Umbrella Academy Season 2 Easter Egg Teases Cha-Cha Is Alive

Umbrella Academy Season 2 Easter Egg Teases Cha-Cha Is Alive

Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy may have teased that Cha-Cha (Mary J. Blige) is still alive after all. The first season of Netflix’s dysfunctional superhero family saw the Hargreeves siblings attempt to stop the apocalypse, but they failed to do so. In order to get another shot, Five transported the family back in time to the 1960s, where the siblings were scattered across a few years. Season 2 saw them forced to try and prevent nuclear war and go toe-to-toe with the Commission.

The story for Umbrella Academy‘s second season resulted in most of the characters from season 1 returning in some capacity, but that wasn’t possible for Cha-Cha. The time-traveling assassin from the Commission worked with Hazel to hunt Five during season 1. Not only was Cha-Cha unable to complete her mission, but her story also appeared to come to an end in the finale. The devastation of Earth from the apocalypse saw Cha-Cha engulfed in flames while in a phone booth. It was presumed that she died in this moment, but an Easter egg in season 2 Umbrella Academy could indicate otherwise.

During the eighth episode of season 2, a scene inside the Commission’s base of operation could point to Cha-Cha still being alive. She frequently wore a big pink dog mask during her missions in The Umbrella Academy season 1, and that exact same mask can be seen in season 2. The face of the agent carrying the mask isn’t seen, but it is clear that this is the same type of mask that Cha-Cha is known to wear. And, with the camera making the mask prominently visible, viewers are meant to notice it and remember Cha-Cha, possibly to set up her return in season 3.

Umbrella Academy Season 2 Easter Egg Teases Cha-Cha Is Alive

If this season 2 Easter egg is a sign that Cha-Cha survived Umbrella Academy‘s original apocalypse, the question quickly becomes how this is possible. The camera did cut away before she was completely overtaken by the explosion of fire, so there is some wiggle room to bring her back. After all, one of the Commission’s unique gadgets are the suitcases that allow them to travel through time. Perhaps a Commission agent – possibly even Hazel – rescued Cha-Cha right before fans thought she died.

The chances of Cha-Cha escaping her fiery demise of season 1 might appear to be slim, but it is at least a possibility worth considering after this Easter egg. She could’ve even been among the thousands of agents at the Cooper’s farm during the final showdown with the Hargreeves siblings. Even if she wasn’t, the tease of her possible survival could mean Cha-Cha will return in season 3 of The Umbrella Academy. After all, the timeline is clearly very different in the present day than when the Hargreeves’ left it, so Cha-Cha could once again be assigned to hunt down the Hargreeves’ for their role in messing up the timeline.