Undead Unluck’s Hero Has Become The Manga’s True Villain

Undead Unluck’s Hero Has Become The Manga’s True Villain

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Undead Unluck chapter 110!

The most underrated manga in Shonen Jump’s current lineup Undead Unluck just gave one of the series’ eponymous protagonists Undead Andy a dark twist, whereby he must adopt the role of villain to truly save the world.

In addition to Undead Unluck being the most creative Shonen Jump title, the manga recently stayed true to form by changing up its formula by having Andy break away from the Union. He and the Union, comprised of superpowered beings, had been contending with the terrifying book Apocalypse that forced them to complete missions for rewards or penalties should they fail, the latter of which would eventually culminate in the end of the world should they accumulate enough penalties. The reason why Andy tore away from the Union was to save his beloved Fuuko aka Unluck.

But in chapter 110, Andy is confronted with a dilemma when he battles his on-and-off enemy Rip and his associate Latla of the rival group Under. Up until this point, readers had known that Rip and Latla want to use a time-traveling vehicle that has been used to prevent Undead Unlick’s next permanent end of the world to bring back Leila who Rip loves and who is Latla’s sister. During the battle, readers finally witness the heartbreaking story of how Leila died. It’s so emotional that when Rip and Latla defeat Andy, readers actually don’t really mind as they are now fully invested in their quest. This feeling is exacerbated by the fact that, in defeating Andy, Rip fatally wounds Latla. During this, Andy experiences a metaphysical moment, conversing with his alter ego and Undead Unluck’s Super Saiyan 4 named Victor who convinces him that Andy’s sense of justice is greater than theirs and that Andy should use his power to stop them. Victor also helps Andy realize that he should give up on saving this world to go back into the past with the ark himself to prevent the world’s destruction and Leila’s death.

Undead Unluck’s Hero Has Become The Manga’s True Villain

Although Andy decides to save Leila, he doesn’t articulate this to Rip or Latla, he just attacks. The way in which Andy rises behind Rip is truly menacing, like an undefeatable villain who just won’t stay down. It’s a jarring image, especially when juxtaposed against Rip’s saddened face as he tries to give his dying comrade hope, a look that’s later filled with fear. Additionally, past chapters of Undead Unluck have portrayed Rip as a tragic figure. He’s a character who has only aligned himself with the Under organization because he feels Under will better help him save Leila. He even claimed in chapter 51 that he wants to be the bad guy for that reason. This is despite the fact he’s gone out of his way to help Unluck and Andy numerous times. He even expressed hope that he would see them again in chapter 53, creating the impression that he would have been their friend if he didn’t experience the tragedy of Leila’s death. Worst of all, Undead Unluck chapter 79 implied that there is a connection between Rip and Andy because Rip also has something to risk his life for. This latter realization is important as Andy has expressed numerous times how much he values this act of selflessness to the point where readers have dared to hope that this belief could save Undead Andy from his own dark demons.

All that aside, it’s also quite unsettling that Undead Andy is essentially giving up on his friends from the current world and letting them die even though he’s planning on traveling to the past to ensure their survival. Even though he has good intentions, Undead Unluck is making him out to be a tragic villain.

Readers can find the latest chapter of Undead Unluck on Viz’s Shonen Jump App!