Valheim: How to Find (& Kill) Trolls

Valheim: How to Find (& Kill) Trolls

On the player’s journey through the world of Valheim they will come across all manner of dangerous and disturbing creatures. Even in the early moments of the game players will have to fend off easily frightened Boars, the odd reptilian Necks that populate the Meadows, and even the mysterious Greydwarves that players will find all over the world. Knowing how to bring all of the game’s enemies down is a must for players in Valheim.

One of the more difficult enemies that players will encounter early on in Valheim are the Trolls. These massive monsters are bigger than some of the game’s bosses and they can deal out just as much damage as one too. At the beginning of the game, players will want to avoid these enemies if at all possible, but they can also be a valuable resource for those who want to get ahead in the game. This guide shows players how to find and kill Trolls in Valheim.

Valheim – How to Find and Kill Trolls

Valheim: How to Find (& Kill) Trolls

Defeating Trolls in Valheim tends to be a pretty difficult process for players in the beginning of the game, but it is also something that they will want to do before trying to explore the Black Forest too heavily. This is because players who are able to kill trolls will be able to collect their skin and craft it into very strong armor that can’t be topped until the player is able to craft Bronze Armor. By having a full set of Troll Armor players can have an armor level of 19 compared to the Leather Armor’s seven. If players upgrade this armor they can get it to even higher levels as well.

The trick here though is that players will need to find Trolls and defeat them in combat if they want to get their hands on their hide. Finding them isn’t too terribly difficult as the Trolls tend to spawn around the edges of the Black Forest are pretty hard to miss due to their size and blue color. Players should just walk around the outskirts of the forest until they see one of the large blue creatures appear. Before the player rushes in to attack though they should keep in mind that fighting a Troll head-on is never recommended. Instead, players should keep their distance at all times and only attack using the bow.

The player should sneak up on the Troll if possible and fire a couple of arrows at the beast. This will cause the Troll to begin running at the player. The player should start walking backwards while firing arrows at it the whole time. Do not sprint yet as that will cost the player stamina. Right before the Troll gets into attacking range Valheim players will want to sprint away before it can attack and then continue attacking while moving backwards. Doing this will keep the player outside of the Troll’s viable attacking range and make it less likely that they will take damage. Just keep this up and the Troll will be brought down in now time at all. The only other thing to keep an eye out for is the fact that the Troll can knock down trees that can potentially crush the player. Try to fight the Troll in wide-open areas if at all possible. Those who are still having trouble though can upgrade their bow, their armor, and invest in better quality food in order to make this easier.

Valheim can be played on PC.