Valorant: How to play as Sova

Valorant: How to play as Sova

Riot Games’ newest game, Valorant, is a tactical hero-based shooter that relies heavily on gunplay as well as the use of skills. Valorant has nine different “Agents” to choose from each with their own unique abilities. Mastering these abilities can give a player the upper hand in a fight, and pairing them with other agent’s abilities could be the difference between victory and defeat.

Sova is a unique agent as his abilities mostly revolve around intel, meaning he is good at informing his team as to where the enemy team is located. This is important as knowing where your enemy is at all times is a crucial part of Valorant. If you know where your enemy is before they know where you are, you’ve pretty much guaranteed yourself the win in the fight. Here is how Sova can be utilized efficiently to expose the enemy team.

How to Play Sova in Valorant

Valorant: How to play as Sova

Sova has some incredibly unique abilities that are invaluable to any team. He also stands out amongst other agents who have recon abilities as his stand superior to others. What he lacks in mobility and defense, he makes up for in intel and damage.

Sova’s first ability is called Owl Drone and is a utility that costs 300 credits. When used the player switches to the drones view which is piloted by the player and can be flown around the map. The drone has incredibly low health, and the player is left vulnerable while piloting the drone. However, the drone can scout ahead and can fire an unlimited supply of darts. If an enemy is hit by a dart their silhouette will glow orange for all of your teammates to see.

Sova’s second ability is called Shock Bolt which costs 100 credits each and the player can hold two at one time. The Shock Bolt is pretty self-explanatory. When fired, wherever it lands it explodes and does an area of effect of shock damage. The closer a player is to the blast, the more damage they will take.

Thirdly, and arguable Sova’s most useful ability, is called the Recon Bolt. This is a bolt that recharges every 35 seconds and can be used an unlimited amount of time. When fired, wherever this bolt lands it will send out three pulses. If an enemy is hit by one of these pulses their silhouette will glow orange for all teammates to see. This allows for Sova to reveal an enemy’s location before entering a room or moving on to a point. It can also account for a kill if a player is revealed to be behind an object that a player can shoot through. However, if an object is between a player and the bolt the player will not be revealed.

And lastly, Sova’s ultimate ability, Hunter’s Fury, can be activated after collecting seven ultimate orbs around the map. This ultimate can be shot through walls and across the map to deal damage to players. It only fired three times so players will need to locate opponents before firing. However, if a player is hit by one of the shots their location will be revealed to the team identical to Sova’s other abilities.

And that is how Sova can be used to inform your team of the enemy’s next move.

Valorant is in closed beta on PC.