Undead Unluck Episode 7 Release Date & Time

Undead Unluck episode #6 begins a new arc for the series, and it’s already doing a lot to expand on the increasingly inventive lore of the story. It was a great episode for establishing the latest stakes of the story, and it leaves a lot to look forward to in episode #7.

What Time Undead Unluck Episode 7 Releases

Andy with the zombie woman

As with previous episodes, Undead Unluck is released exclusively on Hulu, which can be accessed through the website or directly from the app. Assuming that there are no delays, Undead Unluck episode #7 should premiere on Friday, November 17, at 11:00 AM Pacific Time (PST) and 2:00 PM Eastern (EST) in the United States and at 7:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in the United Kingdom.

What Happened In Undead Unluck Episode 6?

Andy fighting zombies

In Undead Unluck episode #6, “Spoil”, Fuko, Andy, and Shen traveled to America after narrowing down Spoil’s location to Longing, a Western town whose inhabitants have all been turned into zombies by Spoil. Despite how scared she feels about having to deal with zombies, Fuko is nonetheless determined to complete the quest because it will help them find the Negator with Unrepair, and assuming that they can create unfixable wounds, they could be the key to letting Andy die. Shen, however, is only interested in one thing: getting a chance to meet another side of Andy called Victhor, the God of victory.

After arriving in Longing, Fuko and Shen encounter a group of children who have been living in hiding from the zombies, and despite the risk it imposed, Fuko tenderly embraced one of the children and put herself in the range for the zombification process to begin and show the children that she’s on their side. Meanwhile, Andy, now in a partially zombified state, followed a zombie who said she could bring him to Spoil if he married her. Andy went along with her, and after she asked Andy to put them all out of their misery, Andy began fighting Spoil with all the zombies in Longing rallied behind him.

Undead Unluck Introduces The Anime’s Main Villains

Spoil in episode 6

With Undead Unluck episode #6, the series has now established its main villains: the UMAs. While the Negators use their powers to negate the rules of the world, the UMAs are the living embodiment of those rules, thus making them the natural enemies of Fuko, Andy, and the other Negators of the Union. By fighting against UMAs, every fight directly brings out the idea of the characters having to fight against the arbitrary and dangerous rules God imposes on the world, and it will be great to see how far Undead Unluck episode #7 and beyond decide to go with that idea.

Be sure to watch Undead Unluck episode #7 when it releases on November 17.

Watch now on Hulu