Umbrella Academy vs. X-Men: Who Would Win

Umbrella Academy vs. X-Men: Who Would Win

Anyone who has watched Netflix’s Umbrella Academy and consumed any of the X-Men media prior will sure note the similarities between the two. The “siblings” of Umbrella Academy are pretty much mutants as well– who were compelled to live in a boarding school and moonlight as superheroes from time to time.

That’s why comparisons between the two ought to be inevitable. Each faction has its own strengths and weaknesses in what appears to be a good match if the two were to ever fight. Of course, the battle wouldn’t just be physical, but also to see which of either faction is superior to the other in other aspects. Here are the different categories of their match and who exactly will win.


Umbrella Academy vs. X-Men: Who Would Win

A hero or heroic group is not just measured by their heroics but also who and what they deal with on a daily basis. When it comes to that, the X-Men are surely more restless as their enemies are also other mutants, in general, and some of which are more powerful than them.

When not dealing with murderous idealists like Magneto or tyrants like Apocalypse, then the X-Men are usually fighting amongst themselves and wrestling with their own destructive capabilities. With that said, their enemies are just more dangerous.


Wonder Man Avengers

Of course, superhero groups can also be defined by their allies just as much as their enemies. In this regard, the X-Men also leaves the Umbrella Academy in the dust. Their selection of allies is just staggering, mostly thanks to their networking skills.

The Avengers alone could be enough to make the Umbrella Academy’s Hargreeves look like a helpless bunch. It also allows for an unlimited amount of help and emergency reinforcements from the X-Men.


X-Men First Class

The impact of both groups in the world is also an important factor to consider when it comes to a comparative match between them. How they affected their world as well as ours is a good way to determine who won.

The X-Men take the cake on this one too. They’ve been around since 1963 and have had several toys, clothing, films, cartoons, and of course, countless comic books about them. They have also come to symbolize the LGBT community in a rather important historical turning point for that marginalized sector of society.


X-Men Marvel Cyclops Storm Colossus

Rotating team members is something to consider in a fight as exhaustion can be the difference between life and death on the battlefield. The X-Men also pulls ahead in this category due to how theirs is seemingly unlimited.

Instead of having just a staple of seven members with no bench on sight, the X-Men has a whole school a whole Earth of reserves to replenish their ranks. As such, their fighter roster is more diverse and colorful in addition to being inexhaustible.


Sophie Turner in X-Men Dark Phoenix poster

When it comes to achievements, accolades, and trophies, the X-Men simply have it better. It’s not just the positive achievements either, the X-Men– at least some of their members, have threatened the multiverse many times over.

That, along with how many times they have saved Earth as well as other places in the multiverse ought to get them a Hall of Fame award or something. The Umbrella Academy has yet to earn that many accomplishments.


X-Men X of Swords

The X-Men have always had a common goal and advocacy that binds them together. It’s usually Professor X’s altruistic goal of providing a sanctuary for mutants and ensuring peace among them and humans. That’s why it’s not hard for them to work well with one another.

By comparison, the Umbrella Academy is a dysfunctional mess and has been that way ever since their adoptive father died, probably even before. Most of them operate on their own and live apart from one another, making them more vulnerable.


Tom Hopper as Luther Ellen Page as Vanya Aiden Gallagher as Five Emmy Raver Lampman as Allison David Castaneda as Diego Robert Sheehan as Klaus Umbrella Academy

As fancy as the X-Men’s roster might be, a lot of their powers can get rather redundant. In hindsight, there’s no more than a few archetypes of mutant powers with a combination of some and weaker variations.

Umbrella Academy seems to understand this, which is why the Hargreeves each have their own unique and distinct powers. One of them is even overpowered enough to rewrite history and they do have their own telepath. The Hargreeves against the core team of X-Men should be a fair match, with the latter possibly having a better chance at winning due to time travel.


The X-Men look to their left on a battlefield in X-Men: The Animated Series.

Since the X-Men has been around for several decades, they have had better opportunities for adventures and battles. Their wealth of experience facing enemies much more dangerous or powerful than them makes them more than a match for the Umbrella Academy.

This can easily show through teamwork, power synergies, and tactical awareness over decades of training. The X-Men also has the advantage of futuristic equipment. While the Umbrella Academy was also trained and groomed to be superheroes, they mostly faced only humans compared to X-Men’s cosmic-level threats.


Sparrow Academy Umbrella Academy season 2 cliffhanger ending

The mutants of X-Men each have their own unique origins and explanations for how and why they got their powers but the mystery behind it was mostly laid bare. It was all genetic and sometimes random per individual.

Meanwhile, Umbrella Academy was a bit more quirky in how each of the Hargreeves got their powers. From their manner and date of birth to how they’re a rare breed of creatures compared to the X-Men’s mutant template make them look more fresh and exciting.


Sadly, there can only be one winner and when it comes to which mutant group remains prevalent and the best, the X-Men does not falter. It was a rather landslide victory for them but that’s a given seeing how many decades they had as a headstart.

That isn’t to say the Umbrella Academy can’t catch up. Several more developments or iterations as well as more experience should place them on an even playing ground against Marvel’s resident mutants. For now, they need more training.