Venom Lore Changes Forever With Change to His Canon First Appearance

Venom Lore Changes Forever With Change to His Canon First Appearance

Warning: contains spoilers for Marvel Super Heroes’ Secret Wars: Battleworld #4!

Marvel has seriously altered Venom’s lore forever with a major change to his canonical first appearance. Venom arose from the black symbiote suit Spider-Man acquired during Secret Wars, and the recent miniseries Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld, released to commemorate the events 40th anniversary, sheds new light on the Wall Crawlers’ first days with the symbiote in issue four–and in the process altering Venom’s lore forever.

Marvel Super Heroes’ Secret Wars: Battleworld, which has been written by Tom DeFalco and drawn by Pat Olliffe, follows Spider-Man, who just got the black symbiote suit. He has been plucked from Battleworld by beings far ahead of the Beyonder. These mysterious entities are interested in the symbiote for unknown reasons. At one point, they observe Peter Parker black out during battle, and as he does, the symbiote takes over.

Venom Lore Changes Forever With Change to His Canon First Appearance

As it does, Peter’s body contorts itself into Venom’s body, complete with an evil grin and distorted spider logo.

Venom’s Lore Has Changed Considerably Since His First Appearance

There Are Even Questions Over When Venom First Truly Appeared

A group of zombie aliens follow Venom

This represents a huge change to the Venom mythos. Spider-Man kept the black suit after leaving Battleworld, but came to realize its true intentions. Spider-Man separated himself from the symbiote, and hurt and rejected, it found Eddie Brock. Brock, who perceived himself slighted by Spider-Man, was the perfect host, and the two became Venom, who would make his first full appearance in 1988’s Amazing Spider-Man #300. Venom proved a popular character, so much that later creators shifted him towards anti-hero status.

This revelation further muddies the waters on Venom’s first appearance. Although the character debuted in cameos in Amazing Spider-Man leading up to issue 300, there has been some speculation he may have appeared even earlier. Some point to Amazing Spider-Man #252, the first appearance of the black symbiote suit, as Venom’s first appearance. In issue 18 of Web of Spider-Man, a mysterious assailant pushes Peter Parker into the path of an oncoming subway train. The issue never identified who the attacker was, but Venom co-creator David Micheline intended for it to be Venom.

Edge of Spiderverse #2 cover featuring Spooky Man


Edge of Spider-Verse Introduces New Take on Venom to Official Continuity

Edge of Spider-Verse weaves a web of excitement with its introduction of a new and potentially cooler version of Venom that might be deadlier, too.

The Changes to Venom’s Lore Have Made For a Well Rounded Character

The Changes Are Not Simply Fan Service

Five panels of Venom leading an army

Regardless of when Venom truly first appeared, the revelations about the character in Battleworld #4 changed what fans thought they knew about him. When the symbiote takes over for an unconscious Peter Parker, it takes on Venom’s appearance and mannerisms. The story is also replete with references to Venom’s future, and one of the mysterious aliens calls him “the King in Black,” an allusion to the biggest story in Venom’s 36-year history. More than just being fan service, these changes to Venom’s first canonical appearance remind fans of where the character came from, and where he is heading.

Marvel Super Heroes’ Secret Wars: Battleworld #4 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #4 (2024)

Image of Spider-Man in his black suit fighting heroes.
  • Writer: Tom DeFalco
  • Artist: Pat Olliffe
  • Colorist: John Kalisz
  • Letterer: Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli & Paul Mounts