Vegeta Just Outsmarted Dragon Ball’s Best Evil Wish

Vegeta Just Outsmarted Dragon Ball’s Best Evil Wish

Warning: contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Super chapter 74!

The Cerealian named Granolah makes what is ostensibly the smartest wish of all time in Dragon Ball Super, but Vegeta has proved it’s just as worthless as the wishes of every villain so far, including the pursuit of immortality in Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball‘s villains tend to share an obsession with eternal life, which essentially began with Garlic Jr. in the Dragon Ball Z film Dead Zone, even though he would be the first and last villain to ever actually make that wish on the Dragon Balls. It’s surprising that so many villains sought immortality after Garlic Jr., as his ability to live forever became more of a curse than a blessing when Gohan threw him into his own Dead Zone, a void of interminable darkness that Garlic Jr. originally summoned to use against Goku and his friends. Those who are unfortunate enough to be sucked inside are damned to float in the void’s pitch darkness for the rest of their lives, and as Garlic Jr. is immortal, he is trapped there until the end of time.

Other notable villains who pursue immortality in Dragon Ball Z include Frieza, who finally realizes the stupidity of such a wish after his tortuous experience in Earth’s Hell. Even Vegeta seeks eternal life at the same time as Frieza does, but upon his resurrection, the Saiyan Prince gives up on his desire as well. Thankfully, Moro the Planet Eater broke the trend for immortality wishes when he wished to have his full magical power restored, but even this wish failed to cover all the bases and prevent his eventual defeat. In contrast, Granolah the Cerealian’s wish to be the strongest warrior in the universe seemed to have been the smartest one ever made on the Dragon Balls… until Vegeta found a loophole.

Vegeta Just Outsmarted Dragon Ball’s Best Evil Wish

With his newfound power, Granolah is able to easily defeat Goku despite his rigorous training with Whis, and he also makes short work of Vegeta. But in chapter 74, the Saiyan Prince explains to Granolah the drawbacks of obtaining incredible power within such a short period of time before proceeding to prove his point with his fists. Even after Granolah beats Vegeta like a ragdoll, the Saiyan Prince reveals that he will still win even though he’s weaker, because Granolah lacks experience and hasn’t trained to harness his undeniably epic power. Vegeta also explains that the concept of being the strongest is contextual to the moment of the wish, making it far less effective in a world where the greatest warriors get more and more powerful as they battle.

Even though Granolah demonstrates he’s definitely no pushover, Vegeta’s logic is sound, especially considering the Saiyans’ terrifying ability to amass incredible power if they survive a battle or are on the brink of death. The Dragon Ball Super chapter even ends with Vegeta transforming. By the Saiyan Prince’s logic, as long as he achieves his new form after Granolah’s wish, it’s possible he just became more powerful than the Cerealian, whose abilities now correspond to an outdated standard of strength. What seemed like a genius wish just turned out to be as flawed as every other villainous wish depicted in Dragon Ball so far, giving Vegeta the chance he needs to win the day.