Veronica Mars: 5 Reasons Veronica Belonged With Logan (& 5 She Belonged With Leo)

Veronica Mars: 5 Reasons Veronica Belonged With Logan (& 5 She Belonged With Leo)

Veronica dated a few lucky guys during the show Veronica Mars, but only two of them stand out as candidates to be the OTP for the feisty sleuth. Although there’s a case to be made for Piz, and maybe even Duncan, ironically Veronica had the most chemistry with an 09er and a Sherrif.

Both are types she usually avoided but these two men seem to always pull her back in. Should she be with her on and off again bad boy turned Naval Intelligence officer, Logan? Or the sweet, funny detective Leo D’Amato, who would do anything for Veronica Mars, especially if she was holding a pizza?

Spoilers for all four seasons will be included.

Leo Makes Her Laugh

Veronica Mars: 5 Reasons Veronica Belonged With Logan (& 5 She Belonged With Leo)

Veronica always seems to take a load off when she is around Leo. They can easily relax and it never seems to be awkward around them, even after Veronica lost him his job.

Leo likes to have fun and helps Veronica do the same when he is around. He knows how to make her laugh and his happy-go-lucky attitude reminds Veronica to look on the positive side of things.

Logan Challenges Her

Logan is always challenging Veronica, his stubborn sureness always causing her to either admit he’s right or give the best argument as to why she’s right (which she usually is). Even in high school, Logan was never afraid to go head-to-head with Veronica in a debate and knew just what buttons to push to get a rise out of her.

Logan loves to see Veronica’s passion but also wants her to be the best version of herself. He also constantly pushes her to be less lazy, especially in the later episodes. Logan is often using his newly learned therapy methods on Veronica and believes they would benefit her because it helped him so well with his demons.

Leo & Veronica Could Open Up A Detective Agency Together

If Veronica ended up with Leo, the two would make a great team working together to solve cases. With his FBI clearance and her skills, they could crack any case with ease.

It might get sticky mixing business with pleasure but Veronica has solved some of her toughest cases with his help and the chemistry between the two of them would keep things hot.

Logan Could Be Private Security for Her Agency

In the 4th Season of Veronica Mars, Logan gets to play bodyguard for Veronica and her clients, as one of the survivors of a bombing hires Logan as private security.

Logan’s close ties to the case Veronica is working on means fans get to see the two working side-by-side quite a bit, and it is absolutely adorable. This dynamic would have been great to see playout had Veronica ended up with him.

Leo & Veronica Have A Lot In Common

From their sense of humor to their love of the same pizza toppings, these two sure do seem to have a lot in common, even if Leo is less angsty. Veronica would have no trouble bonding with Leo over their many shared hobbies and quirks, while it would help him to understand her when she gets so involved in a case because he is the same way.

Leo wouldn’t make Veronica choose between her line of work and them because he gets the pull of the case, as he’s apart of that world. His understanding would also let him trust Veronica more when she’s on a case, a problem Logan never seemed to overcome.

Logan Would Balance Her

An argument can be made that having too much in common might be a bad thing. While Logan’s upbringing could not have been further from Veronica’s, with his huge net worth, big house, and family; however, he proved to her that not all 09ers are bad and showed her the world outside of her cases.

The man that Logan becomes by the end of the series has a keen perspective about the world. He learned how to let go of the negative outlook he used to share with Veronica and instead look forward, preferring a morning in the waves to looking for trouble. Logan’s outlook on life would help bring Veronica back when she’s too caught up and remind her to step away from a case.

Leo Would Be A Fresh Start

Leo came into Veronica’s life after the most devastating years of her life had already passed. Her best friend was already murdered, her father had already been disgraced and lost his job, and she had pretty much come to terms with it by the time she met Leo.

Leo has only seen the version of Veronica she wants him to see and this allows her to lower some of her walls. Leo never saw Veronica the way her classmates and even Logan did, he just knows Veronica for herself and she won him over with her big personality (and pizza).

Logan Has Been There Through It All

Logan has known Veronica since before her life turned upside down. He was the boyfriend of her best friend and they both lost someone they loved very much at the same time. This type of bond is special and it’s one Veronica could never share with anyone except maybe Duncan (and perhaps Weevil).

Logan didn’t only lose his girlfriend, but he had to deal with the fact that his dad was her killer. Veronica discovering the truth about Logan’s dad linked them even more and created an incredibly strong bond, one that always draws them back to each other. Only death could break this bond.

Leo Would Be Around More

One thing that Veronica has the hardest time dealing with when shes dating Logan is the fact that he is away so often due to the Navy. If she were with Leo, the two would see each other a lot more, especially if they started their own business together.

Even if Logan committed to private security for Veronica, he would still be called away a lot for the Navy, considering his high ranking and commitment to them. Every time Logan went away, Leo was there in recent years. This might be what Veronica needs, a constant set of arms to hug her and cheer her up after a hard case.

Logan – Because The Fans Say So

Fans wished for this couple’s revival ever since they broke up in season 3, and thanks to the creator, Rob Thomas, they got it in the kickstarted Veronica Mars Movie. In season 4, the writers decided that in order for Veronica to continue to be an awesome sleuth, Logan had to go.

This is a dark noir PI show, so it makes sense that the marital bliss would soon deter Veronica from the job. Nevertheless, to the hardcore team Logan fans, the character’s death was not okay and they let the internet know it. Credit to the show’s staff for sticking by their decision, but Marshmallows will have to wait and see if they ever get more of the sleuth on-screen, post-Logan. It would be a shame for him to have died for nothing.