Umbrella Academy: 10 Wholesome & Badass Allison Hargreeves Memes

Umbrella Academy: 10 Wholesome & Badass Allison Hargreeves Memes

Allison Hargreeves, aka The Rumour, aka Number Three, scared audiences with her near-death experience in season 1. Like all of the Hargreeves siblings, she had a controlled and neglected childhood. She was used by her father to alter her sister’s memory, trained in combat and sent on dangerous missions, and went through life using her powers to get whatever she desired.

Seasons 1 and 2 of The Umbrella Academy both show how diverse Allison’s character truly is. She’s loving, resilient, restrained, intelligent, and badass. This, of course, provides excellent meme content.

The Struggles Of A Back To The Future Marriage

Umbrella Academy: 10 Wholesome & Badass Allison Hargreeves Memes

It seemed as though love was everywhere in season 2. But the Hargreeves siblings aren’t lucky in love. At least, not romantic love. And getting stuck in the past doesn’t make things any easier. Vanya lost Sissy, Diego lost Lila, Klaus tortured himself for a chance to save Dave, Luther discovered Allison was married, Ben had an impossible crush, and Allison had to leave her husband.

A Messy Past

Like all of The Hargreeves siblings, Allison was observed and tested in the name of discovery. Reginald wanted to see what could be done with each child’s abilities, how they could train their powers to become greater, how they could save the world. But Allison left The Academy and tried to live a normal life, only she had become dependent on her powers.

This manipulated herself and others’ emotional and mental health. She rumored people into giving her roles for her career, she rumored friends, she rumored her daughter into being tired, to stop crying, to like broccoli. And the big kicker, “I heard a rumor you love me.”

Sibling Bonding

Season 2 gave viewers a lot of wholesome sibling content. In the first season, they came together after choosing to go their separate ways. In the second season, they found each other after being separated. They went years without seeing each other. It made their reunions all the sweeter. When Allison arrived at Klaus’s mansion and jumped in the pool to hug him, it showed viewers a connection they were missing in the previous season. Once Vanya, honest truths, and a hair salon were involved, no one could stop the music and bear-hugging. Meanwhile, Five was being Five, no wonder he’s so stressed.

Bad Vibes

When Allison discovered Vanya was involved with Leonard, she had her suspicions. She was trying to be there for Vanya and was wary for her sister. Leonard became an obstacle between them, and as a result, Allison needed to sleuth around. She investigated his intentions and actions and had a look at his internet presence. She even broke into his house.

Another Brilliant Fight Scene

The Umbrella Academy is yet to disappoint with their musical taste, proving episode after episode just what the soundtrack is made of. From the very beginning of season 2, viewers’ expectations were satisfied. One of the many brilliant fight scenes of season 2 was when Allison and Ray defended themselves against The Swedes to the song ‘Everybody’ by The Backstreet Boys. The juxtaposition of the intensity of the scene and the choice of music made it one that stuck in the mind long after it was over.

Sticking To Her Choices

In the past, Allison using her powers only led to loss. She had created a world where nothing was real. Everything was altered to her specifications. She lived a tailor-made life and blurred ethical lines. Because of this, she didn’t use her powers for the majority of season 1. When she did however attempt to rumor Vanya, her throat was sliced by a Violin bow.

In the second season, danger forced Allison’s hand and she rumored more than once, sometimes losing control of herself. She rumored a racist until she inflicted pain and had to be stopped. She rumored to stop police brutality. She rumored to save herself and her husband from The Swedes. She rumored to defend herself against Lila. Each rumor had direct and indirect consequences after and during the act of rumoring.

So Many Brothers

Ray meets Allison’s brothers by chance. This is unexpected, both because of the reason for their appearance and because he wasn’t aware Allison had any brothers, adopted or otherwise. Although viewers loved seeing Klaus and Ray interact, Ray was confused, especially as he trusted and loved Allison. Allison didn’t tell Ray much about her past (or in this case, future), and the opportunity to tell him came when it was too late. The appearance of her family meant things would become dangerous and history altered.

This Golden Nugget

It’s the small things that make a series great: the details, easter eggs, and character nuances that make the viewing experience that much more enjoyable. It was clear to viewers that Allison and Klaus became closer during season 2. They had more scene time than they did last season. But it wasn’t just the conversations, supportive gestures, and the dancing that showed their deeper appreciation for each other. It was the small moments where not much attention was paid, where they weren’t the focus but the connection was there anyway.

Allison Appreciation

This Allison Hargreeves meme is exactly what it says it is — an excuse for some loving Allison appreciation. Just like the rest of her siblings, Allison experienced difficulties. She saw the impact they had on her life and decided it was in her power to change what she had become. She built herself a life in the ’60s without using her powers.

She lost her voice physically in the first season and found herself voiceless in the second season because of a prejudiced and racist society where her basic human rights were denied. She sought to repair her relationship with Vanya and continued to be reasonable and kind in the most harrowing situations.

But She Helped Anyway

It didn’t matter that Vanya was angry at her. It didn’t matter that her sister lost control and hurt her. It didn’t matter that she was more powerful than her. It didn’t matter that she could cause the apocalypse. Allison Hargreeves wasn’t going to treat her sister as a threat. She loved her and supported her. She was proud of her. When Allison learned of Luther and the others’ plan to stop her by any means necessary, she stood by her sister. She had a gun and an opportunity to do what needed to be done. But she saved her sister and gave her another chance.