work? It would have been nice to see more of his professional life.

Since we only see him with Veronica and her family or friends, it makes his social sphere seem pretty insular and unhealthy. We want him to have an identity outside of his relationship with Veronica.

Liked: Respects Veronica’s Independence

Part of their problems in the past centered around Logan fearing for Veronica, wanting to protect her and inhibit her independence. For instance, he once had her followed to make sure that she was safe.

This was a major obstacle in their previous relationship. It led to a big fight where Logan laid to light their differences, parts of their characters that were integral: his need to protect and her constant mistrust of people.

In Season 4, Logan believes that Veronica can take care of herself. While he helps out when he can, he doesn’t feel like he still needs to protect her.

Disliked: Talks About His Therapist Constantly

Logan talks about his therapist constantly, even referring to her in conversation by her first name, as you would do a friend. He tells Veronica what he is working on and encourages her to go with him. When he has a slip-up with his anger, leading to great sex with Veronica, he decides to go to therapy the next morning. He also suggests to Veronica that since she was turned on by his anger, she should also go.

Many of Logan’s talking points in Season 4 are about therapy. While we are glad that he is working on his anger, we want more for him to talk about than therapy. He comes across as a little obsessed with it.

Liked: Calls Veronica Out

At the same time, Logan did call her out about her attraction to his anger, suggesting that she may need to think about that. While we don’t like that he pushed Veronica to go to counseling and specifically his therapist, it was good that he noticed her behavior, showing that he is aware.

Veronica listens to Logan, which shows that she is willing to address this as well. Prior to Season 4, they have been able to confront each other with hard truths. We’re happy to see that they still can.

Disliked: Seems a Flatter Character

Logan seems to have few desires, other than trying to make Veronica happy and trying to make their relationship work. Obviously, he cares about his work, but we see little of this.

We want to see the nuances that Logan presents, but it seems that he has sanded his edges so much that what made him unique (i.e. his playfulness) is muted. We’d love to have seen other aspects of Logan’s personality.

All said, we still loved Season 4, and it was good to see Veronica and Logan together. Their love was indeed epic and deserving of a happy ending.